Friday, February 23, 2018


So I was having lunch with my friend Helen today and she mentioned how much she enjoys reading this blog...
She said she finds the things that happen to me or the Fam
not always a good thing.... but it's How I tell the story...
I appreciated that very much...but explained that I never
What happens here... has happened here....
So this is the latest in my un-usual circumstances...and this one is a Real Doozy.....
See that lovely card above...
That was given to me on October 8th, 2017
By H. Daughter and Family for my birthday....
Which most of you know is Daughter's birthday as well...
She is the most generous person I know behind her father and in front of my dear friend Joyce AKA: Betty Crocker...
She gave me gifts as well because she always thinks on any occasion...
You have to have something to unwrap....
 Remember....she had just given birth to Mr. Jack on
September 25th...
But she still managed to get out there and make sure I had
a Great Birthday....
I love that kid....
Inside the card was an extremely generous $500.00
American Express Gift Card....
How nice is that....
 I took it back to Georgia and put it "safely" inside my little blue
"Bliss" spa bag where I keep all my gift cards....Of which most are
from either Daughter or Joyce....
I planned on saving it to buy an airline ticket to go back up to
New York after the first of the year....
Or to go visit Joyce in Florida...

I decide I am going to go to New York in March.....
I get the card out of the above cardboard gift envelope...
And amongst all the crap I have on my kitchen table when I
am paying bills and doing taxes...I started looking at Delta
In the meantime....and there is always
"In the meantime"
  I became distracted in one way or another....
My new American Express card had come in the mail....
When I opened it I thought...
"Well gee I should just buy my ticket with the Delta Amex card and get my Sky Miles...the $500 gift card I will take to NYC
for Fun money.....
 I buy my ticket.....I charge it.... I move on to other things...
More then likely to cook the Boss his third or fourth
Meal of the Day.....

A few days later that Bell went off in my head...
Now that Bell is pretty darn loud because it seems not
too much else is taking up space up there....

I start looking for the Gift Card....
Nothing....nowhere.....what do I do....after panicking...
I e-mail Joyce...who is the voice of reason whenever I
Do something dumb and she told me not to worry.... it has to be
somewhere in the house....
 My first thought was...."Oh crap I threw it in the garbage...."
I look everywhere....every purse...every pocket...
Every drawer...You know how you look in stupid places when you lose something...Nothing....I look for two days....

Finally I decide I had better call their "Lost or Stolen"
number and report it Lost....
I mention (which with my big mouth I should not have)
that "It's probably somewhere in the house but I can not find it"...
Never utter those words to American Express...
Hearing that... they immediately don't want to do a thing.
So I quickly change it to I was sure it had been Lost...
They give me a big long list of things I have to provide to see if
they will re-instate a new card...
The main thing here is..."IF they will re-instate it"
I do not wait to get the official letter in the mail....I faxed to them
#1...picture government I.D.
#2....a utility Bill with my name and address
#3 the cardboard envelope the card came in...
#4....I sent the birthday card...
#5....Daughter wrote a letter to them confirming she indeed gave
me the card, when and where she bought it....
She also explained that in NYC When buying a gift card of that size.... You can only pay with cash...
She did not know what happened to the receipt, or even if they gave her one.....who's going to think about receipts and what you have done with one....

But Amex already knew how much the card was for...they knew it had not been used...and they knew where and when it was bought...
I expected the FBI to show up at the house any day to
Fingerprint me....
Or give me a Polygraph test....
I wait a day then I called them to confirm they got the fax....
Oh yes they had....and they already made their decision....
Reason receipt proving that Daughter actually bought it...Now I know a lot of people don't believe lawyers....
But come on....She is not a lawyer doing "personal injury"
with a Billboard on the side of the
FDR Drive....
At this point I am on the phone with a lovely women in India...
Now say what you will....they may not be very helpful people
But you have to admit they are the most Polite people on Earth... this case I got a helpful one also!!
I basically was hysterical...and not in a
HaHa funny way....she told me to hold on...
10 minutes or so go by and she gets back on to tell me
she spoke with the resolution team and she felt so bad for me
that she got them to change their decision...

God Bless this women...
One more hurdle to go....
They were mailing me a form that needed to be notarized....
I get the form the Saturday before President's Day..
First thing Monday I run up to Suntrust because they
Always have Notaries working...
Bank closed for the holiday....
I discover that our County offices are open...
I go in to the tax office and I'm told Yes this is something
they do but only for County Business....
So go away...I'm not interested in your problem...
Not one to accept the word "No" I go across the hall to the
Voter registration office who happily stamp and sign my form...  
Back home and faxed to Amex....they call me within ten minutes to let me know they received it....
I would be getting a new card in seven to ten days business days......Too late to take to New York..
I explained I was leaving for NYC and how could I get it sooner then 10 business days...
They are nice enough to 2-Day air it to me by U.P.S.
I figure they were sick of hearing me on the phone...
This would be a fast way of getting rid of me...
It came yesterday delivered bright and early by our
cute little UPS guy that Monty adores...
I had to laugh when I saw what was printed on the envelope....
A Cattle Prod might have been better served then just a written
Then today I realized I needed to contact Delta and have them put on record when I leave on Wednesday... I will need assistance to get out to the gate in Atlanta and assistance when
I get to New York....
I grab my SkyMiles card out of my wallet....
I usually can remember their 404# but my mind was a blank...
I Grab the phone and proceed to turn the card over to get their phone number....
And in true Sue fashion....what do I find....
Stuck on the back of the SkyMiles card like glue....
I mean it was stuck on there that I never would have found it...unless I needed to get that phone number....
Can you say
At least as daughter pointed out I didn't throw it in the garbage...
I mean what are those odds...

I would also like to repeat my gratitude to the women in
India that knew I was devastated to lose that card and
took the time on my behalf to get them to change their
Next time I will glue any gift cards....
To My Ass...
I think that's what they make "Gorilla Glue" for...


  1. I once lost my Sky Miles card. Reported it lost, had to wait days for it, then found it when I brought my car in for service. I always enjoy your adventures.

  2. Oh Sue!! I really enjoyed this one! At least you have it now and you better have fun spending it in New York!!

  3. Hysterical and only you Miss Sue. This is one for the books. At least your mind is at ease now...that is your silver lining. Have a wonderful trip with those "Grands" and with daughter and SIL. How long will you be gone?

  4. I have to tell you - if anyone had experiences they could write a book about it is you. That was so funny. I always hate to report things I have lost because I know that usually I will find them later on. How nice you got such a sweet person and that she had the power to change the mind of her high ups. And your not crazy either - Lots of good news. Have fun in New York looking for the next installment.

  5. Sue, I don't know if I'm tired from laughing so hard or from reading this post and going through every motion of your search and inquiries with you! LOL WHEW! What an adventure...but can I say one that is not unfamiliar with me. One of these days I will have to tell you how I "lost" a pair of my brand new eyeglasses...practically tore my house apart, and car too...give up after weeks of searching and about to get a new pair, only to find them in the corner bottom of my foyer closet when I "just happen" to go look in the closet for something I had stored there years ago. It still is a mystery how they got there, fell out a coat pocket maybe? WHATEVER! You and I should write episodes for the TV show "The Twilight Zone" if it ever comes back! Oh! does this mean that I have to stick my eyeglasses on my hiney to keep up with them too?!!!! LOL

  6. LOL- Sorry- You know I am laughing WITH you! Make sure you glue that card to your butt with the swipe bar on the OUTSIDE-that way you can just drop your drawers and slide your butt across terminals as needed. That out to give you a few laughs (or odd looks--or calls to 911). Have a great trip!!!! xo Diana
