Friday, March 28, 2014

Sandra Lee Meets Duncan Hines.....faking Baking.

When I first met fellow Blogger
"Flour Power"
We hit it off immediately...both of us
Italians who love to eat and who love to
Only one problem....Joyce makes everything
from scratch....while I use the "doctor" theory of
Now as you all know I do bake my own bread and
bake many many things from scratch...
From my Jersey Crumb Buns to
my "signature dessert"
Pistachio Cream puffs....
Sometimes using the easy way out comes
out just fine...
All you have to do it put in a little
extra effort...
I use this same method for banana bread
and blueberry muffin mix....
We refer to each other as Betty Crocker...
And of course I'm Sandra Lee minus the blond hair
I was meeting Joyce for lunch this week and we always
bring something for each other...
I had a box of Duncan Hines
Deluxe Carrot Cake in my pantry so I decided
instead of baking it as a cake....I would make it into
a sweet bread loaf....
I think I even fooled Betty....
She took it on the plane with her to Vegas the
next day and sent me an e-mail asking for
the recipe....

This is what I did....
I followed the instructions on the box to the "T"
"Except" for a few minor additions...

The cake mix calls for you to soak the carrot/raisin
pouch in 1 1/4 cups of hot water...Not draining it
before putting it in to the mix...
I wanted to add pineapple to the loaf so using
a small can of pineapple Tid Bits...I used the
juice and added it to the water...
There was about 1/4 cup of I added 1 cup of water.
heated in the microwave I then soaked the carrot/raisins.
I then added Golden Raisins.....chopped walnuts....
and about 1/4 cup of the Tid Bits that I cut in half...
My mother always taught me to add just a hint
about 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
when using boxed mixes...
because you don't know how long
the box has been on the store shelf...
it gives that extra boost for it to rise nice and high...

Beaten by Hand until fully mixed I poured it into
a large Emile Henry bread pan.....That I sprayed with Pam.
Here is the Good Part that makes it stand out from
just being a regular old cake...
I added the pineapple Tid Bits down the center of the
I then drizzled a good amount of Honey over the
Pineapple....and finished it off with
Coarse Sanding Sugar...
I actually get the sugar right from the bakery at
Publix...I ask and they always gives me a
container for free!!

The box called for you to bake at 375 degrees
for 40-45 minutes for a Bundt Cake...
The Loaf pan was about the same size in height and depth.
But at 45 minutes it was still wet in the center...
So I lowered the temp to 350...when it started to brown
around the edges.... then I checked it about every five minutes..
It probably was in the oven a good hour...
Joyce said it was very moist
and I suggested she eat it with
Whipped Cream Cheese...

So that's my secret...
Wow them next time by going that little extra step
in taking a plain old box mix and
and letting people think
You baked all day!!

I am linking up this evening with our friend
at Comforts of Home
Tasty Tuesday #5....
go check out more wonderful recipes...


  1. You lost me at Pistachio cream puffs! I love cream puffs and love pistachio anything! This sounds like a really delicious carrot cake. Thanks for the hint about adding baking powder to dry mixes. xo

  2. I iam saving this recipe to try. GREAT job- I am a fix-it-up --add it to a box- kinda gal, too. Love it! xo Diana

  3. You are amazing and so is this! Yum!



  4. ps- Sue- Great picture of you over there in your profile!

  5. You NEED to put out a cookbook :)

  6. So when does your cookbook come out? I was drooling.

  7. I love carrot cake and use a box mix but I'll add that extra special touch next time I bake one! You are the best "sandra"!!


  8. What a great time saver, AND no knuckles, I mean carrots to grate!
    How do you do the pistachio cream puffs, make the pate choux and use instant pistachio pudding for the filling? Yummy!
    Have a great weekend, Sue.

  9. It is good to see your here!! Yes you and Joyce do make the best food ever and believe me I know first handedly. You know I am more like you - I am more like Sandra Lee myself - but you are a lot more talented then that! Love, sandie

  10. I love recipes that start with a mix. They can be so much fun to make with lots less mess.

  11. The experimental chef! Everything you make, is incredible. I'm still thinking about those amazing hazelnut linzer cookies you made from scratch a couple of years ago.

    This most recent creation sounds yummy and I love your mom's advice for the extra "bump". It is so true about sitting on the shelf and that is a really smart thing to do.

  12. Yummy!! This really sounds great Sue. Thanks for linking up with Tasty Tuesday!

  13. Oh my goodness this looks and sounds divine! Thanks for the baking powder tip, I had never heard that but I'll try it next time I make a mix.
