Saturday, March 8, 2014

From Hot Dogs to Hot with the Boss.

I need to Begin this Post by Stating that the only people who aren't going to
Think we have finally Lost our Minds is
John and Ellen Tiene....
Friends and Fellow Blogger from the
Great State of Jersey....
You see her John is as Nutty as my John.....
Where Car's are concerned that is.....
Ellen's John doesn't have a garage....He actually has a
Warehouse to "house" his car's....
So with that Said....

 Let me start Here.....Last Wednesday....
For those of you who missed the Hormone Drama
On Facebook...

I had to run up to Walgreen's  to
pick up my Prempro which I have taken for
Oh....about 12 years....Yes ladies...You can indeed
Have Hot Flashes for 12 looooooong years...
Pulling into the lot....with the Boss at the wheel I
notice and comment on this gorgeous red
sports car that I did not recognize...
Odd...since we are a family of car
enthusiasts and I can usually identify almost anything....

Disregard that you guys can read what this is....

Isn't it a Beauty....
it happens to be the newly designed 2014
Chevy Corvette....
Who knew the Americans could design such a great
looking sports car....

We have been a Family of Corvette Owners since the Boss owned
one back in the 60's......over the years we have owned
Six.....including the one we drove all the way to
Fort Lauderdale when we moved there in 1977 with
Daughter sitting on my lap....
Which could explain why she is only 5 feet tall......
No car seats needed back then....

Back to the hormones.....I went in to Walgreen's and got 
sticker shock when the Co-Pay on my insurance went from
$40.00 a month to $85.00 a month...
Thank you Obama-Care...
Being Frugal I refused the pills figuring after 12 years
of Hot flashes one of these days I am sure to just get used to them..
It was the principle of the thing....
My extra $45.00 was not about to pay for some
college kids birth control pills....

 We left Walgreen's and drove over for a Dog at the Varsity....
An Atlanta institution...
and the Boss' Idea of a Fancy dinner out....

After some Fine Dining he suggested we stop by our local
Chevy dealer just to take a little "Peek" at the new Vettes...
Okay...I'm a sucker for window shopping....
And Shiny Cars..... now you all know the Boss is a Sucker....
for purchasing Cars......

The Dealer had not a one 2014 to be had.....
They are in the process of remodeling their showroom floor
and had two 2013's left....

Having an un-diagnosed Sinus Infection.....Hot flashes....
And....a stomach full of Chili "Dawgs" as they call them
down here...
I was not totally excited to "Car Shop"....
after all this was just to be a quick stop in and Peek....
I've been married to this man for 43 years....
Who was I kidding....

Well....the moral of the story is the Boss has been wanting
a "427" Corvette since the 1960's.....
The Better question would be is there anything he hasn't wanted???

This car happened to be the 60th Anniversary
Heritage Collection
Only 2400 made.....only for one year..... be a collectible and worth money
when we hit about 80......
Or someday when we are long gone Daughter will be
parlaying the Car Collection into a fortune at the Barrett Jackson
Car Auctions....

My Only Question was.....
"Your going to put that where???"
How do you get 8 cars into a three car garage....
You don't.
Another Lift perhaps??
Nope....Sue might run into it trying to pull in her car....
Five in three is our limit....
shown here.....
You can only Stack Um so High....
But this is how you get
five cars in a three car garage....
In case you wondered....
It seems this is a Guy Thing....
I..... on the other hand... feel like I'm at a parking
Garage on the West Side of New York.....
Every time I leave the house I expect to have to Pay for the time
My Car was parked....
That would be my Nazi-Box parked all the way on the

Industrial Strength Auto Lifts....
They can Hold up to
Nine Thousand Pounds....
"This is the Buy of a Lifetime".....
"Don't worry we will figure out the Logistics at a later time...."
To Make matters worse our car salesman
Was like something out of a Tyler Perry Movie.....
All he did was laugh....He was very nice...
He thought we were some sort of Two Man comedy Team....
No....this is just how we react to each other....
Snarky Comments....Wise remarks....
This is what we do....

So making an Offer the Boss couldn't Refuse.....
are  now the Proud Owners of.......

He has a New Car....
I have indigestion (from the Hot Dogs) and the Hot flashes are getting worse.....
Still Refusing to fork over $85.00 I was also getting tired of
waking up at night with my head
Inside a Pizza Oven....

So after speaking with our Beloved Dr. H.....
He found two Generic hormones....
That taken together are the exact same dosage as the expensive
Cost.....$7.36 for a month....for both....

Watch out with saving like that I might just have to go look
next week at the New 2014 V.W.'s
Nah..........I think We Have finally
Reached our Limit....


  1. Girlllllllll.... Yup... that's all I can say. ;-)

    So happy you found medi that will work.. What a great savings... lots left over for more cars!


  2. Love the car! It is so hansom, and I love the way the man stores his toys and your reaction, LOL.

    Hor-moans can be something else. Glad your doc worked that out at a bargain.

    Great post, Sue!



  3. Is your car now parked in the driveway? Or have you ordered another lift? I share my car with a woodshop - have to run the window wipers when I back out to shake off the sawdust!!! Take care. Sally

  4. Gorgeous car, Sue. I think you have one too many and I will be more than happy to take the Bug off your hands. Now John needs to take me for a spin.

  5. LOL-Oh- I SO GET IT. We have a 5 car garage and it is full to the limit and MyHero thinks we should put a car lift in. Uh...No...we are supposed to be "getting rid of"...remember? It is just a crazy world, isn't it? AND one of ours that is "housed" is a 1996 rusty old truck thing that he uses for "hauling"....what? You need to GARAGE that?

    What a fun post- xo Diana

  6. Too funny :)
    You two are quite a team.
    Just out of YOU get to drive these cars? And do you want

  7. Who are you kidding, car people never have a limit!

  8. Thank you Ellen for your words of encouragement...

  9. Sue, I'm NOT showing this post to my husband. :) I haven't been to the varsity in years. :( I could really do with a slaw dog right now. Great looking car, BTW!

  10. Sue, first of all I'm glad you found something to take for the hot flashes or the Boss might be in REAL trouble. Now I'm in love with this car but where oh where will you put it?? He really does crack me up with his love of cars. Enjoy it!

    hugs, Linda

  11. I just hope your garage is not over a sink hole like the Corvette museum. You and the boss should take a trip there to see the 8 Corvettes as they pull them out with a crane. They are going to leave them on display for a while before sending them to Detroit for GM to fix. You could stop by and see me on the way.

  12. Congrats to your hubby on that gorgeous car! I'm not showing this to mine. :) Poor thing, I know about those hot flashes. I had to have a hysterectomy when I was 35 and it threw me smack into all of that. At 62 I'm just beginning to feel normal again. It's hard being a woman sometimes! Thanks for popping in to see my little cow creamers.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  13. The car is very pretty! If I can say that about the car and not get the Boss upset. It's gorgeous.

    Congrats on finding such a perfect solution to the hot flash situation. What did women do 200 years ago? Aren't you glad we live now!

  14. That is amazing - I know you have a lot of gorgeous cars going there. Hope your sinus infection is better! And that you got your pills and hot flashes taken care of! Love, sandie

  15. This post was fabulous and I am sure that most of your readers will be drooling over your car. However, I am drooling over the "dawgs" from the Varsity. I used to live in Atlanta, but now I am an hour and a half away and I have not been to the Varity in a while. Oh, how I love thier "Naked Dawgs" and would gladly risk some heartburn to have one! Hope you are feeling better!!

  16. Oh my! Beautiful car but I have a husband who wants to do away with our 2 beat up ones completely! If he could live where there was better mass transit he would! I do love my van though so he is not getting it! I have a buddy here who has a car loving husband and we decided our two guys need to be more like the other...a teensy bit. *laugh* I would love to go driving in a fancy sporty car. You DO take it out by yourself right??

  17. Wowzers! What a car and what a lot of cars and what a way to park/store those cars! What a cute story and you could make a darling movie out of this! Sorry about the Bama Care business, I just went with Blue Cross and Blue Shield! I know about those hot flashes too! :)
    Thanks for popping in and I hope you get to drive that car sometimes.
    Be a sweetie,

  18. You might have to add on to that garage! Or buy a hanger?? Your husband and mine have the same fine dining ideas. I've always been a cheap date. You two are too funny! Mimi

  19. Every time I visit, you crack me up with your wit & humor, Sue!!! Hilarious post & I say, spend it while you can enjoy it!!! Life is too short...have FUN!

    I popped by to tell you I made my St. Pat's corned beef in the crockpot, just like you taught me years ago & it came out perfectly tender & delicious, as always. I think of you every March 17th & thank you for getting me away from BOILING IT!!!

    Would you mind sharing the names of the generic hormones you're on? I'm paying >$100/month after having my health insurance canceled by our "Liar in Chief's" Obamacare plans! Grrrrrr!
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    with grateful hugs,

  20. Sue,
    I needed a pick me up today and knew I could find one on your blog!
    My father used to car and boat shop every spring! It must be a Jersey thing. :)
    Re Obama Care; my mother's co-pays have also tripled.
    Your Friend,
