Saturday, November 19, 2011

FALL DECORATING ON STEROIDS............A friends House Tour.

Last year at Christmas I had the pleasure of being invited to the home of
Rose.....The SantaMaker.....of the blog...

Rose no longer Blogs but her Holiday Decorating Skills
certainly deserves to be seen and enjoyed by the
Blogging Community....

So here is my Fall Tour of Rose's beautiful Home....
I was invited to Join Rose and her neighbors for a
"Housewives" style game night....

I had no idea when I got there that Rose decorates her home
For the Four Seasons....
How cool is that....

Fall was everywhere....
She has a wonderful talent for staging....
I felt Like I was stepping into a magazine...

there wasn't a piece of furniture that didn't have a decoration on it...

I can't even imagine how long it takes her to decorate the whole house...

Align Center
She changes everything in the house for all four seasons.....
from the pillows on the sofa to the
Draperies on the windows....
it's amazing...

Her Dining Room is my favorite....
the blue porcelain pieces are everywhere and they
are Gorgeous...

I love how she stacks things on the seat of chairs.....
What a clever idea....
Let's not forget the smells of Fall....

Isn't this a great piece.....
She makes all her own floral arrangements and she also made that circular hanging piece that is
behind the candles....
It is made with paper.....

even the kitchen counter was decorated.....
And now for what a lot of you know Rose is famous for....
Her handmade Santa's.....
They are all for sale and on display in her Living Room....

Rose makes all the clothes......sculpts and paints the faces....
They are spectacular....

The NorthWoods Santa...

The French Santa....

The All American....

If Ralph Lauren designed a Santa this is what he would look like....
I Love the Coat...
They stand a good 2 feet tall....

If anyone would like more info on Rose's Santa's you can send me an e-mail
and I'll pass it along to Rose.....



  1. What a beautiful house - and those Santas are treasures!

  2. How beautiful, Sue...but I would expect nothing less of Rose! My favorite is also the dining room because you know I love blue and white. Those pops of orange are just perfect! And her Santas...amazing as always! I'm betting you all had a lot of fun with both you and Rose there to stir things up! lol Happy Thanksgiving!...hugs...Debbie

  3. Wow! Everything was beautiful!! The attention to detail is amazing. I loved the honey stick placed carefully in the arrangement and the stack in the chair. Thank you fou bringing us on the tour. Rose is amazing.

  4. Thank you for the wonderful tour! I miss Rose in Blogland. What a lovely home she has and it's hard to believe she make those gorgeous Santas. I know she does! ;)
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. Beautiful home...and those Santas are to die for.

  6. Stunning! I love how Rose is obviously so passionate (as well as talented) in what she does. Thanks for sharing ;-) x

  7. A beautiful home and such attention to each nook and corner! I love her blue and white...but those Santas are calling out to me!!!! Holy smoke they are awesome!
    Love and miss you!

  8. Thanks for sharing these photos of Roses home. So lovely and I bet each season is amazing! Her Santa's are a work of art and maybe one of these days I can get one....until then the photos are wonderful. Hugs, Linda

  9. I love the features on that pumpkin face on the shelf. Looks like the man in the moon. This can work out well. Rose will have more time to decorate and YOU can blog about it!

    PS. Enjoyed touring your house, too. (11/11) Pretty! Can't believe you've gotten it together so well. Wish you'd show some unpacked boxes so I'd feel better.

    Next time I expect refreshments. :)

  10. I am blown away by the beauty of her decorations, however I am not shocked by them - I know Rose is a talented gal. I have seen her Santa's and decorations on her blog. She is awesome.

    Thanks for the tour. Beautiful!


  11. If you talk to Rose, please tell her I miss her blogging. As always, her home and Santas are gorgeous!
