Tuesday, April 3, 2012

GET YOUR PLAID ON........Literally

So it appears that National Tartan Day is coming up this week
And my Friend Babs of Upstairs Downstairs
is having a link party for all Lovers of
Count Me in Babs....
And when you have had enough over here you can go check out all the other
Tartan Posts over at Bab's Blog...

Now you all know me too well by now so you know I have saved the
Best photo's for the end.....so keep reading...
In the interest of "interesting" Blog posts I will put myself Out Front
to be criticized.....chuckled at and many of you to say.....
"OMG look she lost her mind".....
Read On....

My house is another story.....I try to decorate with whimsy and
I stage little fun areas...like this one in the Guest Bedroom....

Mr and Mrs Big Boss' old suitcases from the 1940's
an old tennis racquet...an old riding hat....

Plaid Burberry Boots....a gift from Daughter....
She buys me "Thee Best Stuff Ever"....

An Old Tartan wool blanket.....

Not Tartan but a wonderful Plaid throw pillow on the Guest Bed....

a little Tartan photo album.....
Inside.....daughter's Wedding pictures.....
No I have not cut out the ex-SIL's picture.....YET.

Didn't everyone own one of these skirts at one time in their life....
The Infamous Kilt...
I still think one day I'll be able to fit back into it....
Oh Sure Dream on Tubby.....

These do fit....another gift from Daughter....
These wide leg wool trousers are by
Liz Claiborne....

As does this wonderful Blazer....it looks so good paired with
High Leather Riding Boots....

Designers seem to love Tartan....
Ralph Lauren is a Big Fan....

As does Tommy Hilfiger with this cute plaid purse....

A comfy plaid in flannel....
keeping us warm at night....LLBean Loves Plaid...

On the Ginormous Bed....

And Now for the Ultimate wearing of the Tartan....
I hope this doesn't offend anyone....
After all I was the
Mother of The Bride....

Two things you DON"T want to do....
Wear Tartan Plaid "Taffeta"
Under a Velvet full length Coat......AND....
stand near fire....
Can you see where this is going.....

Yes People....I had the nerve to wear this strapless Tartan Plaid Taffeta Ball Gown
To Daughter's Wedding....
Now as for the unexpected problems.....
The velvet of the coat made the dress become slippery....so when I removed the coat
Over at Tavern on the Green....
The dress was no longer centered on my body....It twisted to the side
and Nobody said a word....
If you go back to the picture outside the church and look right below the program in my hand
You can see the side seam where it should not be.....
AND to make matters worse...
Those cute adorable "Martha Stewart" inspired Sparklers.....
Landed sparks on the dress and burnt holes all over it...
Oh yes....Only can happen to me...

Getting the dress straightened out....we posed for pictures....

Our friends just visited for the weekend and
Mrs. Friend commented that the Boss is a combo
of Elliot Gould with a little Anthony Bourdain thrown in....
Thoughts on that one???
In person he really does resemble Elliot Gould...

Oh did I mention along with the dress sliding and the fabric catching on fire...
My Dress Shoes...You know actual Normal Wedding Shoes...
Well the strap broke as I was putting them on over at the Hotel
All I had to wear were boots....
Yup...I wore Boots as the Mother of the Bride....

Now when I heard Daughter was getting a Divorce my First Thought was...
"How wonderful....finally getting rid of that JackAss".....
My Second thought....
"Oh Good.... Maybe someday I'll get another chance to dress like a Real
"The Mother of the Bride"....."


  1. Oh Sue, you had me laughing all thru this. were we separated at birth? I think maybe so. Your husband IS one handsome fella, EG and AB are both hunky guys in my book. And as for the tartan gown and boots, I think you pulled it off beautifully!!! Proud to be a "Sister of the Plaid"! xo

  2. Oh my gosh - I heard the story before - but the pictures brought the story to life. You have the best outgoing personality and have so much fun trying new things.

    I loved this. sandie

  3. Oh yeah.... we get together and we would have such great stories to share! LOL. I like the look you pulled off, Sue. You have a good collection of plaid- I used to have a skirt than had one of those giant safety pins to hold it together- remember those? I wonder what happened to all those things I used to wear! Seen any bovines lately?

  4. Sue, you always have me chuckling. This is a fun story. All weddings should have one or two, don't you think?
    Love the tartan gown! Fun to see the photos. Thanks for linking and joining in the fun of the Tartan Parade. ~ Sarah

  5. Tartan and boots sort of go together - right?
    Sue, thanks for the great laugh! When I'm all tied up in knots over what to wear in 54 days (I'm the only one who isn't yet 'dressed') I'll think of you in the plaid taffeta!

  6. Oh Sue, you had me laughing and this is a REAL story with real plaid, but I loved it all, especially those boots. And do people really cut people out of pictures? If or when you do, I think that would make a funny blog.....or a tutorial bc I may have to do the same. Thanks for stopping by.

  7. Sue, only you could pull off wearing a tartan plaid taffeta MOB dress! Your looked gorgeous...even in boots ..lol!! I didn't know your daughter got divorced ...sorry to hear that. At least Ms B was a wonderful part of the marriage.

  8. Sue: Now you've done it! That is the best story. But aren't they all!! I think you looked real cute in your plaid and if your daughter didn't complain then it was the right choice..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  9. Sue..I'm so glad you showed the photos of your tartan MOB dress! It's gorgeous even sideways, and with holes...and the boots!! I thought you planned to wear those. Perfectly you!
    Thanks so much for sharing all your fun tartan things and the absolutely best wedding story. Happy Tartan Day!

  10. Sue,

    I should know better than read your words while drinking my morning coffee. :/ You are hysterical, my friend. Only you could pull off a (twisted, burned) tartan gown, black velvet robe and boots. In all honesty, I think you looked beautiful. Love your tartan corner.
    I just caught up on the past posts I've missed. My daughter would have kitchen envy. She's a student at the Culinary Institute of America (NY).
    Your Friend,
    PS The Boss does look like Elliot Gould!
    PSS You were wise not to move back to NJ. They DOUBLED our taxes this year.

  11. Oh Sue I have missed this story somehow...hysterical! I love all your plaids and the vignette in the corner is really perfect! The MOB dress and story are just so funny...just like you my friend! Oh and yes The Boss does look like Elliot Gould and is pretty darn funny himself! Hugs, LInda

  12. OMG "The Boss" does look like Elliot Gould! Sue...you are the ONLY person I know that could pull off that outfit, look great and have a funny story to tell. ONLY YOU my friend. Happy Easter!

  13. I kept waiting to see if you would post this story for the Tartan Parade. Loved hearing it again. And yes, the dress is the same plaid as the skirt (now pillows) that I found a couple of weeks ago. Hold onto that dress - I'm saving my MOB dress in case there is need for a "better luck next time" dress. Sally

  14. You made me laugh. I so would have worn that dress. When my daughter got married in December I wanted everyone to wear plaid, but no! I did wear boots though and so did my daughter! Loved your wedding story. And yes, the boss does look like Anthony Bourdain and a little Elliot Gould! Great tartan post.
    Thanks for joining the Tartan Parade! ~Delores

  15. LOL! What a great post! Love all the plaid, even...er...the dress.
    And your husband DOES look like Elliot Gould!

  16. So glad to meet you!
    I have not had the pleasure of finding your blog until today, and so thrilled I did!
    I love a gal with a sense of humor, and though I have one... I am not good at incorporating it into my blog posts very well.

    You have me cracking up. Yes, your hubbie does look like both famous men and you make a lovely couple!

    Thanks so much for linking up with the Parade and for sharing your hilarious remarks. Loved every second of it and every plaid inch too.

    ~Alison :)

  17. plaid for the mother of the bride is quite unique!!..love the pic of you and the boss!
    Happy Tartan Day! jennifer

  18. Only you...! The dress story should be a movie.

    When you get tired of the guest room pillow, send it on. I have a table skirt from the same fabric. It's been around for a long time, so we aren't the only ones who like it.

  19. Oh gosh, I just love your humor! That is such a funny story about the wedding. I do love plaid but I mostly like to see it in home decor or in a nice plaid skirt.

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  21. Thanks for my laugh today! Your dress was gorgeous, even if it gave you problems. I love those plaid boots!
    Happy Easter, Sue!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. What a wonderful story... well...sad, but funny???? Something that would happen to me for sure. I think you looked adorable... the bride too. Hopefully she'll find the perfect fella, who isn't a J*** A**... and you'll have the chance to get your party on again. :-)

    Love your tulips too. I wish I could find that steal of a deal here. It's been so ugly outside a little posie on the inside might just cheer things up a smidge.

    Huggies and Lovies!

