Sunday, April 30, 2017

FROM OUTDATED.....TO OUTSTANDING. Sue discovers Furniture re-finishing!

For a very long time I have been wanting to paint a piece of furniture... And for just as long the Boss has found some excuse why this
Is not a good idea...
His logic is that if I start it.... at some point he would have to
Get involved.. the man thinks I am totally incompetent with

a Paint Brush...
The real problem starts with sentiment for all things from His Youth......How many of you have parents that have either passed away leaving a house full of "stuff" for you to deal with or worse...
Have parents that have moved to South Florida leaving behind
All things that they think you need to be the "keeper" of...

When the Big Boss died 5 years ago the Boss found it necessary to actually pay a moving company thousands of dollars to
have sentimental "stuff" shipped from Jersey to Georgia...
We have a pretty large basement so when all this "crap" arrived
it went straight downstairs never to be heard from again...
You know the items....The Grandfather clock from the 70's
that no longer works but you know your mother would want you to keep it....
The Budweiser Mug Collection certainly worth keeping if only to be able to make a small fortune selling them on E-Bay....
And let's not forget the 1950's chrome (rusted)
Tufted seat orange Bar Stools
That daughter asked the Big Boss for when she was furnishing her college apartment only to be told....
"I'm not dead yet!!"......
She no longer has any need or desire for Orange Rusted
Bar Stools....But we have them if she ever changes her mind....
And then there was this....
The Boss' solid maple B.R. Dresser...You know the piece of furniture where someone says....
"They just don't make furniture like that anymore"....
I still don't know why it made it to Georgia.... But when there became a need to have a dresser for Miss B's Bedroom
I suggested we use it...
Unfortunately The Boss assumed I was going to use it as is....
I had to explain to him that the dresser....although a fine piece of well made furniture...would not match Miss B's new beachy room that I did for her last year...

click on link to see that masterpiece...
No....I had in mind painting his beloved chest of drawers....
You would think I suggested throwing out on Tuesday nights trash
the Grandfather Clock...Painting this fine piece of solid maple
"They don't make furniture like that any more"
was totally out of the question....

He suggested I go to Ikea....My Happy Place....
and just buy a Chest....But in typical Ikea fashion they are always out of stock on the one piece of furniture your looking for....
Then he suggested another all time favorite the
"Woodstock Furniture Outlet"....
When I announced that I would certainly go look but I would not be paying for it He Happily Agreed to assist me in
painting the dresser....
For years I thought what a difficult task this would be.....
So jealous every time I would see another Blogger show off a newly painted piece....Always thinking....
"Oh I can do that".... hard could it be....according to the Boss this was going to be near impossible....But if I insisted.... 
I insisted....and as people who know me.... know I usually end up getting what I want....and he always helps...
So after being shown how to sand it lightly....then add
two coats of primer that went on simply with a roller...
I was on my way to giving myself a new title....

"Furniture Re-Finisher"
The only thing I got miffed about was after I rolled on two coats of primer I heard this from the Boss...
"You know they make that in a spray can"....

And then there was the color....
I Adore Color....
And wouldn't you know on the day I started the project
Country Living landed in my mailbox and what was on the cover....
A bed painted the exact color I wanted for the dresser.....
And the Headline
"The One Gallon Challenge"
So with Magazine in Hand....Over to Home Depot I went and asked them to color match me a gallon of High Gloss Enamel
They got it spot on....
So excited that they got the color perfect and with music loudly playing on my I-Pod....I rolled and brushed....
and sang and danced....
And in two short days....counting drying time....
I was finished.... I was so proud...
Then I had to ask for real help....
This is where that "they don't make it like they used to"
comes in....This dresser weighed a ton....and the Boss had to
get it to Miss B's room 18 steps up....
The man is a master furniture mover....
An Italian Teamster from Jersey....
There is nothing the man can't do with a moving blanket and a
Hand Truck....
My only instructions from him...
"Stay out of my Way".....
He made it up with very little cursing....
Expecting to have to go to someplace fancy and expensive for
knobs I was pleasantly surprised to find these porcelain ones
at Hobby Lobby for only $2.00 each...
A Perfect match to all the accessories
 in the room
Miss B was making an unexpected spring break trip down to us and we promised her a t.v. in her room next time she came
for a visit...
So in the end it was all about pleasing the child....
I knew anything I suggested we do for the B would be fine with the Boss...
She loved it....We filled it with new clothes and every morning
I would find her and Monty (The Dog) sitting in bed watching morning
cartoons....very quietly not to wake up
the grandparents....
She is very considerate like that....
And it's sure to be a guarantee that she will want to
spend a few weeks with us again this summer...
 Now I'm thinking about what I can do to a
1970's non-working
Grandfathers Clock???


  1. Sue I would never doubt you for a moment. When you say you can do something, you do it! Love that color and perfect for the beachy themed Miss B bedroom. Hugs!

  2. Very nice. Love the color. I've done some minor things - just wish I had more time.

    And, if you watch Flea Market Flip all the time, you would know that you have to make that Grandfather clock into some kind of bar - because that's what they do every week on the show - I only hope they hand out a list of AA meeting times and places every time they sell one because there has to be a ton of alcoholics in the making just from that show.

  3. The dresser turned out FANTASTIC! I have chest from the same company- and no, they don't make them quite like they used to.

  4. You did a fantastic job. I have always wanted to do something like that myself. Never brave enough. But you took the plunge! I love the color - she has to LOVE her room. Great job. So Boss can move anything - cool.

  5. Your did a great job, Sue .. LOVE the color! Knobs are adorbs !

  6. LOL-Sue. The 'joke' in our family was always not to stand too long in one place or mom would spray paint you. lol However, for wood projects I much prefer a paintbrush. Love what you did- it turned out really cute and I bet she just LOVES that room. Good job, woman! xo Diana

  7. Your hubby and mine are cut from the same cloth and like you, I want to paint some furniture. Jay has a horrified reaction when I say I want to paint furniture. And also like you, we got some pieces my MIL wanted out of her house that other relatives were suppose to pick up but didn't. Are we related?

    You did a beautiful job and I LOVE the color. Miss B is a lucky girl.

  8. Love it, you did a fantastic job, it's beautiful.
    Only one thing wrong.................
    YOU DON'T POST often enough, I miss them. :)
