Saturday, May 17, 2014


An All Expense Paid Trip to
Beautiful Downtown Kennesaw Georgia!!
( you do have to get yourself to and from
Newark Airport...Harr are you on board for drop off
And pick up??)
Your fun filled Birthday Celebration will begin

Thursday Evening...
 October 23rd....

(I know your birthday is today May 17th
But work with me Here)

 Pre-warn your Boss you will need that Friday off.....
As you board your Delta Non-Stop Flight to

Atlanta's Hartsfield International Airport
You will begin 

"Nunze and Stinky's Excellent Adventure"
"Where every Homeowner is required to Own a Gun"

We Offer luxurious accommodations.....
King size bed....with "en-suite"
I really hate that expression....

It's nothing more then a bathroom attached to the bedroom...
Waking up Friday morning to possibly
Breakfast in Bed...
I said "possibly"....
You will then be whisked off in my version of
A permitting the Top 

Will Drop....
"'s your birthday celebration you can be the
Skinny Blond....."

To Stone Mountain...
Home of .....

The Country Living Fair!!!
I hope you were serious all those times you said
You would Love to go to the
Where we will wander the grounds looking at
Over Priced arts and crafts...

 the prices
are really crazy nutz....
We will be heard saying.....

"Oh...we could make that"
"I wouldn't pay more then 5 bucks for that"
You will be treated to a wonderful
picnic lunch....then more shopping and

stealing....I mean Borrowing.... more ideas....

Once back in Kennesaw we will do some fine
Dining....Jersey Style...
Friday Night is Meatball Slider Night!!
Best Bet...the Boss will join us...
It's your birthday celebration...
We'll also throw in a Pizza...
Saturday morning.....
Sleep in before a full "Italian" Breakfast...
To the Non-Italian....all that means is
more food then you could possibly eat....

We both love our Saturday morning 
Just a sampling of perhaps French Toast made with
Homemade Challah bread...
Your Breakfast choices will be endless...
A nice Frittata perhaps or I'll do you one better

How about "peppers and eggs"?
If the Boss doesn't hear the garage door go up....
We might be able to steal the "Good Car"
for our trip to Downtown Atlanta
Actually Buckhead....
Nobody in their right mind goes to
Downtown Atlanta...

I hope you don't mind having your
Tootsie's played with....
Because we will spend an hour or two at
Bliss Spa having their famous
"Cold Foot" Pedicure done...
It's not cold at all and mint is involved...
It's Heavenly....
It gives you Happy Feet!!
From there we will do our
"Ladies Who Lunch" routine...
Bistro Niko has wonderful French Food
and outdoor seating for people watching on
Peachtree Street...
Their Quiche is almost as good as mine :)

Driving back Home to Cobb you know there has to be
More Food in our future
Since we have been together since those Stewart
Drive-In days Back in the 60's....and it was "I" who introduced you to the
I feel I have to introduce you to our Southern Version of
the Infamous Stewart's Kraut Dog....

The Varsity Chili Dog....
If the Varsity Food doesn't kill you the Weekend is not Over Yet!
Sunday Brunch would not be the same without...
You meeting my Southern Peeps....
The Great Ladies who have filled the Huge Gap
in my Life since being so Far Away from
But there is no one who could fill the Gap
in my Heart.... prepared to help cook!
When they come to my house they expect 
to be fed.....
You will have our choice of
Departure time later in the day
On Sunday....
Delta will whisk you back to the

Where you will probably be heard saying as you board your
Flight Home....
"Thank God she Moved out of Jersey"
You will be missed.....
To the one person who knows
everything about me.....
Not that I have any faults....
And Still loves me....


  1. Sue I am smiling through this post! I hope she does come and visit! What a fun time she will have. I'm also hoping to FINALLY visit the Country Living Fair this year myself! Big Hugs to your friend Nunze!!


  2. You are going to have such fun! Lucky Nunze - and lucky you to have a friend who inspires you to plan such a great weekend.

  3. Sounds like one fun Jersey girl weekend. I think we would be in ATL that weekend for the Moonshine Festival, but we'll be in TX for my nephew's wedding.

  4. Nunze is one lucky lady! You will have so much fun!! It all sounds perfect and no one spins a story like you Sue!

  5. What great friends you two must be. Sounds like a terrific fun time and wonderful way to celebrate a birthday. You had me smiling from start to finish.

  6. Makes me wish I was your Jersey Friend girlfriend - just glad I am a Georgia one! lol

  7. Ok...can I change my name to CHERYL DICARLO DIAMOND JOHNSON.....????

    I want to be her!!

    How wonderful.

  8. Happy Birthday, Nunze! You both have something fun to look forward to in October... and that's a good thing since birthdays are not so exciting as they were when we were Miss B's age.

    Speaking of birthdays, Nunze almost shared hers with my granddaughter #4 but she held out till 2 am on the 18th. Mom and baby are doing well; 4-yr-old sister is in a frenzy of uncertainty!

  9. Sue,
    That is amazing!! I bet you made her cry and laugh of course!! It sounds wonderful, i look forward to meeting Nunze and coming to the ladies lunch..
    Lucy (sid)

  10. Oh, what a cute cute post! Happy Birthday to Nunze and you are some friend! Cute snaps too.
    Thanks for popping in to see me with your good wishes! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)
