Wednesday, March 28, 2012

AN UNUSUAL TALENT................

So I have this strange Ability to be able to tell any time of the Night or Day
and I usually guess exactly or I'm off only by a minute or two...
I have not always had this seems Menopause might have something to do with it...
In any case......this freaks out the Family and believe me the Boss doesn't get
Freaked out by anything....
Over the past year it seems that my talents have expanded to
guessing the weights of packages that I'm about to mail out by Fedex.....
guessing Dollar Amounts correctly....
The other day the Boss asked me about our Stock Portfolio Holdings and I
even shocked myself when I guessed within Sixteen Cents......

I sort of train myself now that I know I have this talent.....When I get up in the middle
of the night I always think about what time it could be Before I look over at the
Clock......I'm usually right on the money.....
I'm thinking this is my "internal Clock" at work...If you all remember
On Seinfeld had this Gift.....
Either that or I'm an "Idiot Savant" where numbers are concerned.....I just don't know.

So where am I going with this one.......The other day while over at the
Pumps....I say to the Boss..."I'm going to go inside to buy myself a Lottery Ticket"....the grand prize
Is $356 Million......"and I'm picking my own numbers"
Now we have been buying Lotto tickets for the past Forty Years....On and Off...
and we NEVER get more then just one number....and that is even rare....
I can probably count it on one fact it's been a very long time since we
even bothered to buy a ticket....

Inside the gas station numbers start popping into my head.....I start filling in the
Little Boxes on the form and hand it over to the Guy behind the Counter....
Ticket in hand I leave not even thinking I have picked one correct number....

Last night they picked the Winning Number......
Now....Ofcourse we didn't win the BIG PRIZE....If I had I'd be typing this from the
Riviera with Tom Selleck spritzing me with sun tan oil......But the boss was impressed
None the Less.....
I think what he said from the other side of the room was....
"You Got How Many Right?"

Okay.....So this is something I obviously need to work on but I don't think
I did bad for my first try.....
The Winning Numbers were....

My numbers were.....

Three out of Six is not bad!!
So now I get to decide what to do with the Seven Dollars I won......
And I am not buying Seven more Lottery Tickets....


  1. Sue - go out and buy $100 more lottery tickets - you are lucky girl!!! sandie

  2. It's funny how we get 'tuned' into things like this. Hope you do buy another ticket! hugs, Linda

  3. Hurry another ticket, Sue!

  4. OK...first I thought you were going to tell me that you in the BIG PAY OFF and I would have fainted. Really. Go buy more just never know. We might buy one once a year and the biggest pay off we got was $25.

  5. Keep working on it. I would love to know someone who actually won the lottery. You could splurge and bring Joyce and come to see me!

  6. three out of six isn't bad, especially since it would have been four out of six had you chosen '9' instead of '8'!!!

  7. Three out of six is good. I'm lucky if I even guess one number right. Seven dollars? Whoo Hoo! You could buy seven candy bars, or a couple of Starbuck's coffees.

  8. Sue: You are a crack-up. I love your humor. You're darn tooting 3 out of 6 ain't bad. Only 3 more tries and you will be sunning with TS in no time..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  9. I also know the time. I wake every night at 3:15 for a moment.
    This was also the basic premise of "Lost", remember Hurley was a lottery winning. That show tried to combine para-normal events with some scientific explaintions.
    One of the charactors was named Michael Faraday after the ninteenth century electro magnetic scientist.
    We are so rapidly seeing what was once mystical having a hint of an explanation.

  10. Well done lol. Now 3 numbers here in UK would have got you £10. It has been a long time since we have won anything on the lotto. Oh well we can dream can't we?

  11. LOL- I have the time thing, too. I have always had it. Have not tried guessing weights (except my own!;>) nor $ amounts. I always thought my ability came from growing up on a farm and how everything was done at a certain time. When I wake up I always know what time it is without looking. I'd say you did pretty good on the lottery! xo Diana

  12. Practice makes perfect, I say! Keep perfecting your new found talent and maybe it'll eventually pay off. In the meantime, try not to turn into Kramer.....
    BTW, I always know what time it is if I don't look at a clock or my watch. And it's always at the top of the hour! weird....

  13. Only 7 dollars for 3 numbers? We had 2 and the powerball and won 10. One of the winners is from a town of 3000. I am sure he/ she will move before going public!
    It was fun dreaming about winning though!
    And, Tom was here that night, sorry! :)
