Monday, July 6, 2015

PEACHES AND CREAM!!......a pie to make you forget about Dieting!

It's that time of year again when I like to post one of my
All Time Favorite Summer Pie Recipes...
It's Peach season down here in Georgia and although
Georgia is the "Peach State"
I prefer South Carolina peaches...they are fabulous...
This is all you need to make this great tasting pie....
Forget about Chocolate and Strawberries...
Chocolate with Peaches is an unexpected and delicious
Here's what you need....
One Oreo cookie crust
one package of instant vanilla pudding...
I discovered Hershey's puddings and they
are very good...
one 1/2 pint of heavy whipping cream
About 4 to 5 good size ripe peaches...
These sat on my counter since last Friday and by today
they were want the peach to be soft to the
touch...don't use a hard peach it will not be sweet... "freestone" peaches...easier to slice....
Whip the heavy cream in a medium size bowl...
refrigerate while you do the remainder steps...
Mix the pudding with just "ONE" cup of cold milk
until thickened...
Fold the Whipped cream into the pudding...
peel and cut up the peaches...
save the perfect slices for the top....
put some slices on the bottom of the pie crust...
the imperfect ones cut up in to small pieces and
blend into the pudding mixture..
Pour the pudding mix on top of the crust and peaches...
 arrange the rest of the slices on top...
This takes all of about 10 minutes to make...
And you will get rave reviews...

I happen to have extra peaches to spare so I decided
To be Sandra Lee for the day....
I had a box mix for blubbery muffins but since we
have a peaches theme going for tonights dinner
I set aside the little can of blueberries for a later time...
Maybe...blueberry pancakes for breakfast in the morning!
 Instead I added some diced peaches...
I prefer 6 jumbo muffins instead of 12 smaller ones...
 I always add coarse sanding sugar on top and
a little Honey to make them shine...

There you have it....
Peach Muffins without all the work...
 Just as good as anything from scratch!
We have a friend who's wife is out of town and he
is joining us for dinner tonight....
On the Menu...
Peach glazed BBQ Ribs...
Au Gratin 3 cheese potatoes....
Baked Beans
corn on the cob....
Garlic Texas Toast...
and the Peach Muffins...
I just hope the poor man doesn't hate peaches...

It's Peach Season....
So from the Great State of Georgia.....
(let's not mention South Carolina again)



Babs said...

OMGosh! I'm droooling. I love Georgia peaches, so you know I'll make this. Thanks for the recipe.

Mary Lee said...

Peaches are my very favorite fruit--reason enough to go to the farmer's market at least twice a week. I get so aggravated when I go to the grocery store and find only California peaches there when GA and SC grow the best!

I've never tried chocolate and peaches! I wish you could just give me a slice. :)

Cheri said...

You put me to shame with all your delicious looking meals. I need to get me some peaches.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Sue, that peach pie looks fabulous! I am hungry and ready for some good food! This makes me want to add peaches to my shopping list!

Come Away With Me said...

Sweet ripe peaches and whipped cream are one of the best combos in the world, in my book! And I'm sure the chocolate crust and vanilla pudding only add to the delicious decadence. Wish I were eating at your house today!

Jojo said...

At our house we don't just enjoy Georgia peaches, we eat peaches from Middle Georgia! It's where I'm from and it's where the packing sheds are located. This time of year when peaches are in season it brings back so many memories of summers from a simpler time. I'm the world's worst about doing anything with peaches because I love eating the fresh fruit but that cream pie sounds heavenly!

Moms Musings said...

That pie sounds delicious. I was undecided about heading to the store today, but now I must go so that I can make this pie this weekend.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness Suzanne - if someone doesn't like that - they are absolutely crazy! Every thing looked delicious - I never thought of peach and chocolate either - but the pie looked wonderful! Hope you are staying cool!

Kathleen Grace said...

What diet? Now can you pass me a piece of that gorgeous pie? :) I'll have a muffin too!

Jill said...

Oh my this looks amazing!!! Sure wish I was in Georgia now for super fresh peaches :-) Will have to give this recipe a try :-) Have a great weekend!
