Sunday, April 19, 2009

CHANGING DIAPERS AT 60...................

What does it take for a 60 year old man to change a diaper for the very first time in his life??
The same thing that gets him to put on a pink "Princess" crown....a very cute granddaughter!!
The Boss was not much hands on when the daughter was little....Didn't changed a diaper....Didn't feed her....never got up during the night....It wasn't until she was about 3 that he felt comfortable with just the two of them....... Something to do with thinking she would break.........They always went to the movies together and just hung out while I worked my little part time job.....
All that has changed when our Miss "B" came along.....
Here's grandpa down on the kitchen floor the other crown in place.....craft box emptied.....and enjoying every minute of it....

Me and daughter went out to the local spa for a pedicure and left the grandpa in charge....
A good time was had by all and a diaper even got changed....
I was somewhat shocked by that one.....

here they are up in B's room reading a story or two......
Can you tell he is her favorite "Boss" of all time...

How cute is this??
Miss "B" and the rest of the Fam took off the other day for Rome and we are missing them....
We are enjoying being back in first stop was to the local Stop and Shop for
Taylor Ham....cheese....some tomatoes....and hard seeded rolls....
It's a Jersey thing....
Yesterday was spent down Long Beach Island.....
tomorrow is visisiting with the "Big Boss"....
Oh, there will be stories to tell.....
In the meantime....I cannot sent computer... which I lugged all the way here won't connect to daughter's server.....The only other snafu we have run into is..........

I thought once and for all I killed the damn cat......
No...........cats apparantly just sleep this way.....
Thanks Miss Kitty for giving me a catsitter's headache.....


KBeau said...

About that email thing. I have found when traveling that Outlook Express (and probably Outlook), which I used for sending and receiving email will not connect to a "foreign" server. I can receive email but not send it. However, my ISP, ATT (formerly BellSouth) has a website where I send email. It's a pain, because I sometimes have to look up email addresses on Outlook Express, but it works.

Jojo said...

The sweetest post and oh how little girls adore their grandfathers.

Deb said...

What a great post for today! Men will do anything for their grandchildren...anything...even a diaper change. Aren't you glad he had it in him?? :)

dawn said...

oh no you didn't just say that he changed a diaper "for the very first time"! hahaha. well, i supposed if anybody could make him want to do it, it would be this gorgeous little girl! she's lucky to have grandparents like you two!

Mabry's gamma said...


What a cute post. Your granddaughter is just precious and I love all her curly hair (she probably won't some day). Your hubby and mine sound like they were cut from the same cloth, what is it about granddaughters? LOL

Glad to hear you are having a good time in Jersey, can't wait until you are back on the computer.


Anonymous said...

What cute, sweet photos! You can tell she adores him...and he adores her. You are blessed!

Ellen said...

You are so close - can we meet for lunch?

Daryl said...

Drat about connectivity

Wonderful wonderful pix of The Boss and Miss "B".. that smile says it all and trust me he didnt want to sit around a stinky diaper so he changed it.

I mailed you something last Monday.. did it arrive before you went housesitting AND now that you are in NJ when are you coming in to see me?

Lisa Pogue said...

Those photos with the two of them are incredibly sweet. OMG, I cannot believe it too THE Boss, this long to cave. Isn't that something!!! Great post.

Salmagundi said...

Old dogs can learn new tricks - even change a diaper when they are motivated by such cuteness!!! She is only getting cuter, isn't she? Have a great time in NJ. Sally

Ellen said...

The first week of June would be great!

Sounds like you have one crazy visit ahead of you - I hope you can get everything accomplished. But it's good you can come back again so soon.

Looking forward to meeting.

Necie said...

I was wondering why you were not sending e-mails. Anyway...the Boss looks good in a pink crown. And...all is well on the southern front.

La Table De Nana said...

She is a doll..and Grandad is adorable w/ the crown and pink chair..My husband is a super grandad too.
I love this time of our lives.
Thanks for sharing..they are always favorite posts for me.

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

That is so cute both the grandpa in the crown and that so cute little girl. Cindy

Ciao Chow Linda said...

I loved the photo of your husband and granddaughter and I can't wait to meet you in person!!! I just put you into my Google reader so now I'll catch every post.

Eli said...

The Boss with the pink crown and your beautiful Miss... wonderful pictures!!!! I know what happens when a man become a grandfather, I see my dad with Andrea, so I'm not astonished at all to see all this.
Hope that your family will enjoy the holiday in Italy and you yours in New Jersey. I'll write you when you are back in Georgia so will be able to read my mail.

Susie Q said...

I think this was just so darned cute..Grandpa is just besotted t'ain't he? And little missy there loves him so...a mutual admiration society!
Wow. Italy huh? Is my envy showin'?? *smile* I hope they have a blast.
You will have a wonderful time and relax and then get back here 'cause I will sure miss you!!


Susie Q said...

OH! I forgot about thye dead cat! *laugh*
Our first cat, Hannah, always slet like that. I wonder why these two do not!? Oh well...many do and I guess it is pretty comfy!


Linda Lou said...

What a precious picture of grandpa and his sweet grand daughter! I guess as time goes by they get more comfortable with that "diaper" thing! I don't think my Dad changed any diapers either..have fun in NJ!

alice said...

So very sweet!

alpinekleins said...

I AM enchanted and in AWE. This is just the funnest place to be. So glad I wandered on in here while wandering the streets of blogville:) I want to follow . . .
Be back soon!

Kristin K

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Aw Sue ...this is precious! There is nothing like a little grand baby to melt a grandparent's heart ...even enough to do a diaper!

Ms. B is really a charmer!

It must be fun to be back for a visit in "Joisey"! :-) Enjoy!

Come Away With Me said...

Oh gosh, I burst into laughter at that last photo and your comment. Your Miss Kitty is a jokester isn't she!! Yes, cats DO sleep like that sometimes. My own Miss Kitty has been seen in that position, particularly when there is sunshine and warmth pouring down on her.

I see a family resemblance (around the eyes especially) with Miss B and granddad! That's wonderful...they look so sweet together.

Mimi Sue said...

I think one of the best parts of being a grandma is watching grandpa with the grandkids. Who knew it would be so much fun? Have fun in New Jersey! Mimi
PS The pink crown really makes a statement. Bravo!

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

LOL My three persians used to all sleep like that...Max does it occasionally now! You are a riot!
I love the pics of Mr. Rue Moffetard with cute is that! Now you know he is totally a confident man if he can wear a pink crown...I'm impressed!

nikkicrumpet said...

It's amazing what they'll do for their grandkids! But that last picture of the two of them smiling is the most precious thing EVER!

Kathleen Grace said...

M B is too cute! I can see why she has her grandpa wrapped right around her little finger:>)