Monday, September 26, 2011

FROM DIRT TO DRAMATIC.......A Backyard Transformation

It all started as a simple little backyard......
Where there sat a tiny Castle and lot's of dead grass....
Not much personality but certainly
tons of potential....
And then We moved in and had a Vision....
So we called in the bulldozers
and the steam shovels....
They showed up at Dawn.....
Waking everyone within a 3 block radius....
They pulled up trees....and tore up the grass....
Were we crazy to take on such an enormous project....
Oh heck no....
I was getting my Pool!!!!
So the Boss supervised from afar....
Thinking that I must have lost my mind for talking him into this....
In short time......actually the first day they arrived....
We had a huge hole in our backyard....
I told the Boss not to worry that is would be spectacular....
Even after 41 years of Marriage I think he doubted my judgement....
But I knew this backyard was made for this....
With a Six Week time frame I had a feeling that it would be like in the Movie
"The Money Pit"....
Where every time they asked the contractor when the job would be completed they
would answer the same thing...
"Two Weeks"...
But every day bright and early someone would show up at our gate....
And the work picked up steam....
And the men seemed to multiply.....
In just a few days we actually had what appeared to be a pool...
We were getting very excited....
At only 4ft. to a high of 4 1/2 ft.....I wondered why the steps looked
So Deep????
You see I can't swim and I'm not really a fan of water....
I was thinking 8 hours of sunning on the patio....
And maybe 1/2 hour of dunking to keep cool...
The first week the Boss had to hose the concrete 3 times a day....
I was in charge of standing on the sidelines and yelling things like....
"Your going to fall off the Jacuzzi"....
"Don't fall off the wall"...
"You missed a spot"....
And then the Amigos came.....
And everyday They Cooked.....
And worked from dawn to dusk.....
And in no time flat we saw it taking shape.....
And we saw an end in sight......
There were only 2 days when it rained that the men didn't come.....
They even worked Saturday and they apologized for coming to work on
The Stone Work was Magnificent.....
These men were true craftsman....
When it came time to grout the brick patio each brick was done by hand....
With this huge "pastry" type bag....
We watched in amazement and we didn't want these men to leave....
So we found more stone work for them to do.....
We doubled the size of the patio from the original plan....
Ahead of schedule.....We were at the 4 week mark...
When they knew Daughter and Miss B were coming they kicked it into
High Gear.....
We dressed up the Deck....
But it was covered in brick dust....
We were ready to see an end in sight...
Ta Da!!!!!!
It took only two days with our little garden hose to fill
and then we found out that Cobb County Water would not give us a one time
credit for the sewer charges....
I don't even want to see when that bill comes...
They told me they used to give the credit but the people of Cobb County Abuse water
use ........hence no more credits....
Of course.
It came more beautiful then we expected....
Every day another neighbor comes to visit to see the progress...
I'm ready to sit and relax....
With my "Charlie Brown" trees that I ordered special...
Not one but three!!
and listen to my waterfall....
and be amazed that after all these years I actually have a
Professionally landscaped lawn...
And I want to Thank the Boss.....
For making it all possible....
For years and years of enjoyment to come.....

p.s. We really didn't want the stone masons to leave so they will be starting on a
stone fireplace this week to cover the filter and heater....
pictures to follow!!


  1. Sue it is gorgeous! I can't wait to see it in person! What fabulous craftsmen you had! hugs, Linda

  2. Wow! That is some waterfall and pool! Looking forward to seeing you soon!

  3. Stunning! This looks like out of a magazine...hmmm...maybe you should get a hold of Southern Living.

    It just amazes me how fast you were able to do everything...from house finding, furniture buying and landscaping/pool. I would still be pondering ideas.

  4. What an amazing transformation that was indeed. I am amazed and thrilled for you. You had some top notch people do that. Can't wait to see it too Susan. Just lovely.


  5. Wow! Gorgeous! I always wondered how a pool got built. Loved seeing the progression of the photos. Enjoy!

  6. Just gorgeous, Sue. Doesn't it feel great to finally get something that you have no doubt sacrificed for over the years? Once the kids are gone it seems like it is finally "our turn". I love that you have a "shallow" pool; I am like you and want to be able to stand up in a pool and still breathe normally thru mouth and water in my face! Enjoy!

  7. Gorgeous...the stonework is awesome!

  8. Hi Sue! Let me know when you invite the Georgia bloggers over to swim. I might have to drive down myself! I've enjoyed seeing all your new stuff, but I want to see Miss B swimming in that pool!

  9. It is beautiful, and I know you must still be pinching yourself!

  10. great will have a lot of fun in there!
    Great design! Jennifer

  11. Sue-It is absolutely beautiful! Gorgeoous and I love that those craftsmen knew exactly what they were doing. The whole thing is a work of art. xo Diana

  12. Wow, this is so very beautiful!!!! Well worth it I would say!!

  13. Sue,

    Be sure to thank the boss for me. I am going to enjoy sipping mojitos with you poolside when I come to visit! I've decided to get you a pool-boy as a house warming gift. :)

    I had an in-ground pool installed at my last home. I miss it big time. We want to get one here -- the current one in the basement just isn't the same. :/

    ENJOY! It's absolutely stunning and suits your new castle.

    Your Friend,

  14. Once again: WOW - WOW -WOW!!!!
    Everything is so stunning!!!
    The pool shape is wonderful and the stonework is breathtaking.
    Your whole property is really a wonderland!
    Love & hugs

  15. Sue

    you my girl are living the good life.
    What a fabulous pool!!!!!!

    I really enjoyed all the progress pictures

    I know ya all will enjoy it for years

    I just bought a new swimsuit LOL


  16. It's gorgeous! I imagine that there really will be years of enjoyment - and with your climate there will be way more enjoyment than dreaming. Those workers are amazing - you lucked in there!

  17. Wow! It is spectacular. Enjoy every minute at the resort in your backyard!

  18. It is FABULOUS! Enjoy it, I know you will!

  19. wow! That is gorgeous! My pool is definitely ghetto now!

  20. wow! That is gorgeous! My pool is definitely ghetto now! ;)

  21. Holey Moley....this is gorgeous!
    I would LOVE a pool like that!!!
    You are one blessed lady to have such a good "boss".

  22. Oh Sue-- it is beautiful and I know you will enjoy it. I use to be a 'water child', but I'm not a 'water old-lady' - gave that up a few years ago. I'm back from our 3000 mile, 10-day road trip - will post about it soon. Take care, Sally

  23. Absolutely beautiful. I LOVE the landscaping. What is the name of the trees that you have behind the waterfall? It looks like you have 3 of them. I see them throughout Ga. and would love some for my backyard...

  24. Some form of a Blue Spruce. if you see my latest post I have pictures of the weeping variety, they are really cool
