Saturday, February 20, 2010

LIVING ROOMS TO LOUNGE IN..........With the Backseat Decorator.

I'm back with more rooms to drool over and more of my
comments on decorating from the backseat.....
This time I have dug up some pretty spectacular Living Rooms
Some are pure luxury like the one above....
In subdued colors and dressed up furniture.....
And others like the room below....
Whimsical and carefree...
I love any kind of wall unit that can house "stuff"

This is my idea of special....
It just spells.....Cozy...
perfect colors and I love any room that has a quilt in it....
I use quilts all over my house as draperies.....and shower curtains....
hanging over railings and folded up in baskets...
Did you know that a twin size quilt or a twin size anything is the perfect size
to make a shower curtain....No hemming needed....Just grommets on top and
Your good to go....
Now I love blue but this is a bit overkill.....
But again I like the quilt over the back of the sofa...
And those great yellow painted chairs in the foreground....
Very Beachy!!
A little touch of red would go nice....
I always have to include one "Shabby Chic" room...
There are fans of this type of decorating....
Not my style.....and why is there a big bowl on the ground?
But I so like the sofa with all it's pretty pillows...
This is different....
They used old doors from a salvage yard as the entrance to the room....
When we lived in Jersey we would go up to Stamford Connecticut
to United HouseWreckers....
A very cool place....
Except for the time the Boss insisted on bringing home an old barbers chair.
Isn't this tufted ottoman adorable....

I love the mirror on the one wall that makes the room look twice as
big as it really is....
Also like the black accents...
Nice room....
But don't you think it could use something over the mantel?

I call this one the "Diane Keaton" room.....
I guess from that gorgeous house she lived in
in the movie
"Somethings Gotta Give"......
Everybody fell in love with that house!
This is quaint...
I don't know about using that bucket as a coffee table though....
It's a bit on the short side....
I love this one....
It reminds me of Manhattan
and all the wonderful old pre-war apartments they have there....
Another Diane Keaton room....
Maybe not at the beach....
Perhaps her apartment in the city....
Now this one belongs at the beach....
But those fancy brown chairs have to go....
Can't imagine sitting on those with sandy bathing suits....
Very Eclectic.....
Plates are all the rage in Blogland....
And you can see why....
They add a bit of your personality to a wall...
I once had all 50 state souvenir plates on my family room wall.....
Maybe overkill but they sure were colorful....
This one's for Peg....
Now Peg I know you don't want to stencil a wall.....
So there will be another Colonial room for you to get ideas from.....
I don't know how I feel about those red chairs....
And I'm a red person.....
Maybe it's the green lamp that's throwing the room off....
This reminds me of our great room....
Big stone wall and lots of book cases...
Only our bookcases are to the left of the stone wall and we have a
Navy Blue porcelain parlor stove instead of a fireplace....
How inviting is this room....
Love that Yellow Door.

Here's another one for you Peg....

Love the black mantel.....the propped up pictures...the matchstick roll-up
The naked Guy picture....Not so much.
Red White and Blue!

Another Cozy room....
The old weathered white deck chair along with the old oar
That's hanging from the ceiling between rooms
Gives this Living Room a nautical touch without over doing it....
It's Red!!
So it has to be nice.....

I love this room....
The rough hewn table.....the picnic basket....and tin container for greenery
The horse painting over the mantel...
it looks like the perfect room to me...
Lime green walls?
Who knew they would look this good....
I'm thinking because there isn't much of it....
And piles of books on a table are always welcoming....
And for the grand Finale'
Billy Joel's Living Room in the Hampton's.....
I hope you once again enjoyed my little tour of beautiful
Living Rooms.....
I have run out of rooms.....
As I have shown you Kitchens......Bedrooms and now Living Rooms....
I am not big into Bathrooms....
When I see a big fancy bathroom all I can think of is
"somebody has to clean all the hair up off of that floor"......
So I will leave you with that thought....
And have a wonderful rest of the weekend!


Linda @ A La Carte said...

Wonderful rooms. I love all the shabby chic!

Kathleen said...

Love that round ottoman.
The whites,,nah, they would have more fingerprints than the FBI files after my 4 gkids left!
Pretty rooms, and I agree on the blue..I am tired of blue..
Maybe that tablecloth would fit in one of those rooms, LOL!

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Those are some beautiful living rooms you shared with us.

WhisperWood Cottage said...

Tons of eye candy! Except for the that green lamp! I agree with you that it doesn't quite work.

Mimi Sue said...

Beautiful rooms each and every one. I loved Diane Keaton's house actually I loved that movie. Mimi

Anonymous said...

I don't look at the decorating magazines in the checkout line any more, now that you're putting forth all of these lovely rooms to dream by.

There's a downside though; it leaves me more time to turn my attention to the candy rack.

I'm with Kathleen on the whites--five grandsons and a dog who scratches herself by rubbing against the wall would nix that, but the wall colors in the other rooms are outstanding. Good job!

Lisa@Pickles and Cheese said...

Well I thoroughly enjoyed that! So much to see all in one place. Loved the shabby chic rooms the best.

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Lot's of fun rooms to look at here. Thanks Sue, the tour and your commentary was fun! Cindy

Peg said...

Oh Sue, that was so sweet of you to post the Colonial living rooms. I like them a lot but my favorite is the one you like too... the one with the horse picture over the mantel. I love the light in that room with so many windows. I think as I get older, light is so important so I can SEE! Our den is soooo dark with only two small windows onto a porch... not enough sunshine! We stay in the small sunroom all the time because of that.

Actually, I DID stencil two rooms years ago... my kitchen and a daughter's bedroom. I've since painted over all of it and don't think I even took a picture. Thanks for all the inspirational rooms; you're getting to have quite an interior design blog. Hey, I want to see your room with the bookshelves and blue stove!

Come Away With Me said...

I enjoyed room decorating with you. My favorites are the rooms with bookshelves and warm, cozy colors, usually. Love that wall of cubbyholes too.

Donna said...

Oh my gosh, so many wonderful rooms and so many ideas! I like the cozy rooms with the quilts, and thanks for the tip on the twin size quilt, I never knew that, great idea.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Great rooms but without a doubt, hands down, no questions asked, my favorite is the 4th pic from the bottom. The red toile, country French room. I have that picture torn out from a magazine as an inspiration!

Chatty Crone said...

Okay, I pick door number . . .

Just kidding - I love the black and white ones - and yes there should be something over the mantal in that one picture though.

So many beautiful pictures - all you need is the money!


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I'd love a room with a big firerplace, walls surrounded by bookshelves and a few big windows looking out at a fabulous views! It's nice to dream!

Kathleen Grace said...

I love looking at the rooms you choose. I think there is something to learn from every decorating style, even if you just learn what youu don't like! I have also realized over the years that some things that stylists do to make a beautiful photo would just be irritating or impractical to actually live with ( like the bucket for a coffee table!) I really enjoy these posts:>)

Anonymous said...

With all the Shabby Chic these days, how the heck is it that Rachel Ashwell's shabby chic stores all closed? It's hotter than ever! Actually last week I had OD'd on linen and white paint. This week I'm thinking maybe it's not so bad. Depends on which way the wind blows I guess. Good pics but the green ones spoke to me ... and told me to get busy painting my kitchen!


Deb said...

I am a closet designer and always enjoy looking at photos of other people's ideas. For me, I love the first photo because it is amazingly close to the setting of the townhouse we want to purchase up in Cumming.
Thanks for sharing.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Love them ALL! :-)

Susie Q said...

Egads!!! EYE CANDY!!!!!
I could live in any one of these!! I love I SO wish we had gone through Atlanta...just so I could have stopped to see you. But we went down 65 instead...I knew I wasn;t going to be your way...but Bill says he will get me there SOON. He promises. I want to come for a full day so we can do something that gets us into trouble. : )