Friday, March 6, 2009

WEEKENDS IN PARIS.......The Real Rue Mouffetard.

Welcome!! to week 3 of Weekends in Paris......This week we are visiting the
Rue Mouffetard....
Alot of people have asked about the name of my blog and this is it!!
The famous La Mouffe is in the fifth arrondissement and can be reached by metro at the
Place Monge stop.....The name was established in the 18th. Century but as you walk from top to bottom down a narrow cobblestone paved street you will find plaques on some buildings dating back to the 1500's......One of the oldest streets in Paris it's a remnant of an old Roman road to Rome via Lyon......Now that's really old!! When daughter was off to class at the Sorbonne I would take the short walk from our tiny apartment on the Rue de la Clef past the metro stop over a few blocks and that would take me to the top of the Rue....This is what you first see as you start to venture down the bumpy street.
The bowling alley!!
Then you start to smell the scent of food.....Oh, what can be better.....the colors and the smells...Just fabulous..........The street market is opened daily...half are outside stands and half are actual stores......everything you can think of.....cheese, bread, pastries, wine shops, flowers, fresh pasta....

I would buy my fruits and vegetables from this gentlemen almost everyday....The first time I bought potatoes I gave him a handful of money....They were still using francs, not euros, and the French have slang words for their money so it was mighty confusing trying to understand how much you owed....So what to do.....just dump a handful of money in the guys hand.......
The first day he chased after me because I overpaid......and they say the French aren't nice...
What was easiest for me was to pay with the largest bill I had and get back lots of change....Kinda like paying here for a pack of gum with a 50 dollar bill...
After a few weeks I had way too much change.....But I was getting the hang of things.

famous for their chicken with roasted potatoes.....they would sit and spin all day long dripping juices from the chicken onto the potatoes below.....
Talk about comfort food.

You could also stop while you shop and pick up lunch or a snack...they love these cute little cafe signs...

Here's a site....Live Shrimp!!
I was dying for fresh shrimp and you don't get fresher then these guys...But I just couldn't get myself to handle squirmy live shrimp.....I see this picture now and think what a wuss I was....
Ina probably bites off the heads...eyes and all.....before she cooks them.....

Did I say fresh?
Okay here's my infamous chicken story.......
One day I bought a whole fresh chicken.....I only had a toaster oven to cook in but that didn't discourage me...Daughter came in from school and there she found me in our miniature kitchen fondling the chicken....I was mesmerized....
This chicken was so fresh it still felt warm.....I'm pleased to say that it was free of all feathers and it's something I just can't describe....You could actually feel it's freshness..It was light pink and there I was in Heaven just touching this poor bird that probably was alive an hour earlier....
It was the best chicken I have ever tasted.....and over our time there we ate many many more...
Daughter still thinks I'm crazy....

beautiful blooms everywhere you look.....

this little lady looks like she knows what she's doing....
more fresh something in shells..................Oysters ??

Here...........Flowers for You!!
I hope you enjoyed this weeks little tour.....if you ever get to Paris....and I know there are a few of you out there that are getting ready to go.....Stop by La Mouffe and take a stroll from top to bottom....don't miss a thing....for a "foodie" like me it's just as much fun as going up the
Eiffel Tower!!
See you next time.......


KBeau said...

What a wonderful time you must have had living there.

Linda Lou said...

Isn't great that you have all these wonderful photos, that you can share in your blog with all of us!! The market looks wonderful, I can smell the freshness of that chicken!! Keep these weekends comin!

a quiet life said...

oh that was delightful! it must have been so wonderful living there with your daughter. great pics and i love that last shot of you, you look so happy!

La Table De Nana said...

Knock me over with a feather!Jain sent me your blog a while ago and I drooled.. she sent me the update today and I drooled..
Sue..I never put 2 and 2 together..
It's you:)

I love your blog!

I have been busy..I never concentrated long enough to even click on DBs and see that all this was you.
Love it!
Thank you for sharing.
I really do want to go un jour~

Deb said...

You look quite at home in Paris. One day, we will's on my bucket list!

Salmagundi said...

Once again - that was so much fun!! So many memories you are bringing to the surface for me. I want to go back - NOW!!! Darn that stock market and this economy. Guess I'm among the fortunate that have been there in person. Have a great weekend. Sally

Cathy said...

What a wonderful post, Sue. I can't wait to explore this lovely street. Your photos are terrific. I can almost smell the chicken and potatoes cooking.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

This was so enjoyable! I feel like I was there shopping along side of you.

Those are oysters, not mussels, and I would have bought some of those for dinner :)

What a wonderful Mother/daughter time you must have had!

Lisa Pogue said...

Cannot even begin to imagine the experience you had in Paris. It's such a wonderful opportunity you latched on to. Did your hubby miss you while you were there, did he come visit? Am I too nosey?

I love those pictures. I doubt I'll ever make it to France so I appreciate all you have to share!! Thank you...

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

OH......sigh.....I would love to live in Paris....if only for a little while. We are planning a trip to France in 2010.....

Your pictures just make me want to be there even more.

Rue said...

Yay! FYI, the Bowling sign is still there (at least as of May of '08) and so are the chicken and potatoes! When we were just there, I swear the folks at the Relais Christine were ready to throw us out when we came back to the hotel carrying out bag of chicken and potatoes and all other goodies from La Grande Epicierie!!! You also need to show pictures of the people dancing at the Place Monge for Bastille Day!!

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Oh Sue...Would I give anything for one of those chickens with those potatoes...yuuummmm! Don't you just love the market? They really know their food, don't they?? Have a great weekend...hugs...Debbie

Cheryl said...

That looks like a wonderful place to be! I love your pictures. Can you believe it is all fresh. To have that here!

Helen said...

With this post you have managed to make me feel as though I were actually there with you and daughter ..... merci.

Shannon said...

I just love those outdoor markets! When we were in Germany we would just wander to find our next meal through inspiration! I agree that there is nothing like fresh chicken! I haven't been able to bring myself to raise meat birds yet though...
Thank you for sharing :)

Fifi Flowers said...

GREAT GREAT GREAT post! I felt like I was there... well almost.
I love olives... I would sooooo love to sample all of those... yum!
Sigh... I want to return to Paris even MORE after rading your post.
Thanks for sharing the REAL Rue!
ENJOY your weekend!

Anonymous said...

I loved your tour! You take wonderful photos!

On the streets in Hong Kong they have chickens hanging by their feet, plucked and ready to be taken thanks!

dawn said...

sigh....oh sue. what a wonderful lifestyle. i can imagine you strolling down those streets, buying your fresh fruits and breads and me with you...

Stephanie said...

Oh, those roasting chickens look so good! Thanks for sharing about your time there.

Come Away With Me said...

This was a treat. I have strolled up and down rue Mouffetard more than once with my DH on our 2001 trip to Paris. We had an apartment in rue Lacepede, which intersects at the top of rue Mouffetard. Our first night in Paris we ate dinner at one of the restaurants there and the owner got to talking with us....he treated us to a Calvados after our dinner to welcome us to Paris! You helped bring back fond memories.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your pics from Paris, how wonderful that you have been there. As for Mabry and the Varsity, I don't know if it was a good idea or not to take her, that little girl just LOVES food. She could post on Foodie Friday if just knew how to spell. LOL


Jojo said...

Sue, I have been traveling or I would have passed this cooking celebration along earlier. You may have seen it but just in case you can read about it here

Eli said...

What a great post you did. Your pictures are terrific. So many memories... now I know something about Rue Mouffetard. Many thanks.
Have a great weeks. Hugs

Daryl said...

ooh lala .. such beautiful produce and fish ... thanks for sharing ..

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Sue, c'est magnifique! Love your post....makes me nostalgic. There's nothing like the street market and all that good fresh food cooking or staring at you!! Thanks for this great little trip.

Anonymous said...

Those potatoes sound delicious! I've always wanted to go to Paris. I keep telling my daughter that's her graduation present but she'd rather go somewhere else!


nikkicrumpet said...

What a fascinating seems so odd to see all those vendors selling fresh produce and seafood....oh and pink chickens that are still warm...ewww I think I prefer mine frozen lol

B said...

Everything looks so lovely and it must have been such fun for you living right there among all that food goodness! It doesn't get any better than French food, especially when it's the real thing.
Have a great week. :) Brenda

Helen said...

Glad you like my new boots ... two words: Joanne's Fabrics. On sale $25!

~CC Catherine said...

Sue........what a lovely narration of your time in France! How I would love to go and stay for more than a week. I visited in 2000 and my heart has been left behind ever since! ;) ~CC Catherine

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

I am tres jealous. And I adore that bowling billboard!!