Saturday, April 7, 2012

TULIPS!!!.....and a Happy Easter

Happy Easter Everyone!!
And Happy Passover!

I was wandering through Kroger the other day returning a RedBox movie
When I came across the floral department....
I love Tulips but they tend to be costly and they sure wilt fast...
So I never buy them.....

Until I saw this.....How Clever!!
You get the Tulips.....A Vase....and the Bulbs!!
All for $12.99

Now if I can just get up the initiative to actually read what to do with the Bulbs....
As in when to Plant them.....

Next year I should have these growing in the yard.....

They have ruffled edges.....

in red and yellow!

They need to sell more plants this way......Don't you think?
"It's the Fresh Flowers that Keep on Giving"


  1. Sue: What a beautiful way to sell the flowers. You are right, I paid $11 at Costco for tulips and they didn't last very long. Although I got stock there for $8 and they seem to be better, but I love those you got. Happy Easter to you and your family..Judy

  2. Beautiful tulips!
    Happy Easter to you!


  3. Those are beautiful! Happy Easter, Sue! xo Diana

  4. When my daughter was doing wedding flowers, she would stick a pin through the very top of the tulip stem right below the bloom. That is supposed to be a trick to help them last longer.

  5. Nature sure know how to put beautiful color combinations together!
    Happy Easter, Sue.

  6. What gorgeous flowers and I love them in the vase like that! Wishing you a lovely day! Hugs, Linda

  7. Very pretty. I would plant them in the fall - they need to be in the ground over the "winter" in order to bloom. Just watch for the bunnies - they love tulips.

  8. I just love love love tulips and somehow they go with Easter.
    Hope you had a good one!
    He has risen.

  9. Love that idea! Wonder if there are any left? Hope you had a fabulous Easter!...hugs...Debbie

  10. I bought some tulips at Kroger the other day, too, but not those. Just the ones that wilt and die. I hope you can figure out what to do with those. I planted tulip bulbs one year and the green stalks came up, but only one bloomed. Bummer.

  11. i bought this 2 yrs ago at pretty and educational for the kids too!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    Have a great weekend!

  12. Sue,
    Your tulips are gorgeous. I wish we had a Kroger's.
    Unfortunately, I don't think your bulbs will fare well in Georgia heat.
    I found this site which will explain why:
    Your Friend,

  13. Tulips have to be one of my favourite flowers Sue!

    I have been buying quite a few bunches this Spring now - and have even learnt to love them when they wilt and hang.

    Hope you had a great Easter ;-) x

  14. Sue, you won the pillow giveaway. I need your email address to send to Kijsa.


  15. Hey girl- Congrats on your win over at Kim's blog! :-) Sue

  16. This is a great posting I have read. I like your article. Thank you

  17. I love the yellow and pink tulips and have some in my garden. I love the way those have been sold - double the pleasure.

  18. Last week we went over to the nurseries on the North Fork to scope out plants as centerpieces for gson's First Communion. They had large pots of blooming tulips and daffodills for a dollar! I took 10 daffs, but one tulip, ruffled like yours, red and yellow. The deer eat the tulips, but leave the daffs alone. But for a buck,I got a beautiful centerpiece! I'll still plant it, but unless I stand guard with a shotgun,I know they will devour it!
    I have never seen tulips sold like that, great idea!

  19. Tulips are my favourite flower!! This looks gorgeous and a unique present (for oneself of course!) x
