Monday, June 23, 2014


Being a "Jersey" girl I feel that I am Fully Qualified
to Review this weekends movie for all
People over the age of 60!
"Jersey Boys"
of course the story of the 60's group
The Four Seasons....
Hearing for years how fabulous the Broadway Play is
we were fortunate two weeks ago to see
Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons in person at
The Cobb Energy Center here in Marietta....
For those who didn't see my comments on Facebook..
The show was Fantastic....No it was better then that.
Frankie....who is now (according to everything online)
Is 80 years old....the Boss swears that has to be a mistake...
 Sang his heart out for 2 full hours...
Sounding the same as he did back in the 60's....
The entire audience....even high up in the balcony were on their
Feet singing and dancing along....
So going to see the movie...was a hard act to follow....
First and and the Boss disagreed about
the directing....He thought Clint Eastwood did a great Job...
I....on the other hand....thought Marty Scorsese would have
done a little bit better....
He is...after all...the King of using the characters to talk
right to the camera...something that was done throughout this movie...
He also is the master of using song in movies....I thought
Clint just fell a bit short...
a little corny at times you will recognize Italian actors
from the Sopranos....of course....and most recently
Boardwalk Empire....
One of the Four Seasons is played by the actor who played
Lucky Luciano in Boardwalk....
The movie is long and goes from his days as a teen when he first started singing with the other guys who went through more
group names then you can imagine before
finding a hit with the name
The Four Seasons...
Lot's of money troubles caused my "Tommy" or Lucky as
I looked at him as....
It follows their lives right through till 1990 when they get
back together after 20 some years to get inducted into the
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame....
The actor who played Frankie was good but I didn't think
he was great...I think that "voice" could only belong to
Christopher Walkin fans will be disappointed that he was not
in the movie more then a few short scenes....
My favorite part was the end credits....Not because the movie was over.....but if you go....stay until the credits roll...
The entire cast sings and dances down a street singing their hit song...
"Oh What a Night".....
One big thing I thought was not accurate and my Rahway Buds
will have to let me know if they feel the same way about this...
In the beginning of the movie two of the Four get sent away
to Rahway State Prison....
They all pronounced it "Rah- Way" the cheer...
Rah Rah....
We have always.... since childhood....and come on that's where we  are from....pronounce it...

That was my only complaint.....You gotta have that right
Raw-way's a Jersey thing....
I give the movie a B....the Boss would probably say an
A+.....all it was missing was someone singing
"The Lion Sleeps Tonight"....
and every man who grew up during the 60's
would make this their favorite movie ever....

here is a professional review of the movie....
one last thought...they could have used a better
dialogue coach...


  1. Even this southern girl(married to a New Jersey boy that grew up near Rahway) knows it's Raw-way.

  2. I gave it a B+ so we are almost one the same page about it. Fun. not perfect. It did have me singing! It does run a tad long agree. The end credits are wonderful and showcased why I enjoyed the musical stage version!

  3. Well now, after reading both my blogging Sue's reviews, I'm not sure I want to make the effort to go. It's a 45 mile drive to see a movie, and it's hot out there!!! Daughter wants to go, so we'll see. I somehow missed the 1960s -- too much going on -- grad school, Viet Nam, new baby, etc. I knew I would get an entertaining review from you. Sally

  4. Well I have to be honest and say I don't know much about it - but I like reading about it and what you and the boss thinks about it!

  5. I love the Four Seasons and want to see this movie. Good Review Sue. I will plan to see this soon!

  6. We saw them in person twice. Once in Baltimore's Inner Harbor and once in Naples Florida and the Philharmonic. I enjoyed both concerts.

    Haven't seen the movie...

  7. Another Jersey girl adding her 2 cents :)
    It's definitely Raw-Way.
    I saw the 'Jersey Boys' musical only a few months after it opened how ever many years ago and it was the FIRST and ONLY time I've bought a CD of a musical AT the theatre... I absolutely loved it.
    Saw the Four Seasons once in person about 20 years ago and yes, oh what a night it was. :)

  8. I'm 56 but I still enjoyed the review :>) I have never seen the Four Seasons in person but I am familiar with the music. An A+ to B is good enough for me to put this on my list of movies to see.

  9. I love everything "Four Seasons" ... I have seen the musical and now the film version of 'Jersey Boys.' What I appreciated in the movie is more of their back story. During the stage play I was much more focused on the music, the incredible energy, costumes, the performers. All from the second row/center of the theatre! So glad you had the opportunity to experience Frankie live ... oh, what a night!
