Tuesday, November 22, 2011


What to do when the pool company tells you there was NO Possible
Way they could have put that over sized
Big Gray Heater/Pool Filter anywhere else but right smack dab next
to the pool deck.....
They seemed to forget that when we signed our contract they assured us the
equipment would go in the corner behind bushes....

"Oh we didn't mean behind the bushes we meant somewhere near the bushes".....
So said Larry our pool salesman.....

So we called back the Amigos.....

and more concrete was poured.....

And a plan was put into place......
The Boss let me have free rein on the design....

It took one week....

A few moments where not knowing Spanish made communicating difficult...

But we got through the general ideas and sizes I wanted....
With a lot of hand motions and a big tape measure...

And they knew they had a deadline because I was having a
Blog Party!!!!

And they worked and worked.....
and it began to take shape.....

Putting on the finishing touches....
They had to build the extra wall and curve it to hide the equipment from sight....
If not the minute you walked into the backyard from the gate you would have seen it...
They followed the plan perfectly...

TA DA!!!!!!

Just a little something to take the chill out of the air.....
The Boss hates building and maintaining a fire....
I'll have to tell you sometime how I almost caught our last house on fire.....
So we installed a gas line and gas logs....
No mess No fuss.....lights in two seconds and no soot to clean....

I.... ofcourse..... being the Frugal one in the family thought we should have passed on
the extra cost to build this thing to the Pool Company....
Or At Least to Larry the Liar.............


  1. Your pool and fireplace look fabulous, and I agree...the pool company should pay to have their mistake corrected...to your satisfaction.

  2. Oh but Sue it is gorgeous! I can't wait until my next visit to see the finished pool! Enjoy your Thanksgiving! hugs, Linda

  3. I love it, Sue! I know you and the Boss will spend some wonderful evenings next to that fireplace...so cozy! I would never have guessed there was pool equipment behind it! Happy Thanksgiving!...hugs...Debbie

  4. Wow! A perfect solution!! Your pool and fireplace are gorgeous!!
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. What a great addition to the pool area! Go after that Larry-- get him to pay. Hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful. After all your trials this past year, you have a gorgeous home to be thankful for. Sally

  6. Amazing work! They really delivered on your creative design ... does salt water in a swimming pool burn your eyes?

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. I have just come via Sandie's blog after having read about the incredible day they all spent with you recently. Apart from the lovely home you have, you certainly put on a feast to rival the best, anywhere! What a lot of work must have gone into it all! You really are a very talented and generous hostess and it appears everyone had a wonderful time. I hope you and your family enjoy a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving. I guess you've done ALL the cooking for that too! How I envy your entertaining skills. I'm quite hopeless and end up a nervous wreck.

  8. Seems like it was meant to be there all along...it looks fabulous.

  9. What a clever idea. The best we could do was some landscaping.

    Your house is beautiful. Will my timeshare trade there???

  10. You know that Larry the Liar won't reimburse you a dime so just give the company a bad report with the
    Better Business Bureau. Let him and the company owner know that you're contacting them, too. Who knows, you might just put some fear into them. Do you have an ombudsman's office or a television station that investigates things like this? One of our local stations does this and the "culprit" gets some coverage on prime time news after the investigation ensues! It seems to work wonders. The fireplace DOES look wonderful! I know you'll enjoy it immensely. We love our fire pit and will probably use it even in the winter. S'mores are good any time of year! Hope you had a great turkey day! Sue

  11. What a gorgeous setting! You must pinch yourself regularly and congratulate yourself for making the move!

  12. Your pool and fireplace were so gorgeous in person. I am a wee bit jealous of your beautiful backyard. Ours is just awful.

  13. I love that fireplace! Funny how things workout. As far as the pool contractors that would be quite frustrating. At least they built a stunning fireplace. Good move choosing gas.
    Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  14. They should have moved it - after all what you spent especially - the only thing is - what you did with it was absolutely awesome looking. You back yard was gorgeous. sandie

  15. I'm guessing there will be plenty of holiday time spent outside this year! Now you've got an outdoor room to decorate. Fun!

  16. Nice solution. Looks wonderful and so inviting.

  17. Everything looks beautiful and then that fire place just makes it PERFECT!!!

  18. Sue, you're so darn funny! lol "Larry the Liar"! ;) I guess he won't be getting any referrals from you now, will he? lol I didn't realize that lovely fireplace came about like this. Amazing! Well, I truly think it's magnificient! :)
