Sunday, July 20, 2014

FROM FERAL TO FAMILY MEMBER.......3 years in the making...

When we moved to the new house 3 years ago.....
All the neighbors thought we brought along the
Family Cat....
No one had ever seen her before we showed up.....
But we didn't own a cat...In fact I am NOT a
Cat Person....
Never have been...basically I have always hated cats since
the early 60's when a Siamese jumped on my back while sitting
in a doctors office...but that's another story...
 Then one day looking out the back door this is what I saw...
A cat curled up napping in a flower pot...
A few days later I noticed the same cat pulling a snake
out of one of our sea grass....
I decided on that day that I would start feeding this cat if it
meant she was going to be a snake killer...
Did I mention I also hate snakes....
She hung out high up on our fence....
watching us coming and going...
I had to admit she was cute...

So the feeding first once a day....
 then twice a day....
and she kept coming back....
spooked if we dared to go near fact we didn't know
if she was a he or he was a she...??
But she sure ate a lot....up to three times a day I would put
Out food....and it would be gone in no time...
Only problem day she would look chubby and large...
A few days later....she would look thin and small...
So I would put out more food.....
I was so confused.....

We realized there were two......
at this point we figured out that possibly they were litter mates....
she being the female smaller one and he being the
Shortly after... he disappeared....But she remained....
I happened to have the blog ladies over for lunch one day and
they were admiring our new addition when Miss Linda
Of "A La Carte"...who is some what of a Cat Expert...
knew that she was a Feral or wild cat....
She knew this by her clipped left ear tip....
Sure enough when I Googled Feral Cat....
That is how you identify them....
It took a good two years for Miss Kitty to trust
the Boss and climb on to his lap...
It took me a little longer....Would you trust that man??
Unsure of herself...she would quickly jump off and go hide in
the woods...
 As you can see in the picture....with cold weather approaching
We thought she would appreciate having a warm spot to
Call we got a house just for her...
And then one day...she decided to see what it was like
inside the door....
She also seemed to like having her picture taken....
It was then that I started to get Smitten with the Cat....

Here she was before we provided her with high class
I posted on Facebook that she got free food and free
Housing....she didn't work all day...
She must be a "Democat".....
Nasty comments ensued from some old High School Friends about how could I say
Such a politically incorrect thing....
My response...."lighten up's just a cat"
One day she decided she would have better luck getting
Our attention if she stood by the back door...
Where she would sit and watch us eat breakfast...
After a few failed attempts inside the house...
Don't ask....
She was finally feeling comfortable that we were not
going to eat her for dinner...
After all we do have a reputation for constantly eating...
And then she discovered....
We did have a bit of a scare a few months ago....
when she has a tussle with a snake...
As you can see it bit her right on the face....
we were not able to go near it...
But nature being what it is....healed it beautifully...
This is one of her favorite spots in the house....
Our rug in the master bath...
Better yet....she discovered out Bed!!
My side....
I did treat her for fleas (not that she had any) case
any of you are wondering if we have lost our minds...
sleeping on the hearth....
But her favorite spot is....
On the Boss' chest...
He's officially the "cat whisperer"
She follows him everywhere..
Even to the bathroom where she waits outside the door....
Here she is playing with his toes....
He won't even let me play with his toes.... :)

And the best of all....
We can actually leave her in the house when we are gone...
She's officially head of security....
When we leave she is lying on her back on the couch...
And when we return she is right where we left her...
She has never hissed once....she has a quiet little
She sleeps under our bed at night and when she wants to go
out she stands next to the bed and makes little noises...
Of course on my side....

She wouldn't dare disturb her best friend....
But I think I can say she's a keeper....
She's welcome to stay as long as she likes....


  1. Aaaaah...that is so sweet. I have a new one in the house, four outside the house, and found two a foster home. A lot more than I ever bargained for. Life is what it is. Hard to afford them, but we shall see how it goes. Looking for some kind of winter protection as I don't have a roof over the back deck. Their photos are on my last blog post. Yours sounds almost perfect and she's a little cutie.

  2. What a great story Sue! And those pictures with the Boss are precious and I love how you describe the cat follows him around. You warmed the cat's heart while the cat did the same.

  3. You're hooked. She's beautiful. I'm surprised it took her so long g to accept you since you didn't like cats. They usually attach themselves to the non cat lover in any group.

  4. What wonderful news, Sue! I always say that anyone who is not a cat lover has just never spent much time with a cat. Your patience has been rewarded! She's a pretty girl to boot!..hugs...Debbie

  5. What a wonderful sweet story... she has wormed her way into your hearts and that's what cats do.

  6. Please tell me you aren't turning into crazy cat people like my brother and his wife - they have 10 in the house and a few others that they feed outside. Yes, the ones in Georgia. The other ones in Texas are crazy dog people - they "only" have 4 now since they had to put one down earlier this year.

    I do remember my brother telling me that when the feral cats are caught and neutered or spayed their ear is clipped. He's paid to fix numerous ones - all the ones around and in his house.

    Good luck with Kitty. Does she have a name yet?

  7.'s're a pet owner again.
    Miss Kitty and I both love your MB rug.

  8. You know how much I love cats and this kitty has worked her magic on you and you on her! What a happy ending to the story. I love the photos of her and the boss!

  9. Awww! She's beautiful! And it sounds like she's Daddy's little girl!

  10. I'm going to come and sit outside your door... lol
    Although I'm not a cat lover she is a cutie and obviously smart to have picked you guys.

  11. She is a doll! And you're a great story teller! I've never been a cat person, even though I love and respect all animals. We do have one kitty, thanks to my son sweet talking me. lol
    Your democrat joke was fabulous!! I was laughing so hard and so was hubby when I read it to him. :P

  12. What a beautiful little feral kitty. Actually she isn't feral anymore is she?

    She is a smart girl. She picked you and she found herself a wonderful home.

    Great post. By the way, I don't think I saw her name?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I love this story! And maybe that's because I've got two of the same here in my house at this very moment! Both came around our house in Long Beach, and when we moved south to San Diego I brought them with me. It was iffy - had to train them to get in cat carriers to eat their food and on the fateful morning, I locked them inside and drove them two hours south, meowing, yowling all the way. They've been house cats ever since and now six months later seem to have adapted very well to their new environment. Your cat and our two (plus Miss Kitty, who makes three) are very blessed to have us in their lives. I don't dare let them out - coyotes and raccoons around here.

  15. What a great story! See? You're getting soft in your old age. (lol) She is really a beautiful cat. The other one missed out by running away. I'm glad that y'all have adopted her and now enjoying each other. I'm not much of a cat person either even though I grew up with them. I prefer dogs. But I hate to hear of any animal not having a home. Glad that y'all took her in!

  16. She's a doll, and sounds perfect for you. She turned into a great pet, esp. for your hubby! We have 2 black cats and the female follows my hubby everywhere and waits outside the bathroom door for him just like yours does. Wondering, did you name her? Great story!
