Wednesday, December 7, 2011

THE GEORGIA GOVERNOR'S MANSION...........A Tour With Joyce and Rose

Meet Your Lovely Tour Guides for the Day.....
Well....our Fun Tour Guides....I'm not sure how lovely these two are.....
Oh Ladies you know I love you both......
For those of you not in the know....
That would be our ex-blogger Joyce of Flour Power...
And every one's favorite SantaMaker....
We met up yesterday in the parking lot of the O.K. Cafe in Atlanta to
go on a tour of the Georgia Governor's Mansion....
I missed out last year so I made sure I was able to go this season....
And it's always a fun day spending it with these two wacky ladies....
I did the driving because when it's holiday time everybody loves the person
Who owns the "Handicapable Tag"...
After schmoozing the State Troopers at the Security check point.....
Yes...Rose even still had the picture on her phone from last year when Joyce got
Handcuffed by "said" security force.....
The cop on duty swore that it was not him in the photo but he couldn't fool us...
Unless this guy has a was him....
Anyhoo.....after explaining that I was walking on a broken foot....
That's right the foot that refuses to heal......
They tipped us off on where we could park really really close to the door....
There was a brief line to get in and we were told that the trees inside the Mansion
were decorated this year for each of the different areas of the
I have no idea what this represented....I swear Our Rose with her Decorating Talents
and Love for all things Christmas
Could have done a WAY better job at decorating the joint....
Someone suggested this was our state bird.....
Can't confirm that either....I have no idea what our state bird is....
Of Course being in the South you know there had to be a
Cotton-Pickin Tree....
Many of the Hostess' had no idea what the tree's represented....
But they seemed to be enjoying themselves....
The Dining Room was the prettiest in the whole house....
They did know that this represented Coastal Georgia....
The Mantel was decorated very nice....
But again Rose's Mantel puts this one to shame.....
I liked the use of the aqua and gold....
Another view of the table.....
Can you tell I liked this room the best....Align Center
Another Cotton Tree popped up along the route.....
The Grand Staircase.....
I couldn't figure out the two smaller trees under the staircase.....
Very odd....
This Silver Piece was Gorgeous....
I think Joyce tried to hide it under her Hat.....
A Goofy Looking Gingerbread House.....
I hope the Governors Chef didn't make it....if so...he needs a new chef....
There was a High School String Group....
Our Favorite Tree.....
Neighborhoods Around Atlanta...
The Fox Theater
Marietta's Own "Big Chicken".....
Santa's and Gourds.....
Alot of Fancy Portraits.....
Perhaps the North Georgia Mountains.....
A Creepy Face on a Mantel.....
And the girls in front of the Hanukkah Display.....

It was a rainy day but it was still pretty outside....
The grounds of the mansion are really beautiful...
They have a big Easter Egg Hunt here in the Spring....
The grounds are huge.......
And we were all surprised that this lone tree still had it's beautiful colored leaves
Still intact.....

I hope you enjoyed the tour.....
Now if you really want to see what Christmas decorations should look like
Here is a link to last years post of really need to get on the committee next year at the Manse
to Show them how it's really done....

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a Very Happy New Year....
I will be leaving this weekend to visit my girls in
I'll be back with lot's of Holiday Festivities to tell you about from the
Big Apple!


  1. Thanks for the fun tour, Sue! I'm sure the Mansion is still recovering! lol Enjoy your holidays with your family! Merry Christmas!...hugs...Debbie

  2. Sue, Thanks for taking us 'on tour' with y'all and for taking great photos. It looks like y'all had a blast. Hope your foot gets better soon.

  3. Tell that Rose to stop hanging out at the Governor's Mansion, and start blogging again!! Have fun in NYC with your girls. Is daughter o.k. after her Thanksgiving experience? So thankful someone didn't try to get away with cutie, Miss B. during the confusion! Take care and Happy Holidays! Sally

  4. What a lovely way to spend an afternoon. I wouldn't like to live in a goldfish bowl like that.

  5. Glad you had fun! I think the decorations were prettier last year. Sorry I couldn't make it. Have fun in NY and I hope we can get the girls together after you get back. Hugs, Lindab

  6. Thanks for sharing this tour! The dining room tablescape was gorgeous!!! Glad you had such fun! :)

  7. Gorgeous, beautiful, so pretty...oh. And the house is nice too!! *grin* But you ladies are all so pretty and look so happy. What a treat to see this mansion! About 12 years ago I went with my mom to visit the TN governor's mansion in December and it was really lovely. Thank you for taking us along!!

  8. Thanks for the tour, Sue. I do like the cotton tree...and that table is gorgeous!
    Your state bird is the Brown Thrasher!

  9. I am sorry I missed it - you three looked like you had a fabulous time darling!

    So did you think these ornaments and decorations were as pretty as the ones we saw before?

    How is your foot?

    Thanks for the nice tour!

    Merry Christmas,

  10. Hi Sue, Thanks for a fantastic tour. It was fabulous! I bet you three ladies had an adventure that day. Hope December is being wonderful to you.

