Friday, January 31, 2014

PORK ROAST.....This way or That way...

If you have never tried a
Hormel Pork Roast...
You don't know what your missing.
Found in the same area as traditional
pork loins....this chubby little piece of meat
is fabulous.
The best part....the price...
I usually can get one for under $5.00
Publix will on occasion carry them
I can always count on....Yes...I'm going to
admit this....Walmart....
Below are two of my favorite recipes
to make with this fork tender...
perfect for two people...
"I'm hoping it's really from a pig"
piece of meat...
After all Hormel are the people that also
make corned beef hash in a can...
And the Boss' favorite...
Dinty Moore Beef Stew...
Trust me these recipes will not

perfect size for two with some leftovers...
Makes about three portions..

start with one of these.....

Or one of these...
My cooking vessel of choice...

I like to call this
de-constructed Shish-Kabobs....
I love the flavors of a Shish-Kabob
but don't like grilling them and having the
peppers and onions not cooked.
This is a nice way to have the same
taste done in the oven or the crock pot....
You want to have some peppers....I use red...
Green....and yellow peppers...About 1/2 of
a sweet onion...
Of course Pineapple.....and any other
vegetable you might like...I added a zucchini
and Mushrooms...

cut into large chunks...saving the pineapple juice

Cut the Roast into medium size pieces.....

Discarding the schmutz ......
I'm picky..

Toss everything together and sprinkle with
a bit of garlic salt... a splash of Soy Sauce...
Not too don't want it to be overly
salty...You can use fresh diced garlic also...

You add some honey...
Fresh ground pepper...
and Olive Oil..
I buy My Olive Oil at
Whole Foods...
the best bargain in the Whole
$5.99 for this big bottle...
And it's good!!

After everything is mixed...
finish off with some more honey...
and add some of the
pineapple juice...
You can cook this all day in your
Crock Pot....Or
you can put it all in the Dutch Oven
At 400 degrees for about an hour and
a half....
I prefer the results from the crock pot...
the meat comes very tender...A bit more
firm when roasted in the oven...

Perfect served over yellow rice....

a little heavy handed...
with the parsley :)

And then with the same piece of
You can make this...

This is my all time favorite meal...
The Boss actually was the one who
came up with the sauerkraut recipe...

start with the pork roast....
a big jar of sauerkraut...
half an onion...half an apple...any kind.
and a small red skinned potato...
the mustard will be added at the end...

Grate the apple...onion...and potato...

Add to the sauerkraut and it all goes in to the
crock pot....Add water as needed about 3/4 cup....or if I have
it on hand....I will add a juice box of
Apple Juice...
If your not going to be home all day while it
cooks....add a little bit more liquid to the pot.

I have never made this in the oven
But I'm sure it would work out fine...
I would think unlike the shish-kabob...
this would Roast in the oven at a lower temp
for a longer time...

For this I do not trim the Roast...
the little bit of fat gives it great flavor
and will cook off over the time it's in the
crock pot....
I start this in the morning around 10:00 and
by dinner time it's perfect....

I always serve this with Potato Pancakes...
chunky apple sauce...and Creamed Corn...

Look at the color
of the
it tastes amazing...
Before serving you can
stir in some Dijon Mustard...

to the sauerkraut that is...
The only complaint I have with
this meal is that everything
is the same
Not making for an appealing
plate of food...
So I will never serve it
on a White Plate...
But the Great mix of Tastes...
Make up for the lack
of "Plate Appeal"

Bon Apetit!


  1. Both pork meals sound wonderful! I grew up having pork and sauerkraut. We always had ours with mashed potatoes.

  2. I'm always looking for crock pot meals. I've done variations of these before, but like the idea of adding honey to the first one, and adding all that goodness to the sauerkraut in the second. Going to have to try these - I know I can count on you for extra goodness!! Sally

  3. The pork with pineapple and peppers sounds wonderfully delicious...the other one, not so much! I just can't seem to like sauerkraut, I try it each year...I can do a reuben if there is very little kraut on it. Maybe it has to do with not having a drop of German blood in me!

  4. Both recipes sound great and since I usually cook for one, this would make a couple of meals for me. Love it!!

  5. I have made pork ribs and sauerkraut (for New Year's Day) but i would like to try this. Wal Mart has good prices on their food. xo

  6. Both look wonderful!! The one you made with the sauerkraut and potato pancakes is making my mouth water!! I guess that's the Slovak in me:)

  7. Other than bacon I don't buy much pork....and just look what I've been missing!!!!

  8. It sounds like a wonderful meal to have when you are staying inside and you are snowed in. It looked so good - but I guess that you would have to have all those ingredients!

    Love, sandie

  9. That looks very good- especially the first one to me-I am not fond of sauerkraut-I think it was from watching it be made when I was a kid and smelling it "brewing" xo Diana

  10. Oh my goodness!
    These both look delicious-
    I have seen these roasts at WalMart but I haven't tried them.
    Now I will-

  11. Wow! This is not a brand of meat we get up here, but I am sure that any pork roast of a similar size would work. Both recipes sound wonderful!

  12. So when you finally get a chance to come to my house, pork and sauerkraut would be a good choice? Pork is definitely a favorite in our house.

    Our Wal-Mart is in the process of being converted to a Wal-Mart SuperCenter. So we'll have food beyond basics soon. I must admit, the Wal-Marts is my preferred store over Tar-jay. Tar-jay never has what I want in stock. I can almost count on one hand when the Wal-Marts is out of something I need.

  13. Both recipes sound really good. I will have to try them out on Pa! I worried about you in the Atlanta snowstorm. I hope you and the boss stayed warm at home and were not stuck in the traffic jam!

  14. Yum, I need to try the first!

  15. We have tried the Hormel pork roast and we like it. :)
    Your way looks really yummy!

  16. My favorite part...

    Discarding the schmutz ......
    I'm picky..


    You are a hoot!

    And this does look good.

    I have been MIA because I have been under the weather. Back in fighting form now!


