Tuesday, February 28, 2012


What's more fun then celebrating a Blog Friend's Birthday.....
We did just that today for our dear friend
Sandie....The Chatty Crone....

That's Sandie second from the left.....left to right is Denise...Cheri from Chez Cheri...
Miss Linda of A La Carte....and the infamous SantaMaker....Rose...
We met in Kennesaw at Copeland's New Orleans style restaurant....

Sandie brought us each a Goodie Bag....
Only a Blogger would bring gifts to her own party....

Here the ladies are digging into their bags.....
Thanks Sandie!!

The camera was passed around the table when the food arrived....
I'm sure the people sitting around us thought we were all a bunch of
This was their Club Sandwich....a bit sloppy but it was good....

Denise got this blackened pork dish and I commented how awful it looked.....
She said it was very good....
Still it looked awful.....
But it was about the company not the food....

Rose got this???????
I have no idea what it was....Rose....what in the world did you order??

All the burgers and sandwich's came on Croissants.....They were good!

I....as usual....snuck in cupcakes....a candle....and one of those flame sticks to light it...
I came prepared to be thrown right out of the place...

We didn't set off any smoke alarms....
See the ring around the candle....
That would be Cheri's engagement ring....
She claims if you put your ring around the candle of someone's cake when they blow out the candle... if YOU make a wish it will come true....
Cheri what did you wish for??
That Sandie would give you the diamond back.....?

Forget those homemade cupcakes that I made everyone suffer eating....
I ordered the caramel pecan cheesecake...
Oh Yes.....as good as it looks....

With lunch over Cheri who brought along her two adorable Dachshunds took them for
a much needed walk before heading back up to North Georgia...
We all wish you lived alot closer!!!

Not ready to end the day....we headed over to do a bit of antique shopping....

The place is Huge.....I was able to make it through 1/3 before I lost all feeling in my feet....
Okay...this is the time when you can all say....
yes...I broke my right foot once again on Saturday night on my staircase.....
4th Times a Charm...

but nothing stops me from shopping......

I found a great piece of Milk Glass for my Collection.....
Post to follow....

We commented on this cute sign....

I saw this painted piece and thought how cute it was....
it was sold :(

In the long run me and Linda decided that in that whole huge building filled with all sorts
Of Antiques and Collectibles with high prices....
That it all comes down to one thing....
A Bunch of Old Crap that nobody wants anymore.....

And I'm always amazed.....and I'm sure you all agree....How generous Bloggers are....
We all went home with Goodies....
Thanks Ladies!!

And It wouldn't be a day out with the Blog Peeps unless I try on a
Wacky Hat.....
It is always the same scenerio.....
I put on Hat....someone says...."Oh I wish I had my camera to take her picture"....
At which point I say...."I have a Camera!!!!!"
I have NO SHAME......

This one was actually taken a few weeks back when I was thrifting with Joyce and Rose....
Joyce suggested I buy it and then plan on going to the
Kentucky Derby this year.....
And here is one last picture to show just how crazy we are down here in
Because Girls Just want to have fun.....Align Center

Either that or.......
Head Lice....
We really need to stop trying on Strangers Hats!!


  1. That yellow hat is a doozy - I would have like to see it on you!!! You guys have too much fun. Sally

  2. It was a great lunch and so much fun! I love all the photos and the 'hat' photos always make me smile! Hugs, Linda

  3. Sue- What a fun post. I felt like I was right there with you girls...and you all met blogging? Love it-or should say BLOVE it...make sure you check out my giveaway yesterday where I talk about just that -loving blogging friends.

    VERY nice hats, dahling- xo Diana

  4. This was so sweet of you Sue! I know Sandie must have been thrilled to get together with all of you. :) You ladies rock! I know who to call when I visit Georgia!

  5. The minute I saw the photo I knew something fun had happened!!! Oh what fun and I love the hat pictures!!!

  6. Great blog to describe a wonderful day. Love the hats and I love the comment you made about head lice...I always think of that each time you crazy gals put on hats.

  7. Fun times ! Always great to hang out with the ladies who lunch !

  8. I love living vicariously through these blog party posts! Great job.. I wish I had been there.

  9. Oh my gosh - I had the best time ever - thank you so much for planning the party, my lunch, the gifts, and the BLOVE! sandie

    (Do you know you have word verification on?

    Love, and thanks again so much.


  10. What a great party! It's so weird when you realise that some of your favorite bloggers really actually know one another!
    That yellow hat....it's a keeper, if only for future birthday parties.

  11. Sue: Sounds like your lunch was fun.
    3 "girls" and I, who all used to work together, go out for lunch once a month. We do a lot of shopping but we've never gotten head lice! One time we went to the fish market and got crabs. Does that count?..Keep having fun!...Judy at GoldCountryCottage

  12. It is ALWAYS such a joy to read your blog posts! What a fun outing you had. I didn't realize it was Sandies birthday. That was nice of y'all to get together for her special day. Y'all are just too cute with all those hats. I would be weary too of what might be on them. Ha! I laughed when you said that some of these big antique malls are just people's crap that noone wants anymore. I have felt that way too sometimes. Ha! Thanks for the great smiles this morning.

  13. Not Again??!! No,I'm not talking about Sandie's birthday, but your foot. Sue!!
    Thanks for sharing Sandie's birthday lunch. The food looks awesome, except for that blackened pork.
    Y'all looks fabulous, dahlings, in your hats, and you had to mention head lice...sheesh!
    Hugs, and take care of that foot,

  14. Joyce definitely chose the best hat! Glad you had fun but of course with her that was pretty much guaranteed! Where was she on the birthday outing? Has she migrated north already?

  15. Seriously? Broken foot?!? Oy.

    And I love the pic of you with the equestrian (?) hat. That's a keeper!

    I think it's great you get together with your bloggy friends! I mean, you had me at cupcakes.

  16. You look very RL with that hat and I look like Big Birds cousin. I still think you should buy the Ky Derby hat to wear to Snookies Baby Shower.

  17. Oh girl, you crack me up royal!!! Glad you all had such a good time at your outing. Sorry about your foot again. What is with you, anyway? Keep your head out of dirty ol' hats, ok? eeewwww...
    Oh, I had a post on word verification today- I hate it! But I like you and I'll try to decipher your crazy words right now. Now come over and read my post!!! xo Sue

  18. I loooooooooovvvvvvvvve hats, but I am not so sure of the yellow one! Lol. No more weddings that I can think of shame as I looooooooooovvvvvvve hats.
    Nice to hear you had a fun time with your blog friends.

  19. I'm with you Sue - all those meals looked a little un-appetitsing - I always think that presentation is so key with food - especially when dining out! However, the pudding looked scrumptious and I'm though I'm not even into pecans or caramel would have been very tempted. Love the look of your cute cupcakes too ;-) x

  20. ..oh and friendship...makes it all worthwhile! x

  21. what a fun day. :) I will have to try that with some of my closer blogging friends. :)

  22. Lol, Joyce rivals Mrs Bucket (bouquet) in that hat!
    I have been catching up here! I can't stand overpriced stores like that!
    Love your new counter!
