Sunday, January 26, 2014

HANGING STUFF........take a hammer and nail.

It's been 2 1/2 years since we moved into the
House...and our Master BR has been missing
 something....that extra "touch"
If any of you have a husband like the Boss you will know
that asking them to hang something for you
turns into a big production...
I'm talking....levels...banging on the wall to
find the studs...
hooks that have special dry wall screws...
too much for me to just stand by and watch...
Then the tape measure comes out because he feels
everything needs to be lined up...
do you know how hard that is to do....I mean really...
It can be done but who has the time...
And then you have the magazine suggestions that
 tell you to lay out your "stuff" on the floor before hanging...
Make a diagram on a big piece of paper to see what
is going to go where....
Forgot that...all I use is my eye....
a hammer and a plain old nail....
I happen to have unusually high ceilings
and large furniture and the space behind the bed
just didn't look right....Because of the shape of the
headboard I thought pictures was just not the way to go...
I started by putting some color on the bed
I love the color red...
and the room has bits and pieces of yellow..
Sort of French Nautical....
So to the blues....I added the above...
Don't ask....
I have a thing for Lobsters....
I guess that's fine but in the bedroom???
I have loved lobsters in decorating ever since taking
a trip to Maine with daughter back in 92'
Why not throw in a little French while we're at it
I picked up this dish towel for $5.00 at the
Country Living Fair a few years back
and in five minutes and a little stuffing
turned it in to a lovely pillow...
When we bought out bedroom set it only had one
night stand....I recently moved in this cute little
Red side table to hold my magazines and "Stuff"..
But as you can see above the Bed it still looks...
see my little steps..
yes...there is a story...
When we had new carpet put in the room
a few months ago...."Herb" the 6ft.5"
installer saw the bed and said....
"My mother in law when she visits
needs a step stool to get up on to the
bed because it's so high and she's
so old"
Herb near died the day he finished
the installation and I was helping him put
everything back in the room...He didn't know what to
say when I walked in with my
"old ladies steps"....
I politely said...
"Don't worry Herb not everyone is as
Big as you are"....
Finally I get to the part about
Hanging Stuff...
I decided on Plates...
Not just any plates...
But my Vintage Souvenir Plates
from the 1950's.....
I picked all blue....
From my Favorite places...
the only thing I asked the Boss was....
"Do you mind if I put 7 nails in the wall?"
He said as long as they don't fall on his head
during the night...Hammer Away...
Because he knows that after
43 years....I can hang anything
with just one simple nail....
And nothing every comes down....

I use no Rhyme or Reason...
I just eyeball it...
and hammer in the nail...
I don't even hold up the plate...
It just always seems to work out..
 I always leave room for add ons....
Miss Liberty had to be included....
And my favorite Place to Visit as a Child....
Every summer we would end our
Day at AC by getting
Cold Milk and Hot Cinnamon
Donuts at "Mammy's" on
the Boardwalk before heading
back to the beach house...
I can still taste those Hot Donuts.
Now that looks better!
I still might
a coffee table or maybe
a small trunk in front
of the Sofa...
What do you think?

it's always fun to move things
around too...
She was in my sewing room
and swam in to the Bedroom
to join us for a little while..
two Paris souvenirs...

and now in to
the Man-Cave.
When daughter gave the Dad
these two Album covers for
He got into his usual tizzy about
hanging them
Trying to hang them evenly side by side...
Well.....we still would be trying
to get them to line up...
So I suggested we hang them like this..
Nice don't you think?
Hanging pictures or anything
for that matter unevenly
makes for an interesting space...
As long as you don't leave
big spaces between what ever it is
your hanging...that never looks good...
My on going Gallery Wall....
Same concept...hang un-even...
I try to keep frames that sort of match
Most are from Ikea...
With a few different ones thrown in
for interest...
That picture in gold all the way on the
Left was a Boss addition....
I know it doesn't match...
But it's a autographed picture of
1940's Star....Claudette Colbert in
and since she's a favorite of mine...
I let it slide....
But I do wish someone
Would let me know
how in the world do
Hang things on steep
when you can no longer
Where in the
World do
You Put
The Ladder???

I am linking today at 
A Stroll Thru Life
and Marty's
201st. Inspire Me Tuesday...


  1. Sue, you have the best knack for hanging photos. I love how they look in your home. Love the plates over the bed too!
    hugs, Linda

  2. Sue, it is a man thing to measure, draw diagrams, etc...I never ask Howard to hang anything, it would take him all day and then it wouldn't be where I wanted it.
    The plates look great over your beautiful bed.
    Have a great week.

  3. Sue, I love the plates over the bed. They follow the lines of the headboard. What a clever idea to use plates in the bedroom.

  4. Scaffolding is the only way you can hang items or paint when dealing with stairs unless you have someone brave enough to to stand on a ladder that someone else is holding but that is so dangerous.

  5. I find life so ironic at times. We just were talking and I am taking all my things down as you are putting your things up!

    I think mean are logical and need rulers, etc. While woman can feel where somethings goes by feelings

    I do like your plates.

    You room does need a little settee and little table for you to sit and read on and have a cup of tea.

    Love yah, sandie

  6. I like what you did with the plates -- it does add interest! I think often you need something over a bed but not a whole lot! And what you did is perfect!

  7. I love it. The plates are gorgeous. Great job. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  8. Lol, we are just the same. My husband cannot even hang anything. He wants to hire Mitch, our handyman to do that so when he is not home, I just hang them. I like your bedroom. It's spacious and I like the plates...Christine

  9. that does look better. can you come and do my bedroom?
