Monday, May 26, 2014


If a few years ago someone would have told
Me that I would be living in a house
that had actual green grass and flowers and
trees that didn't look like flag poles I would
Not have believed it...
We are not "lawn people"
We could kill off Astro-Turf....
So when we moved to the other side of town
and bought a house that actually came with a
Sprinkler System....
we had to step up our game...
after having the yard professionally
Landscaped we promptly stood back and watched
as the ornamental crap began to die off....
little by little...
bad drainage they claimed....too much moisture...
Let's try....Maybe you planted stuff that was not
meant to be in the shade with Lot's of water...
And I began to learn....

Lot's of questions and Lot's of stupid answers
 I finally found someone who knew what would work
well in shade with moist soil....
So this year with some much needed
knowledge we added some new flowers and
shrubs and they didn't Scream when they heard they
were going to be planted at Our House...
Dwarf Hydrangeas.....mixed with
English Ivy....
so good!!
In the South we use Pine Straw
 as our ground cover....
We actually have to pay big bucks for this stuff
twice a just doesn't fall from the
Pine trees....
The Hydrangeas will grow to about
Half Size of the normal variety....
I can actually grow Giant
I have not had luck in the past planting
perennials so I kept them out of the
ground this year....
Planting them in my
Pottery Barn beverage server....
everything gets a good drink every day
and My herbs are doing

Lambs Ears....
a bit wonky from such a cold winter
But came back bigger then ever...
My Charlie Brown
a variation of a Blue Spruce....

The pink roses remind me of
Our Vacations on
Martha's Vineyard...

Day Lilies and more
If I could I would have
Rosemary Bushes Everywhere....
I use it in my Lemon Rosemary
The smell is intoxicating....
the Far side of the Yard...
The Opposite side...
My Ginkgo Tree.....
Growing higher then the house!!
The Boss' Blackberries.....
coming in nicely...

I love Sea Grass....
it makes me feel like I'm at the
We have it everywhere...

Dill....for making deviled eggs...
and chicken salad...
Italian Basil used of course for
Tomato and mozzarella...
we love how the deck is low to the ground....
Getting too old to climb high flights of
Steps to get up to the house...
We left "that" deck with the old house...
View behind the deck...
it resembles a putting green....
the smell reminds me of my
elementary school flower show days...
My mother's arrangements always won
Blue Ribbons...

I couldn't leave out the
Boy and the Dolphin...
purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Big Boss
in Florence Italy 1970....
Solid Bronze on a marble pedestal...

The Julia Child Rose....
the color of butter of course!!
The Siggy Iris...
named after my father who
loved his Iris....
Aptly named the
Ketchup and Mustard Rose...

The Dick Clark
I've managed to avoid getting
poison ivy so I will just retire
back on to the deck....
and do what I really do best....
magazine read....
And hope by the time I'm finished with these
two favorites that
everything is still alive and thriving....
Happy Gardening Everyone!!


Sarah said...

Beautiful garden. I'd say you are a very successful gardener. What is the weeping tree below the shot of blackberries? Interesting.
It's raining here today, so my garden is going to be very happy.

Terra said...

Look at your thumbs, I think they are green! I would like to sit on your deck with you and read and look at your garden beauties. What is the twisted weeping tree? I like it. I am considering buying a Julia Child roses and I see you have one.

Salmagundi said...

It's looking good!! See -- you really did have it in you. I'm not even going to try -- I leave that up to Bob. I didn't even go out on the porch to read those two magazines as I like the comfort of my recliner under a quilt! Take care, Sally

Come Away With Me said...

I like your garden! You have some exotic looking trees. Yes, we have a rosemary bush also and I'm having a great time using it in my not-very-often cooking. Yummy.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Your garden is wonderful! You are doing a great job. Such beautiful flowers, herbs and lawn.

Chatty Crone said...

Your garden is fabulous - I mean it. Suzanne I can't think of a thing you can't do once you put your mind to it! You do everything well. Very arts and craftsy. And I have to say you have some very interesting plants and flowers in there. I love it.

Cheri said...

Well everything looks very nice and Bless you for having roses...that is one flower I can't work with. I need to go out and buy more...mine aren't blooming as well as years past. I leave most of the gardening up to hubby as he is way better than me. I do the pots and that is my contribution. LOL

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Sue the garden looks wonderful. I love your variety and of course Roses are always beautiful to have in the yard. Love your herbs and the planted beverage container is so pretty on the deck. Well done to you and the Boss!


Sue said...

That yard is looking really good, my friend! I'm not much for working in the yard- just do enough to get me by and have a bit of color. Hurts my knees to get down on the ground to dig and weed!LOL The winter took its toll on a lot of our perennials - no fun to have to replace dead as a door nail shrubs and pull weeds I think I need to hire a gardener so I can sip my lemonade and peruse my own mags. :-) tee hee

Jojo said...

Wow! Looks like you are doing some bloomin' great gardening!! Go Sue! And gardening is great exercise too.

Babs said...

Gosh, I'd say you're doing something right. After we had our front yard done by a landscaper, we had to move several things that just didn't seem to like it where they were, too.
What ever you're doing in your garden, keep it up. Your garden is gorgeous.

Peg said...

Your yard looks absolutely lovely but way too much work for me. Tell the boss that my son-in-law grew blackberries in the yard but the accompanying chiggers found his wife and child so BEWARE, Sue!

-Joan- said...

Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful.

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Ooh I so enjoyed my tour of your beautiful yard and deck. You must be learning some wonderful tricks of how to keep things thriving as everything looks healthy and gorgeous.

Kathleen Grace said...

Oh Sue, Your deck and garden are amazing! The hydrangea and ivy should do very well where they are and they are going to be so beautiful. I love every single thing you have planted, including the herbs! Enjoy the view!

Diane said...

So impressive and in the south, too!! I love everything - wish I could garden more. I have doctor's orders to stay out of the sun (my story and I am sticking to it!). Great job.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Your garden looks gorgeous!

Donna said...

Hello from Texas...I'm new here but I think I'll be a frequent visitor! Love the blog and your plants are all gorgeous!

mail4rosey said...

It looks like everything is growing wonderfully well. You def. stepped up your game, and congrats for it, your yard is lovely!