Monday, January 13, 2014

A SHOUT OUT TO TED TURNER....and a Big Thank You!!

Here is the Boss thanking Mr. Turner for the
Cute Blond....No No No....that's not what this post is about...
That is our favorite waitress at Ted's Montana Grill.......
This is Erin and see that smile....I don't know how she
does it....But that smile never leaves her face.
She is one reason why we love eating at Ted's...
This post is about the other reason's
And what this whole big" Thank You Ted"
is all about....
I know what all you bloggers are thinking...
A Paid Review of
Ted's Montana Grill....
Nope....This is more "the Cart
coming before the Horse..."
This is a review but it comes along with a BIG
Georgia Thank
Kristi Nyhof...President and CEO and to

Ted Turner who founded....
what we consider to be the most Generous
Business we have Ever run in to...
Let me Explain....and please read on because
You too might benefit someday....

First the Review then the Reason for the
It took us years to discover Ted's...
A fixture down here in Atlanta...Ted's Montana
has 44 restaurants in 16 states and has been

around since 2002....
The thought of eating Bison....after considering
we have Fred here hanging on our
Great Room wall was not a big incentive to
even try Ted's.....
Boy were we wrong....After moving over to the other
side of town there just happened to be a location at
The Avenue at West Cobb....
This is our location of Choice and if we go anymore
then we already do we will have to have our mail
forwarded there....
We set aside the Bison "Fear" and we tried it one day.
Ted's.....not the Bison.
It's really way more then your average
Burger Joint...But....
By Far they make the finest burger I have ever had...
I bet you thought just like we did that it's
All Bison all the Time...It's not.
They give you a choice of Beef or Bison and I
have to say that the Beef is the freshest meat I
have ever tasted....and I have been eating
burgers a very long time.....
Yes...we have tried the Bison and it's very good...but we prefer the

first off the interior is very cozy and warm....
We always do call ahead seating and request a to do this on a Friday night as the
Place is Packed...

No problem with the economy in this neck
of the Woods...
every location has one!!
he's way bigger than our Fred....

Would love to find one this large someday...
I have the perfect spot for it!
the minute you are seated you get a bowl of
these fabulous pickles called
"half Sours"...
cold and crunchy....salty and garlicky
I am addicted!!
I don't know about the locations in the rest of
the Country but in true Southern Style...
They will wrap up the pickles for you to go....
throwing in some extras...and they also
always ask...
"Can we get you a drink to go"
I think this may be just a Georgia thing...
Who cares....We love it...
Last night the place was packed.....
each booth has a hook on the outside to hang your coats...
a nice feature during cold weather...
Beyond the tables is a beautiful
Western looking Bar....Tin ceilings complete
the Ambiance...
let's talk food....
Homemade chips and Dip...
Best Burger in Town....again...choice of
Beef or Bison...
the menu choices for the Burgers is
extensive....My favorite...
The "America's Cup"...
was recently taken off the menu but they will
Make it if you ask for it......
A cheddar burger with mushrooms..onions...
and bacon...choice of sides...
The onion rings are killer...
Last night I ordered the Shrimp
over grilled Cabiatta with drawn butter
which I sinfully poured over the
I think it was meant as a dipping sauce for
the shrimp....Oh well...the bread soaked in the
butter with the fresh tasting perfectly cooked
Shrimp was Heaven...
Each night of the week they serve a different soup.
Friday nights it's New England Clam Chowder...
I was so amazed the first time I tried it....I am used
to eating clams in soup that taste like rubber bands..
This soup is fabulous...
Sold out last night by 7:00p.m.
I would rather miss getting it and have them make
it super fresh....When things run out you know...
#1....that it's really good
#2....that they Aren't making more then they
can sell and giving you the leftovers the following Friday

I wish more places would do that....I hate to think
I am eating days old food...
Another favorite....roasted chicken with a Cranberry
Sauce....served with Mashed potatoes and
a fresh that it's served in a big
White Bowl...

Comfort Food at it's best...
Sunday is....of course...
Turkey Dinner Day....Family Day!
see those little rolls in the background...
my gosh are they delicious....
just ask and they will bring you out as many as you

Another dish that when it's sold's sold out...
Again....perfectly okay with that. At least I know
it's freshly made...
One thing I really like is their Children's Menu...
When Miss B is in Town the first thing she asks is
"Can we go to Ted's"
She likes to tell the Wait Staff that we too
Have a Buffalo Head at home....
They of course have Mac and Cheese on the menu
But unlike most other family restaurants who
serve the kids Kraft out of a box and charge the
poor parents $5.95 ....
Ted's kid Mac and Cheese is fresh made Pasta
with real cheese sauce...Sophie
Loves it!!
Salads are huge....

I got a baked potato with my shrimp and salad....
Here is the Bison Short Ribs.....
 We did have them once and they were very good....But I wish they had the choice of
Beef ribs also....  then again they go for
fresh cooked so having a choice... where something is
slowed cooked....unlike a burger....might not
be practical...
Who am I to say since they seem to be
doing everything fine without my
another great burger....
stolen photo off the Internet....But I had no choice...
This fabulous strawberry shortcake is served
only in the summer and really looks like this...
We get it every time we go when it's in season...
That's a big Southern Biscuit top and bottom...
thanks to whoever took this shot...
And Finally....and I couldn't leave out the
Best thing on the menu.....
Of all know I just downloaded my pictures
out of order and this one ended up at the end :)
Unable to fix it....these are their
 Salt and Pepper Onion Rings....
served with a horseradish sauce...I always get mine
with Ranch dressing...Enough for three people to eat.
It's the best deal on the menu...
You will not have a better onion ring anywhere....
Now comes the Why for the Thank you and the
We do eat at Ted's probably one night a week....We have done
this for the past 2 years or so since moving to West Cobb...
One night the Boss came home from dinner and
at the bottom of his receipt he noticed a survey...
43 years of marriage and I never knew the man loves to
fill out surveys......
Last year he won tickets to the Broadway Series of
Musicals with dinner and our local
performance center....
The man should be playing the Lottery!
So he went online and filled out the survey never saying
anything to me....

Back in November while sitting in the Kitchen having lunch one day the
Phone Rings and up on the screen shows...
"Ted's Montana Grill"
Figuring we must have left a credit card or something on our last visit I answered the phone...
The Boss knew why they were calling....
A lovely lady from their corporate office asked to speak to
John and I put him on the phone....He never will talk to
anyone....But he took this call without hesitation....
He was the Gift Card Winner for November....

Selected at random
for filling out the the bottom of the

They do this every month!!

Not just any winner.....No.....Not a free meal...
or a free appetizer .......or maybe
a gift card worth $100.00
Thank you Mr. Turner and Ms. Nyhof

for your generosity of a
One Thousand Dollar Gift Card.... read that right....
That's a lot of Bison !!!
It's now two months into the card usage....
I think as of last night we are down to $600.00
Not because Ted's is expensive....No...we just love
The Food....

And you all know me....I am a Foodie...
If you ever have been at a Blogger lunch with me
You know how picky I am...
We upped our visits to multiple times a week...
I think the staff is getting sick of seeing us...
Did I mention the great service and the
Super Friendly Staff...

As most of you know in January I do a "Best Of" post
for the previous year....
This is this years
"Best of 2013"
If you have a Ted's Montana Grill near you
Try it...It will not disappoint...
And make sure to go straight home and
fill out that survey....You could be the
Next winner of $1,000.00 worth of some of
the Best Food Around...
Bon Apetit!!


  1. I love Ted's and haven't been there in awhile. Glad to know how you won that $1,000 gift card. John is so darn lucky, I agree, get that man to buy a lottery ticket!

  2. Well, you brat! Now I am drooling and hungry and jealous! LOL Good for you- sounds fabulous!!!!! xo Diana

  3. Wow! Congrats, Sue! That's fabulous! We have one near us and I love the meatloaf! My daughter lived on those pickles when she was expecting my middle grandson. My sister and BIL even spotted Ted himself at the one you go to...walking in the restaurant. He asked them "How's the food?" lol Fun post! Hugs...Debbie

  4. That is just too, too neat that you won this and that you love the food so much. I am crazy about bison, and I love those types of pickles, too. I am just a little surprised that they only serve strawberry shortcake in the summer when the Winter Strawberry Capital aka Plant City, FL has a huge festival in February.

    I can't wait to try this grill. We almost did the other night, but it was so crowded that we did not want to wait. Now, that wait might just be worth it if it is this good!

    Thanks for the review, lady!


  5. Whoo Hoo!!!!!!!!! Congratulations. I love Ted's but I end up eating the same thing every time I go. Now I'm inspired to try some more things on the menu!!

  6. Wow that food looks sooooo good! Congrats on the win. I have never been to a Ted's. They don't have one here.

  7. Wow - that was your lucky day! I've never heard of that chain, but it sure looks like a great place to eat!

  8. Sue, you have made me terribly hungry. There is a Montana Grill in Nashville and we have eaten there on occasion. Now that I know the "good stuff" on the menu from your post, I am eager to return and try it all. And I might be motivated to fill out that survey too!

    There is a new commercial on television. I think it is for Depends... and while that product does NOT remind me of you and Joyce, the baking class they show does. There is a lady (kinda looks like Joyce) who puts a big ole piping tube of blue icing in her mouth and enjoys it before putting it on the cake. Now why on earth did that make me think of you and Joyce???

  9. I love that place and don't get there very often. Yes, those pickles are to die for...yum! We always think we will try something else when we have gone but then cave and get a Bison burger. They are that good.

  10. Wow! $1000 towards something you love is a wonderful prize! I've never heard of Ted's. Will have to look at the website to see if there are any locations close to us. We have a Long Horns Steak House with similar decor. On another note, love your HUGE NJ map hanging on your wall!
    Your Friend,

  11. Oh my goodness! I need to start completing those surveys. First, I need to start eating out more often. Win, win. :)


  12. Well girl - I KNOW YOU and I know you are serious about food - not eating it - but in making food yourself - you are a gourmet chef of your own and I KNOW that too - so when you tell us that it is good - I am here to tell everyone - it must be good.

    I like it too - have you ever had their chopped salad? Yum!


  13. Congratulations on winning the gift card, Sue! I would go just for the pickles and onion rings...those pickles look nice and crunchy.
    Have a great week.

  14. I filled out so many surveys at that place, it's not even funny. I even had a district manager pay for my meal because I was filling so many of them. Never won the card.

  15. Wow! Congratulations to your hubby. How exciting! Seems like this is a must go in that area. I wish we had one here too. Your post made me hungry, I'll take the shrimp and dessert

  16. The food does look yummy! I don't know if I could eat with that beautiful animal hanging on the wall. :(
    Congrats to your hubby! Very generous gift card!
    My uncle is retired military and lives in GA, I'll have to ask if he's ever eaten there.
    We're here in Florida getting ready for our move to Cary, NC. So exciting!!!
    Happy days to you!

  17. What a great review and story, Sue. Glad you won the gift card. All I've ever gotten for filling out a survey is a free Starbucks. '-)

  18. If ever we hit Georgia again, we will head straight to this place. I'm going to be dreaming about those pickles...
