Saturday, January 18, 2014

AROUND THE WORLD IN 24 HOURS.....Travel inspired my Decorating.

Asked recently what has inspired my
Decorating Style...I simply answered....
"take me on a Trip"....
and let me bring home a boat load of
I am the Queen of Souvenirs..,,,
We have been traveling the world for 43 years...
Which leads to my "brief" (yeah right) story
about the Title to this Post....
43 years ago me and the Boss were Airline
Employees working for Mohawk Airlines....
Don't ask....
a small prop plane carrier out of Upstate NY...
we got many a free pass on larger carriers due to the
fact that Mohawk didn't compete with anyone...
I was 20 years old...the Boss 21 when we took our first trip
to Italy....
Time for the trip to be over and to fly back home
TWA....overbooked the flight leaving us
stuck in Rome....
If you have ever tried to board a European Flight
it's like a free for all...
We got bumped.....But being airline "people"
The TWA employee made us an offer
no one would refuse....
We could catch a flight going in the opposite direction....
Making stops all around the world on our way
back to LA.....?
We were told we could get off the plane in every city
they made stops in
until we reached our destination...
A 24 Hour Trip Around the World....
Only problem the Italians couldn't comprehend
how far LA was from NYC....
they thought it was a bus ride...
That's as far as they were getting us...
The airline didn't mind you traveling....But
when it's time to return to better show up...
It was a time issue...
At 20 years old.....with $20 left between us....
we passed up the offer....

Fast Forward to today...
Our home filled with treasures of all our travels...
Globes and National Geographics everywhere....
Photos and posters of Favorite Places....
some people might say a mish mash of
I like to think of it as memories of a 

"Life Well Traveled..."
All around me......Everyday..... to Enjoy and Remember
 the Wonderful times .....
It might not be a cohesive style like a French Theme
which is so popular today....
But My style will never go out of style...

As Typical in a lot of my posts....

There will be a lot of pictures....
 You all know the drill....
before going any further....
get yourself a cup of tea....
and take that bathroom break...
And Enjoy.....
My Little Tour around the world
From Tarpley Place....
and a little bonus....
 our "Home Away From Home...."

Taken with a fish eye lens....
Our Great room...
We have been told how comfortable....
and warm and inviting this space is....
I think so!
It all began on that sofa table with

those Globes....

And they grew from here....
Setting the tone of Traveling
Around the World...
Of Course.....The Eiffel Tower...
Memories of sitting on the Grand Lawn...
Listening to the "Three Tenors"
Sing live with the Tower as the back drop.
It was the summer of 1998 during the World Cup
and I was sharing this magical moment with
Most incredible moment of my life...
Hearing Luciano Pavarotti sing...
Breath taking....
Framed Travel posters add that
perfect touch of color....
My collection of Peter Mayle books on
I have never been but these books remind me
that we need to put that on our list!
Beautiful pine cone bookends....recently
bought online at One Kings Lane....
My favorite place to spend money from
the comfort of my recliner...
My little French Chair with my
Union Jack
I love this's Me!
When we travel to Paris the husband
Always makes sure I have flowers everyday...
When I'm home he buys me fresh flowers every week...
That little touch of France to
Make me
That's one thing I love about matter what
Time of Year....they have fresh flowers at their
Outdoor Markets...
It was 1970 and we had just gotten married...
Our first trip abroad was to London where the
Boss gifted me with this beautiful
hand painted bone china souvenir plate
of that wonderful city....

it's now
Hung over an authentic English
Hunt Board...
It shows all the landmarks around the city.....
I was Hooked!
Sophie in Paris 2013....
Her start of a family Tradition
Simple as a little post card....
Framed in an Ikea frame...
a souvenir from the Top of the
Eiffel Tower...
And a little teapot given to me as
a gift from a dear friend...
It all began with this camera....
43 years old...
My first Honeywell Pentax....
has been all over the World.....

sitting atop vintage National Geographics
I don't care for boats....but loved
this great Tray....

The Best place to find great travel posters is
Museum Shops...
This one was purchased at the Trocadero in Paris
at their Maritime Museum...
Always a must stop when we are there...
Framed again in an Ikea frame...
My choice for all my frames....You can't
beat the price...
when Guests stay.....a little French
Breakfast in Bed...
"Come to the Sea".....
I bought this set on the Rue Monge near the
Sorbonne when daughter studied
International Law there back in 98'
the little egg cup was purchased at the
Bon Marche'
Wonderful memories of us two girls
living it up in the City of Lights..
I actually managed to squeeze this wonderful
French Market basket in to my luggage....
still don't know how I pulled that one off...
I also fit an entire set of French cookware from the
famous....E. Dehillerin cookware shop....
We still don't know how we passed so easily
through customs...

Oh....did I mention a few iron crepe pans also...
Thank goodness the luggage had wheels..
One of the Boss' favorite travel destinations is
Munich Germany....He has an extensive stein collection...
The DAD sign was made by daughter from
photographs she took traveling through France and
the Netherlands...
Each letter came from some sort of sign she saw...
taking one picture at a time of individual letters
she made name signs for us all...
Maps are cheap to buy and cheap to frame.....
this was just a few dollars...
Even in our guest bathroom.....
Photographs line the walls...
The bicycle is in black and white...
I colorized the basket with a colored pencil....
Daughter also happens to be a wonderful
this pen and ink drawing was done after she
visited the top of the Arch D Triomphe

Sophie's room is French inspired using
cartoon posters of Tin Tin....
bought at a Paris flea market for about $1.50 each...
they set the color tone for the room...
Of course Sophie wanted Superman but being a
mini-Francophile she agreed...
But in the end there is no place like home.....
from Paris to New Jersey....
I also love decorating with a
Slice of Americana.....
I love the Statue of Liberty.....
Let her Light the Way....
Our Vintage 1950's New Jersey Map....
or as we refer to it as the Motherland....
Hanging above an English bench dated 1870
to where are roots now grow.....

And when we aren't in Georgia we are usually
visiting the girls in NYC.....
Daughter and Miss B also love souvenirs....
Forget the actual museums....
You will usually find us all making a run
for the museum gift shops....
Thank goodness the Boss loves to shop too!!
While daughter is off to work and B is off to school....

Miss Kitty....who happens to be a French Cat.....
Enjoys spending her days high above the East River....
among daughter's souvenirs...
Yes....your seeing that right...a huge
Eiffel Tower perched on her dining table.....
Daughter went off to work one day and I
re-arranged her apartment....
Luckily she liked all the changes I made...
last time we visited everything was still in
book shelves filled with photo's and post cards....
mementos of family trips...
Old cameras.....and travel books...
A framed World War II Red Cross Poster of Paris....
that her grandfather brought back from the war...
And pictures she framed from the street stalls of
Paris that run along the Seine....
a little adorable Indian side table
bought on a recent holiday trip....

Daughter's own slice of Americana.....
using a vintage NYC  subway sign as a headboard...
she Actually found this at Scott's Antique Market
Here in Atlanta....
hoping to go on a Safari someday?
she dressed up this Springbok deer  

And Framed Her in
She gave me the idea of using Travel posters as
Aren't you all Happy we don't have another House in
The name of this post would be correct...It would take you
24 hours to see all the pictures....

I was not compensated in any way for writing this post....
I was asked by
"One Kings Lane" to write about my decorating

In fact I have no idea why they even asked....
I just thought it would be fun to do so I agreed...
I'm sure they never expected a blogger who
has so much to say....
What can I say....I've been doing this for
43 years!!

Please visit a lovely article HERE @ OKL  on
decorating internationally....
Then sign up to get their daily sales and get hooked on

that's just my own little suggestion...
every morning when I turn on my computer the first thing
I look for is their e-mail....
To see what I can't live without :)

Bon Voyage!!


  1. Holy moly! You've are one traveled girlie! Good for you and your fam... I loved seeing all of your treasures... and now that you've baked that yummy bread and you ALSO serve breakfast in bed to your guests, I've booked my flight. :-)

    My favorite thing? Seeing Miss B's pictures in France all framed up. SO CUTE and the perfect addition to your well traveled home.

    Huggies to you!


  2. What a life you have had! I enjoyed every picture and the story that went along with it. So neat. Love your souvenirs, too. You truly have had a life well traveled, Sue.



  3. You're a woman after my own heart. I use what I love, and because I love it, whatever it is will go with whatever else I have. You wouldn't believe what I've brought home in suitcases - but then, perhaps you would!

  4. Your best post about your house ever! I love when someone decorates with meaning. Sally

  5. What a fun post...I love all the eclectic items you have decorated your home with...and your daughter's! Love Ms. B's bed...

  6. You know how much I love your home and all your wonderful decor! I have learned much from you. I will be using some of the IKEA frames for my own Paris treasures in my apt. Love daughter's home also, she did learn much from mama!! hugs, Linda

  7. I have known you for a few years now - and I have never heard how you and the Boss met. I think that is a sweet love story and enjoyed it.

    I loved your pictures and I loved your stories and it is fun to find out more about you.

    You have been traveling for a long time.

    Did you know I worked at United Air Lines when we first God married. We traveled a couple of years too.

    I had a hard time seeing how you moved the room around - but her apt. is pretty and I am glad she liked what you did!

    You have had a good life Suzanne!

    Love, sandie

  8. What a treat to travel through your home and your daughters NY apartment. Our home tends to reflect our travels with bits and pieces that came back with us. Dehillerin is a favorite destination when in Paris. The "chef" always finds something to bring back home. Thanks for the tour. Love your style!

  9. "Loved" seeing all the items you used to decorate your home, Sue! Lots of pretties to show what you like to do and enjoy. Really enjoyed your stories and seeing it all .

  10. I loved seeing all your souvenirs, Sue, especially Ms. B's Paris photos!

  11. I love the way you have decorated and I had no idea how much you have traveled, I thought Paris was it. I am sure you probably have some stories to tell about Italy and Germany.

  12. I love it, I also love that you included my Motherland, New Jersey, into the mix.

  13. What a fun post! And yes, Sue, I had fun doing my post too though I did not have enough room to show my accessories, there is just too much. You probably know being a traveler yourself. Thanks for sharing your daughter's home too....Christine

  14. Wish I had read your post before my recent trip to Iceland. I love the idea of using postcards and maps as art. Can't wait for my next trip so I can use some of your ideas.
