Thursday, January 26, 2012

WHAT'S NEW ON TARPLEY PLACE...........we really aren't crazy Honest.

The Adivari's Have really lost their minds.....
Did they get Another Dog.....?
They Swore they Would not get another Dog.....

Sometimes You just can't resist something new in your home....
A Companion....
Someone who won't talk back to you...
Someone to listen to you Vent when needed....

Forget about the Up Keep......The Vet bills....the FOOD.....We like Big Animals....
They Happen to Eat A lot.......

So we thought long and hard about it and figured What the Hay......
What's One More.....

Stuffed Head in the House....
And Being a Big Fan of "Americana"......
We now own an authentic
American Buffalo Head.....
technically Half a head as the Boss claims the whole head would be Huge and not
Sure....Like Half a Head is Practical....

It's just Plain Ugly.....
I still can't figure out if the Nose is Real.....
Creepy to think about....
Found at Scott's Antique Market here in Atlanta.....The Boss loved it....
The Daughter thought it was cool and Miss B......Well she gave it a big
Thumbs I was out voted this time....

Side's right at home with our other family members....
We will soon bring over the Moose from the old house....
He will reside in the entrance Hall...

Something else happening over at Tarpley Place.....
A Lot of baking going on....
Joyce stopped by for lunch today and I made an Italian Ricotta Cheesecake....
The prettiness of the Flowers is to counter-balance the
Ugliness of the Buffalo...

A Dismantled Mantle after the holidays.....
Just a few of my globes....
And my favorite Deer Head....
Such beautiful Halo shaped Antlers.....
These are NOT the Boss'....
The Deer Heads and the Moose are mine.....I hate to Admit that..... :)

In the Boss' Library....a limited Edition photo of
Steve McQueen...
From the Ralph Lauren Collection of Famous People Photos....

Taken on the Set of the "Thomas Crown Affair".....
I believe this print is #15.....out of maybe 200...
Don't even ask what the Boss paid for it....
But he's a Big Fan....

More new things around the House....
These beautiful Acorn Andirons.....
We installed gas logs in our three fireplaces.....what a fabulous invention....
They look real....including embers....they throw a nice amount of heat....
And No clean up!!!

And then last week we came across these lamps at
Progressive Lighting....
Pine Cones!!!
They match the Andirons....
and a real bargain at 50% off....
We bought One and when we heard they were half off until Saturday
We picked up a second.....We Love a good Bargain....

This is the Ralph Lauren Shop at Lenox Square Mall
Here in Atlanta....
If I could come back in another life as a Man it would be
Ralph Lauren.....
I adore anything he designs.......

So I am stealing his idea.....filling a wall up my staircase with
Photo's.......Oil Paintings....all frames....
I love it!!
This will be a work in progress for to a slow start....
The wall opposite this one it actually larger and higher so
That one will be done as well....
Daughter always finds the wackiest paintings at flea markets and sales....
I'm hoping I will have luck finding some as well....

Love My Globes....

The post card pillow....a gift from Daughter....
The house has a bit of a travel theme going on so this pillow fit in perfectly....
She always buys me the Best Stuff....
Thanks H.

In a back corner of my Family Room......I used this Old tea cart when I had my
Blog Brunch to hold party favors....
I decided to keep it there full time...
It was my Mother in Laws....
it will sit there until I find something else for it's place...

Joyce brought me these beautiful tulips and they look so nice on my coffee table
That I think I will treat myself every week to a bunch....
A Fire.....and Spring the same room...
A mix of warmth and cool....

And I'm sure we are the talk of the neighborhood.....
Who are these crazy people that have moved into our quiet neighborhood??
Bringing in Animal Heads.....loud cars....

And the Husband riding around town with some un-named Blond......
And that's what's New on Tarpley Place!!


  1. Love the pine cones!

    Oh, poor buffalo...his nose looks very real in the photo.

    It's always fun coming to visit here.

  2. Sue I'm not a fan of the 'dead heads' but love the pine cone lamps! The stairway will be awesome with all the pictures and a fun 'collection' to work on. Love the tulips so pretty. Hugs, Linda

  3. Love the pine cone lamps...awesome. Hey...Joyce got a ride! Well I will say she deserved it for bringing the tulips.

  4. When we were looking at hotels for our younger daughters' wedding a few years back, one of the ones we visited had animal heads on the walls.
    She was out of there in minutes and a hotel struck off of the list lol.
    I am not a fan either but then it would be a boring world if we all liked the same. Like your lamps though :-)

  5. LOL...Poor buffalo. How do people end up donating these things? lol...better you than me! Liking your pine cone lamps.

    If your hubby keeps riding around with unnamed women in his car I am thinking we will see him mounted on the living room wall one day soon- xo Diana

  6. I emailed you my buffalo tongue story. I happen to like dead heads, but, then I live in Colorado. It's a way of life around here in Podunk Center!!! Sally

  7. Well if you shot that deer I am really proud of you! I wish I could do that...was that in Jersey?

  8. Sue, LOL The bison head is certainly a conversation if you needed one. :)
    It's very handsome.
    I LOVE the pine cone andirons and lamps. Pine cones are one of my favorite things. It sounds like there's never a dull moment on Tarpley Place. Have a great weekend,

  9. Love all your new additions on Tarpley place. Looks like you are having lots of fun. And I love that red car! sandie

  10. Un blog muy lindo.
    Desde hoy sigo tu blog, si lo deseas te invito a visitar mi blog y si es de tu agrado me gustaria tenerte como saguidora de mi blog para seguir en contacto. Saludos. Manoli.

  11. Well, you have "one upped" me at Scotts! Pa and I just returned from the Nashville flea market with a cowhide rug... very lackluster compared to your buffalo head. I love all the accessories... postcard pillow, pinecone lamps, paintings going up the stairs... everything is looking good! Glad you're giving the new neighbors something to talk about!

  12. Sue! What a beautiful pictures you share with us! Love the photos of your Home and the style! Your globes, pillows, flowers and Old tea cart look so cute :o) Ricotta Cheesecake! Yummy-yummy-yummy-yum!
    Animals heads are beautiful, but I love more to see a live one :o)
    Have a nice day

  13. Joyce looks good in that car!! But then again, red goes with everything in my book. Those heads are too much! Okay the halo antlers are really cool.

  14. The Buffalo's restaurant near me has a whole one...and it is huge! Looks like you and Joyce had fun! Love the new acorn andirons and lamps! Always stuff going on at your place! Have a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  15. You have a lovely home and I see you're transplanted to the south. I recognize the RL staircase. Love to come to Atlanta and shop. Mostly look at RL. You are a lucky girl, spent an entire summer in Paris! I'm so happy to meet you, I'll be your newest follower.

    The French Hutch

  16. Your pine cone lamps are fabulous and such a great post. Guys do have their own idea of what's cool. lol

    Thanks for the visit, I got a chuckle at your story of the bra. Hugs, Marty

  17. Your house is beautiful, Sue!
    Mr. Lakehouse has his own room, and that's where he keeps all of his dead animal heads now, and all of his other stuff pertaining to dead animals.
    My brother in law actually has a full size black bear in his living room!! His wife is a fan of that since their son stuffs animals.
    I DO love the pictures of Steve McQueen!!! The gallery going up your stairway is a great idea.
    I have that same postage stamp it!
    You did a super job on photographing the tulips with the backgrounds, Sue.
    Looks like you are having fun decorating your home.

  18. Sue,

    You need a radio show. :)

    I love getting peeks of your lovely new home. "Dead Heads" always make me think of Disney World and I imagine them talking to each other. I prefer our buffalo head, still attached to a live body that resides down the street!

    It's been in the 60s in NJ! Thanks for sending the southern sunshine.

    Your Friend,

  19. Love it-- and I love that Dad is, as usual, talking in the photo with Miss J. (Another way we're both alike-- 90% of my photos have me mid-speech...)

    and can I just say-- yes, I love the beef-alo and I really want that picture of Robert de Niro from the RL store! ;)

  20. Hi Sue,
    Just popping over to see if you posted again....
    in answer to the question about my chairs....two blue, two aqua, four white.
    Enjoy your week.

  21. Italian ricotta cheesecake is my favorite! When we were in Germany several years ago, many of the restaurants had taxidermied animals...they have a certain charm. Nice to see the new house filling up and looking beautiful!
