Monday, February 3, 2014

Downton Abbey meets Downton Atlanta.....

Today was the long awaited
Downton Abbey
luncheon hosted by ex-Flour Power Blogger
And my good friend Joyce...
You know the history of me and Joyce..
the antics in Ikea...
embarrassing anyone who
happens to join us for a shopping outing
or a simple lunch...
We usually turn things into a circus...
Two 60 ish Yankees that love to
have a good time..
representing both Jersey and New York...
You know if there is going to be a
Theme Party...
We will be the ones to show up in
Here is a lovely Hostess with the Mostess...
or in this case the Hostess with the Dog...
Lady Joyce...
love the cane.....
Of course there is one other crazy in our
Lady Rose...
They dressed up for a formal event...
While I...being the more causal type...
"Translation"....I don't own any fancy clothes....
Came dressed for a ride in the country....
Any excuse to wear a hat!!
actually a Dummy Board of my old dog
When not out partying...
Sissy resides on our front porch to keep away
Daughter painted her...
We were greeted at the entrance with
various photos from the show...
There is every body's favorites...
Anna and Mr. Bates...
Each place card had a photo
of one of the shows characters....
Here is the unhappy
Lady Mary...
Will the tone of her voice ever go back
to normal or is she going to talk
like a man the entire rest of the season...

Joyce's famous Cheese Straws...
I was responsible for eating 3/4's of
this plate....
They are addictive...
All the food had a name..
Ina Garten's recipe for Stuffed Ham and
Cheese with puff pastry...
if you have never tried this it is simply
good hot or cold...
We had a great salad with pecans....
apples....with an apple vinaigrette...
Along with Mac and Cheese and
Hot Chicken Salad...
Enough said...
the dessert table!

Lady Sybil's Sweets...
Chocolate mini-bundt cakes to
Take home!!
Lady Cheri made these wonderful
Gingersnap cookies..

a hostess gift for our hostess...
The Downton Abbey
Edwardian Cooking
Lady Joyce with another
hostess Gift...
When we get together we love to
give and get gifts...

Lady Cheri........
Lady Rose.....
With a personality and a laugh as Big as...
........her jewelery.......
from left rear around the table....
Lady Denise....who I failed to take an
individual picture of....Sorry Necie!!
to Lady Rose...Lady Sandie....and
Lady Cheri...
We were missing today...
Lady Linda
and Lady Cheryl...
we missed you guys and hope you can
join us next time..
Lady Sandie...
Mincemeat pies...

The Perfect Finale..
Lady Edith's
Leftover Wedding
Love the X
over the grooms
Joyce even decorates in the Guest Bath
Asked why these two were
Hanging on the mirror
in the bathroom...
Her answer..
"They Stink"
makes sense.
Better then having them
on the
Behind the
Bathroom Door..
"Branson always
ready to drive"
Don't forget
the Mink!
Out of character...
She is her own
With the party coming
to an end...we
asked when the next one
would be....
Joyce informed us that we will be
Lady Edith's
Baby Shower...
when the time comes...


  1. Oh how I hated to miss this incredible affair!!! What fun and the food looked absolutely amazing. Live the DOG!! The bathroom photo cracks me up! Thank you for providing beautiful photos and narrative of such a fun and memorable occasion.

  2. Lady Edith's baby shower - ha, ha. Can't wait to see pictures from that event.

    Wishing I had a group of ladies like your blogs buds near me., Unfortunately, most of them work and can't do things like this. So jealous!!!!

  3. I can tell you all had so much fun. The food and decorations looked great too. I wish I'd gotten started on Downton Abbey but I missed the first 2 seasons, tried to watch the 3nd season but was lost. Guess I need to see if Netflix has the show and watch from the beginning, huh?

  4. You called me Lady Rose in the one group photo...LOL

    you always do such a great post of the event and narrate it so cleverly that I have given up doing posts on our luncheons.

    Ellen: you should do a weekend or evening really was fun and we even did some trivia.

  5. What a great idea for a party. It looks like you had so much fun. What a creative group of friends you have.

  6. Looks like a fun time. Will look forward to the baby shower. Ha!

  7. This is a cream, Nd I want to know what happened to my invitation?????

    I love Downton, and this looks like great fun.

    Next time, in tie the Countess of Magpie!



  8. Lady Linda regrets she was unable to attend this fabulous luncheon!

    I know you had fun and great food!

    hugs, Linda

  9. Great post, Sue!! Yes, we had a great time, the costumes, food and conversation were fantastic! And of course, you captured the true spirit of Lady Rose, as usual! LOL

  10. Well, and I mean this, I consider myself so lucky to belong to this wonderful group of women. They are fun loving women, okay they are fun loving, great chefs women, er ah one more try -
    fun loving, great chefs, and super friends!!!!!!

  11. Great post, Sue!! Yes, we had a great time, the costumes, food and conversation were fantastic! And of course, you captured the true spirit of Lady Rose, as usual! LOL

  12. You are all having way too much fun! I'd love to have been serving tea to the lot of you - you know, 'seen and not heard' and moving silently around with cakes and tea.
    I loved the names on all the dishes!

  13. Chatty sent me to enjoy your antics. I do believe I shall dress like Lady Rose for a 20's wedding, complete with all the bling.
    I also am your newest follower.
    I love the spirit of you all.
    Life's pretty grand.

  14. Oh my gosh I love it all, right down to the photos at the place settings and the name of the foods! So creative and fun!

  15. Oh my gosh I love it all, right down to the photos at the place settings and the name of the foods! So creative and fun!

  16. How fun and creative! Whoever thought all of this up is just too much! Love the food that was served. Sounded and looked yummy. I bet when you got home, you were wishing to have "your staff" prepare your bed for you. LOL.

  17. LOL! You ladies always dream up some great fun , and this looked like a wonderful Downton Abbey party! Joyce looks great --I miss her blog--say Hello for me!

  18. That looks like such a fun party!

  19. Sue,
    Oh how I wish I lived closer to you although the Boss and Thomas would probably end up bailing us out! (But think of the blog posts we'd have!) You girls always have such fun and fabulous parties. I especially like Lady Edith's wedding cake and the bathroom decor featuring the 'stinkers'!
    I received the lovely Valentine's package today! So very sweet of you. :)
    Your Friend,

  20. What fun! The food looks fabulous and I love the pink roses. Your daughter is quite the artist!

  21. Yes, you win BIG with the dog, and you also score big points with the hilarious names on the food dishes! LOL

    I loved your party.

    I didn't find out this one was costumes till two days before. Someone forgot to mention it. LOL

    but I cobbled together an outfit that worked somehow!

    I love your hat. It looks like a cloche, and the fur and tweed. Perfect,



  22. How did I miss this? I love it! The descriptions are great and the food looks wonderful! It must have been so much fun! I think you will have to skip to the baby's first birthday. That was a very fast pregnancy!
    Glad to see you lantas are still getting together!

  23. You all have just too much fun!! I love it!
