Friday, July 14, 2017


A few years back during the holidays I attended a
Christmas party with the Boss' Car Guys and their wives...
There were about 20 people there and I only knew the Host and
I was sitting at the family room table when in walks this 
adorable little "Elf" of a person...
No bigger then 4 foot something and weighing no more then
Every one of us would like to weigh....
She came right over and took a a seat and said...
"Hello my dear and who are you?"....
That was all it took...
A Friendship bloomed the minute she sat...

This is Sandy or Sandra....some call her one thing others call her
the other...
I know Stan... her husband... calls her Sandra in a very stern
voice but being married almost 60 years
His voice just oozes...better yet....Grumbles... of Admiration and Love...
we have been friends now going on 3 years and I wonder
how wonderful it would have been knowing this
women for my other 63 years...

As most of you know from Facebook I had very large
foot re-construction surgery done that began with the first of two surgeries that started seven weeks ago...
She has been here for me every inch every stitch every Percocet and every tear of the way....And
believe me it has not been an easy 7 weeks...
From bringing over food to bringing over her whole
Family with calling almost every day
To make sure I'm Okay....

She knows when it's been a bad day.....
She will call and hear that there are tears rolling on the other
end of the phone just from shear frustration
and like the "Mother" or "Grandmother"

I never had....
she knows how to calm me....

We are so far apart in backgrounds it's not funny....
I am that loud... at times obnoxious... Jersey Girl.....
In my 60's with no real connection to what's left of my
She on the other hand is 70ish and is of Jewish Faith and speaks
softly....unless she's trying to get Stan's attention...
Then the voice raises ever so slightly....
Her son happened to work for the Boss 30 years ago
at Home Depot so it was a nice reunion the
day of that Christmas party when Mark showed up and they
recognized each other immediately...

It was one of those
"What are the odds" moments....

During Passover this year she invited us to their Family Ceremony
Sophie happened to be with us so she came along and it
was wonderful once again to sit at a Dining Room table
and be a was such fun....You could feel
the Love these people feel for each other...
And we were chosen to be part of it...

In my 66 years I have never met a person like
Sandra/Sandy....I call her both...
I have been blessed by this chain of events that brought us
And now to be so under the weather... for lack of a better
To have this adorable tiny person stepping up to
make sure I am being taken care of is something
I will never forget and will always cherish....
Sure we have friends for years and years but length of time
doesn't mean a thing....It's what is in that persons
Heart that seals the deal...

And of course don't get me wrong I love and cherish all my
friends....some I have known over 50 years...
But you know it when you meet that person that has that
something extra...
And then there is Monty....
Monty adores Sandy and just attacks her with kisses
when she comes over...

He's almost her size so he must think it's okay...
....One last thing to describe her....
On one of her visits to see me she showed up in my
kitchen holding something she said would make me smile....
So there she stood with Yoda in arms...
Almost as big as she is....
Did it make me sure did....
Who would think to take to someone a Giant Sized
Star Wars stuffed up Yoda....holding a Box resembling
The Famous Tiffany's Box....

She thought of it...and that is what sets her
Love you Sandy....


  1. This is so beautiful , and I am so grateful that God sent you someone just at the right time to be not only an encouragement, but a sweet friend to be by your side during this time. Now how special is that! Our prayers are answered sometimes in the most remarkable ways and this one's name is Sandra/Sandy. :-) So glad to "hear" that you are doing better!

  2. You mentioned she had a son, Mark, but said nothing if she had a maybe you are the daughter she never had. How blessed to have found this wonderful lady.

  3. How wonderful that you made this special connection with this sweet lady. I think God had a plan and brought you two together to serve a purpose in your lives. You need caretaking right now and she has a caretaker's heart. You probably give her sass when you are feeling well and she probably eats that up!
    Praying for a quick healing for you--so glad you have one of Earth's angels helping take care of you. xo Diana

  4. What a lovely tribute to a lovely friend. You are both so fortunate to have met.

  5. What a treasure she is! I'm so glad she is in your life and there for you during this difficult time. God does put special people in our lives when we need them. Sending you big hugs and much love!

  6. Wow I did not know about her - she is like the sister you never had. Sounds like she has really taken care of you - physically and mentally. I know it has been long and rough on you. You are a pretty tough bird yourself. Thank goodness for Sandy!
