Tuesday, December 5, 2017

ROSE'S CHRISTMAS HOUSE.....magazine worthy.

Every year my friend Rose has a fabulous 
Christmas luncheon....
Every year I go and every year I say the same thing....
"Rose....your house should be on the cover of a magazine"
You see Rose is the Queen of Christmas....
She is also the most talented artistic person I have ever known...
There isn't anything Rose can't do....
I have posted her home in the past so it can be enjoyed by my
Blog Friends....so many of you have seen what she
does at the holidays....
She kicked it up a notch this year....
It's simply amazing....
So sit back and enjoy just looking at her
Magnificent home.....
Every wreath you see....pillows...monograms....much of the furniture has been re-done...and Most of all... the Santas are all handmade by Rose including all the clothing and the hand painted faces.
And in the course of fairness in the Blog World...
*****All of these photo's are Covered by a copyright, not public domain. so please don't steal them and take credit as them being your own...
This especially goes for decorating magazines....
One of these days a Magazine like Country Living
is going to recognize this house as being cover worthy....
Please Enjoy....

the ultimate
notice the Santa hats
on the back of
the chairs

she hand painted these...
Rose made this using
Vintage Glass balls..

the range hood...

Seaside Santa...
welcoming hallway
Rose gathers props all year in
her travels
with certain themes in mind

His eyes come to life

How beautiful is he 
Skates...ribbons and greenery
inside a glassless frame
a ribbon and wreath

an old dining room
painted white with a new
a dear head
made from twigs.
another beautiful
once a screened porch
now a beautiful room
dressed in blue
handmade pillows
rose and her husbands
chair covers handmade
simple cranberries in
My favorite...
I threatened to steal this.
a wire basket with
old glass
Christmas ornaments

an old store scale filled
with vintage Christmas
That is a 12 ft. Tree!


  1. LOVED IT! Thanks for sharing Rose's beautiful home and Christmas decor! LOVE the blue and white! :-)

  2. Everything is stunning and I think my favorite is the last picture of the mantel, it is so full and gorgeous; I always have trouble doing our mantel. Some day I will make it to Rose's and get to see all this beauty myself.

  3. I agree! Rose always gives me inspiration for decorating at Christmas. The best thing about Rose's house is that it's a home. It's pretty and festive but very comfortable. She is the hostess with the mostess!

  4. I've admired Rose's home and Santas for several years. Do you own one of her wonderful Santas? Thanks for sharing your yearly Christmas visit to her home. I'm sure you two are the 'hostesses with the mostest' in Atlanta!!!

  5. Just beautiful. And you are so right, her home belongs in a magazine. And the photography is pretty sweet too!

  6. Beautiful! I hope next year I can make it to Rose's party and see all this gorgeousness for myself! Great photos Sue!

  7. Rose has the and I mean this from the bottom of my heart - the prettiest decorated home I have ever seen. I can't understand why magazines haven't found her out yet. And she does this by herself. It is better than gorgeous and she is a sweet gal.
    Ended up not watching the daughter's room - I am terribly ill with bronchitis - I thought I'd die (said me dramatically!). Well I guess I will live, but I sure wish I could have gone just for the good company and eye candy! Merry Christmas. I thought you were in Florida. Love you, sandie

  8. Wow Sue, please tell Rose hello for me and that her Home is fabulously decorated! This is just amazing!❤️ She is definitely Magazine cover worthy! Romantic Homes is a great magazine that has covered a few of my blogger friends over the years and this Holiday Decor with her lovely home would fit the bill! Loved this!!!❤️

  9. Tell Rose how much I love the blue room. That is my favorite color. Her house and decorations are just spectacular.

  10. Hello Sue! It's so lovely to see you here. And wow, Rose's home and Christmas decor are stunning and so imaginative. The blue-and-white themed things especially call my name. What a beautiful place to live. You are correct, it really does look like it belongs in a magazine.

    I hope things are well in your life these days. Wishing you and yours a wonderful and very merry Christmas.
