Saturday, October 22, 2011


I have been a reader of Country Living Magazine since 1976ish
At one time having every issue they had ever published....
Until the Boss discovered them in a box in the garage and they became
So I was excited to see their Fair coming to Atlanta for the second year in a Row....
With beautiful Stone Mountain Park as the Venue the Fair runs from
Friday through Sunday.....
The weather was glorious and I asked "what happens if it rains?"
Because this show goes on
Rain or Shine....
This was the first thing we spotted at the first tent we stopped at....
Adorable and hand painted Yes......Price of $345.00 No.....

Same booth.....Same Price.

There were old Bears......

And small bears....

Pumpkins were everywhere!!

Bittersweet.....My all time favorite fall thing....
I remember last fall bringing home a car load full of this from
Martha's Vineyard...

corn ofcourse....

One of my "cheap" purchases.....
All of $3.00 for my Guest Bath Room....

Cash and Cari was in attendance from HGTV

They had this adorable Chandelier in their actually lit up!

Hey......I have Six of these babies at home....
was I happy to see the price...
$45.00 each!!!

They also had these cute owls...
Owls seemed to be a popular theme this year.....

More homemade pumpkins....

This is what happens when Good Fringe goes BAD...........

Gotta love the
"Sisters on the Fly"
I'm sure you all follow these ladies on their Blogs....
This trailer was adorable....

There were individual people with quilts....
But unlike last year
Country Living did not have Quilts hanging all over the park....
I missed that as it was a very cute touch...

There were lots of buttons....
Prices were not for the faint of heart....

Okay this was more like it......

There were also lots of old sewing related pieces....

Ribbon in Pretty Colors....

Another popular item.....
Old Typewriters...
There were also lots and lots of Globes....
But my Partner in Crime
told me I had plenty at home....

This one is for you Mrs should have come...
Lot's of Doxie Stuff

Halloween is one Big Popular Holiday.....
I think it's getting more popular every year that goes by....

How True is this.....

There were even Ugly Pumpkins!!

I thought this was very cute but A lot of work to only enjoy for
31 Days before having to change it to the next month....

It was the middle of the field that we reached the
Half Way Point....
and my feet and Necie's back were starting to give out on us....

But we Smiled on......
We didn't Pay $32.00 and $10 to park to give up so soon!!!

Don't ask why I was Dressed Up like a Mime......

My Kind of Dog....

At the Country Living General Store.....

Lot's and Lot's of painted signs....
You heard a lot of ladies taking pictures and saying.....
"Oh I can do that".....
Lot's of Cheap people attend this event.

For example....
How cute is this idea to give some one for their Birthday.....
Notice I mention "idea" and I took a picture of it....

I was surprised not to see more American flags......

Lovin the Quilts....

This was a great idea made from just old windows.....

Just a Cute the color...

I have to say that all the booths were very nicely displayed....

Cameras and old photographs....
Another popular item....

Just a Pretty Picture....

And this one is for Joyce.....
Joyce...We need you Back from Chicago.....
I didn't get into nearly enough trouble without you here.....

We had earlier been "snookered" into buying a bad Hot Dog
and a Warm bottle of Dasani for $7.00
so with Necie getting a little lightheaded we headed
Towards the
But not before seeing this Huge
Talk about discouraging you from eating!!

With my recently healed broken foot trumping Necie's bad back.....
I opted to be the official
"table finder" while I made her stand in line to get the food....
She's Very good natured....
I wouldn't always be friends with me... if it were me....

refusing to buy another bottle of warm water I suffered with what I had....
I ordered the Mac and Cheese....I mean how bad could Mac and Cheese be....
Oh think again....
It was made with cream cheese and it was cold....
Enough Said....

A word to Country Living for Next Year.....
Get your act together with the food please....

I thought of our wonderful and talented friend
Rose the "Santamaker"
when I saw this chair....
Rose could do this blindfolded....

I had to take a picture of this.....
The Infamous Trocadero in Paris....
We have never actually paid to enter their museum but have spent tons
of money at their Fabulous
Nautical Gift Shop...
Always one of our first stops on our trips to Paris......

The Ultimate Shabby Chic......

Align Center
People who can make things out of Anything....

They displayed their soaps in an old claw foot bath tub.....

It was time to leave For Home and beat that Atlanta traffic back to the other side of town....
With our bad feet and one bad back.....
We made one last stop on our ride home....
the best meal of the day....
Two Each....Krispy Kreme Donuts....and two Cokes....
I hope you enjoyed the Fair
Maybe someday it will come to a town near you.....
Just don't order the Mac and Cheese!!


  1. It was a fun day. Just eat a big breakfast before you go. Kathy M. was jealous. She wants to go with us next year.

  2. Thanks for taking me there, Sue! Between my bum shoulder and my g'sons Little League, I just couldn't go...another Little League game tomorrow. It looks like fun...but exhausting! See you SOON! :-)...hugs...Debbie

  3. I read all about the Fair every year in CL magazine and wish I could visit. Thanks for the great tour!

  4. You and Denise looked like you had a great time - I know you miss Joyce. And I guess Cheri missed it.

    Looks like a wonderful time there. Fun and food and crafts.

    I like that silly flower chair and my favorite it the elephant's a$$! teehee

    See you soon.


  5. Sue,

    I've always wanted to attend one of their fairs. I appreciate your posts about them because I don't feel like I missed out entirely. Your writing and wonderful sense of humor always make me feel as though I'm alongside you. I hope your foot is soon healed.

    Your Friend,

    PS Please email me your new address.

  6. One of these years I hope I make it. It looked like so much fun and this weekend the weather was perfect. Great pictures.

  7. Thanks for the great photos and the tour! I was planning to go this year but since I'm still in Texas it did not happen. Not sure when I will get home! Hugs, Linda

  8. Wasn't it fun? I traveled from Mass to Columbus to go with Susie Q last year...we had a blast!

  9. Over-priced and too much primitive stuff is my comment about last year's Ohio show. I understand the Atlanta show is different. I did enjoy lunch in their cafe- even though it was $20! Yikes! Still better than an over-priced sandwich, chips, and drink, though. Glad you had a fun time w/your friend, Sue. :-)

  10. It sounds like a great day to me despite the food. I love to wander through fields of interesting stuff even if I don't buy anything. What a beautiful day to be out in the sunshine. Thanks for taking us along, Sue.

  11. I was going, but we went out of town instead. I am not into the craft stuff, but would love to see the collectibles. Your outfit was cute.

  12. I saw your comment on BNOTP... I was at the Fair on Saturday! It was wonderful, wasn't it!!! A bit pricey, but loaded with great inspiration! I loved the owl pillows you had pictured. Considered bringing one of the them home! :) And Sassy Trash was one of my favorite booths too!

  13. I'm with you on the food! It was really bad and very expensive! I got a $6 Hamburger PLATE, that consisted of one little patty on a stale, crumbling bun! A plate usually includes a side of some sort. But after I complained about the parking, I didn't want to dampen my post any further! LOL! It really was a great show for inspiration though! I got several good ideas! And the weather was awesome! :)

    Can't wait to see your pillow! We'll have to stay in touch and connect if we are there on the same day next year!

  14. I live in New Jersey, but have a son and his family living in the Atlanta area. Wanted to go to the "Country Living Fair so badly i have considered for the past 2 years using my vacation time just to come. So glad you gave us a wonderful review, I feel almost like I was there! Thanks! And if I ever do get there...I'll have your great tips about the food! lol

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Thank you for a wonderful over view of the event! Loved all your photos and especially your narratives!!!

  17. Oh what fun!
    Love the Mime outfit -- but next year, wear your big red nose and huge yellow shoes. You know what they say -- everybody loves a clown, everybody hates a Mime.

    There might be a special Clown discount, you never know.

    Lots of neat stuff, but also a measure of ... ummm ... how shall I put this? Oddball? "Shabby" that has crossed the line over to "Junk?" That giant pig's a**, though, now that was worth the price of admission!

    I see this every year in the magazine -- what fun to see it through your eyes. Thanks!

    Now if they can get their food issue fixed. Seriously!

  18. I am the dealer with the sock monkeys and in case you are worried, we did find homes for all 15 of them.

    As for the food, we found the soup bowls and the mac n cheese at the country living cafe on loop A delicious but pricey.

    And yes, that was a pig's behind on an elephant - noticed that when it came off the truck :)!

  19. I wish they would have a fair like that in NJ!! Loved looking at all the goodies and truth be told, it was less expensive for me to tour it on your blog post than actually go there...just sayin!
    ♥, Susan

  20. Hi Sue,

    Thanks for taking us along on your visit to the fair. I'd heard the same thing about the food & prices at the CL fairs, elsewhere! Too bad they aren't as together as their magazine.

    I ♥♥♥ "Sisters on the Fly"...someday, I hope I can join them in their my old age, probably.

    I'm amazed that you could do so much with a sore foot.
    GO REST & Elevate it!


    p.s. I thought your outfit was darling!
