Saturday, June 28, 2014


For the past almost 30 years.....
If I'm missing on a Saturday morning this is where I
Can be Found...
My favorite Farmers Market...
Burger's of Marietta Georgia...

Getting out the the car this morning this was the first
Thing I saw....
They were everywhere...
Flowers of all descriptions....
Located on the industrial end of one of our
Major Roads in the County....I am always surprised
when I hear that anyone who has lived in Marietta
for any length of time does not know about this place...
year round....I go for our weekly
Tomato Fix...
I haven't mastered actually buying a plant and
being successful growing my own....
So Burger's is my go to place
for the Best Tomatoes in Town...

All the veggies and fruits are located inside the year round it feels like
I love Vidalia Onions...
they are wonderful roasted with
Parmesan cheese..
the corn this year is fabulous...

And this is what I came for Today....
Why not try making my own pickles...
These looked interesting....
We love Heirloom Tomatoes
with Mozzarella and Basil......

I buy pounds of these each week....all year long...
great price...always good...
The Boss eats tomatoes with every meal...
Even Breakfast....
I swear that is what keeps him so healthy....
Perfect for Taylor Ham..Cheese and Tomato...
on a Hard roll....
(ask any person from Jersey about this)
they also sell jams and jellies...
Here is their "Toe Jam"....
First time I have ever seen a Purple Pepper....

Picking Okra is a Cook's Art form....
they have to be small....blemish free...
for the best Okra with Stewed Tomatoes..
Something called Yellow Root Tea....
Still not 100% Southern...
I have no idea what in the hell this is....
But it appears that it's World Famous....
I love this time of year and I have to say I know
Georgia is the "Peach State"
But I love these South Carolina Peaches...
White Peaches are great in Iced Tea...
I love these and use them to make a wonderful
Peach Cream Pie with
Chocolate cookie crust...
Peaches and Chocolate actually are a better
combination then strawberries and chocolate...
Fried Green Tomatoes....
This is what we use!!
It's gotta have Peanuts!
And last but not least....Making my Saturdays even
more of a pleasure....
Barbara...the cashier...the nicest lady in the
Fruit and Vegetable Business....
This was today's haul...
6 ears of corn...a whole Lotta Okra...
Tomatoes...a pepper....and those
Pickling Cucumbers....
All for $11.28....
Gotta Love Burger's.....
And what am I going to do with the
Pickling cukes....
Well....Dear Joyce sent me a subscription to
Fine Cooking magazine...and in it was....
A recipe for pickles called...
"Half Sours"...
I love going to Ted's for their Half Sours...
And hopefully I will be able to master the
Art of Pickling....
stay tuned....


  1. I have a wonderful, easy recipe for pickles. Let me know if you want it and I'll e-mail it to you.

    Hoping to have some Jersey corn for the 4th. We have a wonderful corn farm about two miles from our house. It's relish.

  2. The produce looks great...I can't believe you didn't buy one of those purple peppers! It'll be another 3-4 weeks before we see any local tomatoes...can hardly wait. I am too lazy to make pickles, it is easier to buy them.
    Have a wonderful week, Sue.

  3. What a fun place and such gorgeous veggies. I had to look up Wild Bills yellow root is a natural remedy for high blood pressure and to treat diabetes. I love local products! Can't wait to hear about the pickles. Didn't know the Boss was such a tomato fan!

  4. I love Burgers! This week @ Burgers, a little older lady started talking to me over the squash. She looked up and smiled and told me she was going to make fried squash with her yellow squash. Then she explained about a dozen ways you can cook squash. Mine were destined for the grill. I always wondered about Wild Bill's yellow root tea. Thanks Linda for looking it up.

  5. After you master pickles, you really need to try growing your own tomatoes - they are at their best five minutes off the vine! Take care, Sally

  6. I love going to our farmers market, of course up here in Michigan it's May to October and after that a whole lot of nothing. Your market looks gorgeous!

  7. Let me know if you can replicate Ted's pickles because I would love that recipe. I always love reading your blog, Sue, but tomatoes are one thing I do not eat. I know...what's wrong with me. Both my brother and myself do not like them like everyone else in my family including my hubby and children. Those SC peaches look yummy and even though GA is the "peach" state, I think they have more in SC.

  8. I love a good Farmer's Market! I haven't found a good one here as yet. I never saw a purple pepper before either--that was cool, and I loved those heirloom tomatoes!

  9. Lots and lots of yumminess there Chickie! Tomatoes at EVERY meal? WOW! That's just amazing.

    I posted a picture of where your adorable, little heart wound up in my room... Love it so much. Thank you again and again... So thoughtful.

