Tuesday, February 14, 2012

TALE OF TWO RINGS..........A Valentines Story.

Every now and Then I write a story for Sophie.....
So that one day when she reads her crazy Grandmother's Blog she can know
all about me....
This is one of those stories....
Now you can read it to the end because it has a very wonderful ending......
But you know how wordy I can be.....
So here goes....

It was 1969 and me and the Boss had decided to get married because....I mean....Who Else
Would have us....
I was never a big jewelry person so I was not hell bent to get a Diamond....
I would have been happy with a Kitchen Aid Mixer.....
But when you get engaged you have to have a ring....So I picked out an emerald and diamond ring....
Now it wasn't a Real Emerald it was man made but beautiful none the less...

Shortly after we went to Mr and Mrs. Big Boss' House to tell them the good news and
show off the new ring.....
Now Mrs Big Boss thought she gave birth to Tom Selleck and thought there was
No Girl good enough for "Her Johnnie".....
I put out my hand to show her this beautiful ring....it was a diamond cut with diamonds all around...it was lovely.....She asked to see it....As In take it off and see it....
What did I know......19 and stupid I handed it to her.......
You might want to start Cringing at this point in the story.....
You see my MIL had two sides...or so the Boss claims.....when she had on her eyeglasses
she was a kind motherly type....when those glasses came off you better watch out....
Can you say Jekyll and Hyde??
This was the reaction to the ring....

"You let my son spend his good money on this trash....." and with that the ring got
Flung across the living room landing under a chair.....
Needless to say that ring got taken back to that jewelry store so fast your head spun....
months went by and I settled on a small pearl with little diamonds around it...
and the marriage took place.....
I was now Mrs. Tom Selleck....to her dismay.

Fast Forward 40 odd years.......When the Big Boss died we found a gold pocket watch in his safe
wrapped in of all things an old marble bag.....
The Boss and daughter took it to the local Jewelry shop in Princeton to see if it had any value...
Oh yes it sure did......in fact it was from the 1800's and it belonged to the Boss' Grandfather....
I guess we can call him "The Really Big Boss".....
While in the shop.....with me and Miss B waiting out in the car the Fam spied an
Emerald ring in the glass case.....This time it was a Real Emerald....nothing man made about it.
I was summoned in to the store to take a look....
I tried it on.....It Fit!!!
The Boss told the shop keeper to wrap it up.....I was getting my engagement ring back
40 years later.....
Now it's about to get even better....so don't leave to go to the bathroom now.....
In the show case was this gorgeous diamond ring.....
I mean beautiful....and I sheepishly asked if I could just try it on.....
Because now I am 60 and well....Diamonds appeal to me now....
I say to the Boss....
"Your in Big Trouble if this thing fits".....
Plus I had never tried on a diamond before just like I had never tried on a wedding gown....
I had made my gown when we married to save money for my father and never had
the fun of trying on gowns....

I was just kidding about it fitting.....I REALLY just wanted to try it on....
Well it fit.....it fit perfectly.....
Did the Emerald get switched for the Diamond.....
What do you think??

No it didn't.....
The Boss said to the Shop Keeper.....

Wrap it Up!!

That's right I waited 40 years but hit the Jewelry Jackpot....
I got both rings....
Sophie calls this ring "The Ice Cube"......
it's got three diamonds.....
For.....Yesterday.....Today.....and Tomorrow....
So what happened to the original pearl ring??

Why the Boss had it made into a necklace for me......

As for the pocket watch.....
While going through old pictures while cleaning out the Big Guy's house we came
across a family picture of all the Adivari's back in the early 1900's
and there was Grandpa and he was wearing the pocket watch....
It was very cool.....

So for you Miss B.....someday when you get the emerald and the ice cube you will
Know where they came from and I hope you pass them along to your


  1. Well my dear, seems like a happy valentine! Sue it is a great story!! I am so happy for you both. I just have one question, did we have the same MIL???

  2. What a great story, Sue...I love it, The Ice Cube! Both rings are beautiful.

  3. So very very sweet! Emaralds and diamonds, my two favorite stones!
    Have a great week!


  4. Sue the rings are lovely and I like that your 'other' ring was made into a necklace! Sweet story! Hugs, Linda

  5. Well I have to say you are a lucky girl! Happy Valentine's Day.sandie

  6. Another wonderful story from my favorite storyteller!! You deserve all the bling you can get for enduring your mother-in-law's split personality!! Tell Sophie for me that she is one lucky granddaughter.

  7. Sue- What a really great story. I read every word. I am so glad you finally got the ring your heart had desired originally PLUS another one..plus kept your original ring in a different setting.

    I have to ask you though- what kind of a relationship ever developed with your mother-in-law? xo Diana

  8. Like NanaDiana, I want to hear all about the MIL! Sue, you did good choosing the Boss, I'd say. He gave you some pretty " ice cubes" and a nice emerald, too. :-)

  9. Very pretty rings! Diamond is my birthstone. :)
    Good to see you in blogland again. :)

  10. What a great story! (LOVE your humor) lol And the rings are GORGEOUS! That MIL was a trip though!

  11. What a beautiful story. And beautiful rings.

  12. I love this story! You have made a humorous account of several important events in your family's history. Sophie will read it and know the story of each piece of jewelry. I think it is important that we share these stories with our children and grandchildren.

    Yesterday I left a ring at the jewelers to be repaired. It has a small diamond that was on the belt buckle of my grandmother's wedding dress. The buckle has two lions with their tongues out and on each tongue was a diamond. Do my kids know that story? I've told it to them but will they remember it?

    Oh that pocket watch reminds me, my grandmother carried one in her wedding. My girls will remember that b/c they each carried it too, tied to their bouquets. Maybe that's an idea for Sophie.

    You've left a legacy to Sophie in sharing this story! I think all our family stories should be written down!

  13. Lots of love in this post. You are a pleasure to read. Beautiful rings and love story. You both are so perfect together.

  14. Awwwww....what a nice story, Sue! and what a witch you had for a MIL!!!
    I'm sooo glad you finally got your ring...s.
    They are both beautiful!!!

  15. What a great story for your granddaughter - and you are so smart to have written it down!

  16. Sue,

    Love this Tale of Two Rings. My heart was sad for that excited young newly engaged you who's future MIL tossed her ring across the room. I hope she see's how much her son spent on his deserving bride this visit to the jewelry store!

    Your Friend,

  17. Oh, my goodness! I am sooo glad that I didn't miss this one! It was definitely worth the wait and Mrs. Tom Selleck, you are worth it!!!! What a fun story and three gorgeous pieces of jewelry. How can anyone in the family not love this story! (Sorry Mrs. Jekyll and Hyde reacted that way though! - I have to say it kind of makes me feel like my MIL isn't that bad!!!)

    As to the question on the glasses from my chili and cornbread. I just took the chance that like the jars they are made for hot liquids and they did fine!

  18. Beautiful... Just beautiful story and rings too :o)
    By the way I have nominated you for the versatile blogger award and hope you will accept,although I won't be offended if you don't You can find out more details on my blog.
    Have a nice day, Sue

  19. Sue!! Wow! Great Valentine story. Family stories are the best and it so great that you're writing all this down for your Sophie.
    BTW, your rings are absolutely gorgeous. The Boss has excellent taste..and you too, of course. :)

  20. Well that was a fun read Sue!
    And your grand-daughter is a lucky little girl to have a grandma who cares enough to write it down!
    I have to say though that your MIL sounds like she was a handful.
    Hugs friend,

  21. Hi Sue: Thank you for following my blog. I'm so happy to see you. You really have the gift of gab, girl! I love the story for Sophie and I'm a tad bit older than you and still waiting for 'my' diamond. Well, at least a BIG one. Dumb me, I want to follow you but I can't figure where to sign up. I know it's right in front of my face! Help!....Judy at GoldCountryCottage

  22. Hi Sue: Thanks for the help. I swear when I looked yesterday all I saw was the 'follower' but there was nothing under it. But I'm here now and look forward to more of your "gift of gab"...Judy at GoldCountryCottage

  23. You are really such a good story teller! That is a great story and one that your granddaughter will love hearing. Those rings are gorgeous! Your husband is such a sweet man to treat you so well. And YES I know what it's like to have a MIL with a split personality. Ha! My husband often says, well let's see what kind of mood she's in today!

  24. I seriously got a little teary eyed here. Usually you just make me laugh 'til I cry. ;-)
