Wednesday, January 25, 2012

WHEN BLOGGER "GRANDS" MEET.......Joyce and Sue go to a Puppet Show.

When Ex-Blogger "Flour Power" Joyce heard my girls were coming to town
She suggested we take the Grands to
The Atlanta Center For Puppetry Arts...
Telling me ahead of time it would be a Bore-Fest we thought it was time
the kids met....
Miss B and Mr. Vunderpants are close in age so we thought they would have fun
In Typical Joyce and Sue fashion there were signs every where telling you
"No Photography"
Ofcourse that didn't stop us.....Sophie was mad that she was standing in front of her
Favorite Muppet Rolf the Dog....
And poor Finley was dressed by his father and looked like he was missing a hand
and his shirt was mis-buttoned....
But Come cute are these two...

The Puppet Show was "The Gingerbread Man" and Joyce dozed off twice and both
her and daughter got yelled at by the House Bouncers for trying to feed the kids snacks
during the performance....

The tickets included making a puppet after the show was over...

Here are Joyce and Finley getting ready to master puppet making....

And here is Daughter with her Two Ivy League degrees trying to figure out
Why the Gingerbread Man has three legs.....

As you can see the project was for adults.....the kids watched as the two ladies

Who knew this would be complicated???
Luckily I was just the photographer...

And here is the difference between girls and boys....
Sophie sees a camera and automatically smiles.....

Finley was just Bored....

But as you can see Joyce was having Fun...
And we found out why the Gingerbread Man had three legs.....

So He Could Run Run Run.....

At this point the kids still hadn't said much to each other.....

Here we are at "Flip Burger" in Atlanta.....Top Chef's
Richard Blaise's Burger Place....
Still No Talking....

BUT......then we went to our all time favorite place for two grown women to
Where the kids went crazy in the kids department running around like
Maniacs.....While we sat and watched....
They finally clicked and had the best time causing a Ruckus.....
Ofcourse with every trip to Ikea we have to make idiots out of
Ourselves by trying on all the crazy hats.....
And Didn't we Love seeing the Future Bloggers
Following in Their Grandmother's Foot Steps!


  1. Adorable. And a case study for the differences between boys and girls!

  2. You two are definitely "fun" grandmas.

  3. Are those the combat boots with plaid laces I see? Too Cute!!! Sally

  4. Miss B is dressed to kill! She looks adorable. glad she finally warmed up to Finley. Boys can definitely be quieter and more reserved. I always thought our son was stunted in the personality dept. when he was young. He was not like me at all! LOL. Maybe that's a good thing?! Glad u had fun in Ikea! I get worn out in there.

  5. Now this looks like fun for the adults at least! The kids are adorable and finally had a good time at IKEA...sounds about right to me! hugs, Linda

  6. collanRemember in 8th grade the boys would start dancing 20 minutes before the party was over? They just take longer! :)
    Looks like fun, the kids are adorable!
    It is good to see Joyce again too!
    AND it wasn't nice to tattle on Joyce for feeding the kids! She will get even! :)

  7. Sue,

    They are adorable and it sounds like everyone had fun. You are what we used to call a 'cool grandmom'! Miss B is a fashionista!

    Your Friend,

  8. Oh that was so cute. Looks like you and Joyce had a great time with the grand grands!

    Looks they enjoyed the puppetry art show and made some great puppets.

    I love the 3 legs - so they can run and run and run. Of course!


  9. Wow!!! Sue, it was so interesting to read it :o) Kids are cute! And love the gingerbread man :o) So fun to make with kids at school! Thanks a lot for sharing
    Warmest wishes

  10. What a fun post and I'm wondering who enjoyed the puppet workshop more. Somehow it seemed the adults were doing all the creating and playing!!

    Loved the boy/girl pictures!

  11. Now this is just plain fun!!
    You two out the GRAND in Grandma!

  12. This is just plain fun! You two know how to pout the GRAND in Grandma!
