Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Our weather In Georgia has been so beautiful lately I thought
I would take you on a little tour of
My New Neighborhood.....
My day started at my kitchen sink where this little sign
reminds me of my Dad who used to
Say this atleast 10 times a day to my mother....
I think it's a "Man Thing" to tell a women when they know longer want to here her talk to
I wandered out back to see how the Fireplace is coming.....
One word.....Beautiful.
Around front are flowers in bloom......
Six big pots on the front porch...
Color on a porch table.....
So with Nikon and a zoom lens in hand I went for a Walk....
Same County as the old homestead......But the scenery on the West Side is Way Prettier....
The leaves are falling early this year.....
On the dead end street leading to our house is this little Gem......
Now I have to say that someone was a bit cheesy when they planted these trees....
They were going for that whole
Tuscany look but fell short by a few dozen.....
For Sale and Billed as a
"Mediterranean Villa"
or as we refer to it as the
"Mediterranean "Bob" Villa".....I know I know....it's Bob Vila
it's for Sale for $2,300,000.00 with 23 acres.....
I would like to know who thought to build a
in the middle of Kennesaw Georgia.....
And then think they could sell it....
But it does make for nice eye candy when your driving down the road to go home.....
I feel like I'm on one big long European Vacation.....
Next door to the Villa.....
The Horse Farm....
A Designer Horse Hat.....
Would anyone who knows anything about horses please let us know if
these poor horses can see anything.....

These two have what appears to be translucent fabric over their eyes.....
But the horse with the Plaid get-up looked like he couldn't see a thing.
While all the other horses could care less that I was intruding on them......
This guy either heard me or saw me and got a little
But he let me take his picture and off I went.....
Enjoying the day and the scenery...
On the way home I noticed a new sign posted by the Georgia DOT
At the entrance to our street
announcing that "Speed Bumps" would soon be installed on that
beautiful stretch of road.....
Somebody always has to come an ruin things....
I was just about to buy myself a Bike...
The Boss pointed out that if I attempt to ride a bike over 8 speed bumps that it's
Just a matter of time before I break a leg......
or an arm...
Point Taken.


  1. I love your neighborhood! Great horses and I don't know a darn thing about their hats...lol! hugs, linda

  2. Nice to be in a new spot so you can have adventures and not just the same old things to look at. The horses are beautiful, but I don't know what those hats are about. That villa is strange. I once had a 3.5 mil dollar castle for sale, beautiful in some ways, but here in New England it just never sold, but I spent hundreds advertising it. Your weather looks beautiful, we got instant cold and snow here this week.

  3. Consider yourself lucky -- around here they are called "Speed HUMPS," which as you can imagine causes no end of high hilarity when you are driving a minivan full of high schoolers around. Once upon a time.

    And here I come to visit you, and the first words I see are about how wonderful the weather is in Georgia, while I'm looking out the window at SNOW. Yes, still. I have some choice New Jersey words about that, but this is a family blog. :-P

    About that villa? You gotta wonder.

  4. Great neighborhood to go walking in, Sue!
    No clue on the hat/hood for the horses...eye protection, maybe?

  5. Well I had a nice walk with you and got to see some very lovely things.

    Your fireplace is going to be awesome.

    And I love the trees with the burnt orange coloring.

    Maybe someone from Italy will come and buy the villa!

    Not sure about the horse either.

    See you Sunday at your lovely new home.


  6. The neighborhood is even prettier in person. Me...I'm just jealous I am stuck in the old 'hood. Can't wait to see the fireplace finished.

  7. yes, they can see (even through the ones that appear to blind them). These "hats" are a god send to horses, keeping flies and other bugs out of their eyes. I always feel sorry for the ones that don't have someone who cared enough to put them on them.

    And, Sue - thanks for your nice email (but I still want your life).

    Just a weather note: I was due to fly to Paris on Friday, but when 21 inches of wet snow (the consistence of mashed potatoes) fell on Saturday, the power was knocked out by 4pm Saturday and only came back on around midnight last night ... a dark and cole nightmare. Office closed as well which put me way too far behind to be able to go. With a breaking heart I cancelled the trip this afternoon. If I don't get french soil under my feet once a year I feel empty, so this is a bad year. Already planning for Spring if I can wait that long.

  8. Girl you live in a high falooten neighborhood

    love the Bob Villa and the horses.

    I want to know also why the horse bonnets? since the one can't see?? what the heck are they

    protest the speed bumps

  9. Sue, the horses can see. The masks are made of soft plastic screen wire of sorts so it's like looking through a heavy screen door. They keep flies out of their faces so the horses really enjoy them. Our farmers co-op has many stylish masks but my favorite is one with big pink sunglasses... very cute!

  10. Lovely stroll through your wonderful neighborhood, and I learned all about horse hats, lol.

  11. You are so funny as always. What a villa indeed. Love watching horses. We have a horse farm down the road. Looking forward to Sunday!

  12. Thought id say hello while passing your blog by, and i hope you folks have a very nice weekend. We are maybe a little past fall peek colors for taking pictures of our tree's here in central Pennsylvania, but ill try anyway to go out one last time to snap some images. Richard from the Amish community of Lebanon Pennsylvania.

  13. Your neighborhood is lovely. Great villa and beautiful horses.

  14. You really are having fun in the new hood! Love it!


    Sheila :-)

  15. HI Sue!!! I came over from Kelly's beautiful post about the lunch at your GORGEOUS home! I will be your newest follower too. I read some comments and am glad to know the horses can see and that they LIKE the screens. I am looking forward to more of your blog. Have a GREAT week. Wish I lived closer and could have come to lunch! I am in Pa. and probably close to your NJ!!!!!!! LOL!!! XO, Pinky

  16. What a beautiful neighborhood you live in, these shots are amazing!! Just stopped over from Kelly's blog, your home is absolutely beautiful and it looks like you all had a fun time yesterday!! Just became your newest follower:) Martina

  17. Such pretty pictures of fall landscape. It looks so serene! I saw you are from Jersey and I have to say not finding "good" pizza is one of my issues with living in the south as well! I am from the Philly area and I miss the food so much! Needless to say when I go home to visit I gain 5 pounds eating...hoagies, cheese steaks, pizza, soft pretzels from the street vendors..you only live once so enjoy your food!
    I am now a new follower of your blog, I hope you'll stop by and visit mine when you get a chance.

    All the best,
    Rachel :)

  18. Do you LOVE these horses?! LOL
    hugs, Sue
