Thursday, October 13, 2011

The World's Largest Pottery Barn!!

There is alot of great things about living in Atlanta....
From the lovely weather to the cost of living to free highways....
Hear that New Jersey!!!
And now we can add to the Mix....
The World's Largest Pottery Barn!
Located at Lenox Square Mall in Atlanta
I took the Boss over the other day to look for a coffee table for his den....
And while I was there I thought I would take you guys on a tour....
While pulling out my camera from my purse the Boss says....
"Put that want to get us thrown out".....
Until this lovely young lady appeared and said they encourage picture taking.....
Now I know everyone loves the Pottery Barn but your probably sick of getting their
catalogs in the mail every 30 seconds but this was a "Retail Eye Candy"
It's two stories of the most beautiful furniture and accessories around....
It is HUGE....
At daughter's suggestion we bought most of our new furniture from here and
we are loving it....especially our kitchen farm table and bench....
Unlike Restoration Hardware which appears to have lost their minds....
This stuff is actually in proportion to the average persons home size....
This is the coffee table we purchased and a similar sofa.....
We choose the "L" shaped sectional with slip covers in a honey colored linen
I love this piece....the mirror that is...
It will..... I'm sure..... find a place at the homestead for it very soon....
Also love the baskets on the wall...just very homey...
Not just dark pieces but light as well....Like this vase
You know my new obsession with Globes.....
I restrained myself as I seem to have enough.....
I did like this grouping of pictures and do-dads
And I liked that they had it over a bed....I think it looks great....
These throws are so very soft....I have the blue one on my sofa.....My only complaint is
that is Sheds!!
Lanterns seem to be big this year
Big Comfy beds...
Candles.....not a favorite of mine....I know I could burn down the house in a minute...
I still Don't Know how I feel about hanging a light over a bed??
But I do like the trunk at it's foot........
Their entire lower level is bedrooms and baths.....
Here's that great mirror again.... you think I really like this...I think it was $299.00
This was a beautiful Living Room Vignette.....
Pretty Fall Bedding....
They do have an elevator for people like Me who would die
climbing that staircase....
The whole store is decorated beautifully for fall....
This was in their office section
Don't care for rustic design.....They offer plenty of fancy schmancy stuff for the
Lovers of White....
And they seem to bring artificial fruit to a new level....
Little bathroom's set up downstairs to show off all their great fixtures....towels and
Frenchie pieces for the Bath...
A huge Halloween display.....I was not fond of the dessert plates with the
Rats on them.....poor choice of design with that one!!
But I did love these little mice.....

Well I hope you enjoyed the little tour......It was like stepping inside the catalog
Only you were able to touch everything and pick something up to
Buy and not have to wait for delivery....
I Loved It!!


  1. Sounds like a fun place to browse and see lots of great decorating ideas. I also love that mirror...are you getting it?? hugs, Linda

  2. Poor me - I live in the boonies of Colorado and have never been to a Pottery Barn. They must have one in Denver - must check that out when I go to the new IKEA store one of these days. You didn't show us your dust ruffle!!! Take care, Sally

  3. So nice that they have so many of the things in the catalog so you can actually see their scale, etc. I will be anxious to see how you like their slipcovered sofa. I am wondering if you can remove and clean the slips... a bonus with grandchildren!

  4. Whoa. that is one whole lotta PB! Gorgeous.
    Rats on the plates for Halloween? Yeah, that one screams New Coke -- as in bad corporate decisions.

    If you want to send me a Pottery Barn gift to compensate for my having to pay tolls to travel 26 MPH on the Garden State Parkway my address is ....

    OH ... the throw that sheds? Have you tried putting it in the dryer on NO HEAT, with a dryer sheet, and shaking some of the fluff off? It's worked for me. Well, not for ME actually -- I don't shed that much -- but for knitted things.


  5. I love how you describe each photo as we toured the store. You are a crazy, funny gal Sue!!
    That mirror would definately be going home with me.
    Thanks for the tour.

  6. Loved this pictorial - hey I live here and didn't even know it existed. I'm sure your items are going to be very nice.

    I made the bread this am and am waiting for bubbles - I have bubbles - just don't know if I need more!

    Will write you later.


  7. Good gosh...what a place! You could spend all day in there! What a story your daughter has to tell about moving from NYC at that time. What I didn't say on Sarah's post was that 3 months before she was to start law school she had surgery for thyroid cancer....I took her to her orientation (she didn't tell them..she was afraid they would not let her come)...she could hardly hold her head up because so many nerves were cut during surgery. This Dec she will celebrate three years of cancer free... We have raised some fine strong girls...yay us!

  8. No Pottery Barn here, so I enjoyed the tour! It's the only way I'll get inside!

  9. see post on previous blog ..... ditto.

  10. YEs Yes Yes
    That was me that took you & your friends picture last year at the Country Living Fair in Atlanta

    I was with Sharon from The Sisters on the fly her trailer was the little turquoise one. I rode into the fair with her just from our hotel

    I was driving last year and was flying with my sister this year so we didn't make the fair.

    That Pottery barn is a shoppers dream if you like pottery barn

    I love shopping and did a lot in Savannah last week

    thanks Sue for your comments

    Janice ( i don't take good pictures but you have to come out of the closet sometime LOL)

  11. Sue, I like to check out the merchandising that PB does- I still think in a wholesale mentality, so prices are always a factor in this type of store! LOL You get around, girl! How's the house coming? I heard you are hosting a little soiree in a couple of weeks! Sounds like a blast!! One of these days, you and I will hook up and cause some trouble, ok? xo Sue

  12. Pottery Barn always inspires me. Thanks for taking us shopping. I'm your newest follower.

  13. Just what you needed! I was concerned that there weren't enough places for you to shop. :)

    Nice to hear they encourage picture taking. Sure saves having to drag a husband along!

  14. Dear Sue,

    Okay, Cass, Laura {Shore House Chic} and I are coming down. Road Trip! I go to the PB at the Christiana Mall in DE -- no taxes! But I could easily and willingly get lost in your PB! Remember don't report me missing until I've been gone for 24 hours. hehehe

    Your Friend,
