Sunday, September 11, 2011

This....That....And Nonsense......Thinking Outside of the Box

I am in the middle of Decorating Floor #2.....and I am looking forward to Showing you all
The other half of the house....
But in the Meantime....Since Decorating up a flight of stairs is a Bit
Hard when your wearing a cast on your foot......It is once again a
"Post About Nothing".....
and a few Good Ideas thrown in....
With the Internet as a source of news we no longer buy the local paper....
So when I had to pack up my things I needed to find
cheap packing material....
Thinking outside the Box....
I remembered I had leftover Christmas wrapping paper that I had bought
In fact I had gift wrap from The Dollar Tree also....
Way cheaper then buying a dozen Sunday newspapers and much larger to wrap those
larger worked like a charm...
I am one of those picky picky people at the Deli Counter that has to have their
Deli meats cut just so......paper thin without being shaved....
I hate looks like it's been chewed and spit out....Not good...
Anyhoo....Walmart Deli has this great sign that lets you choose
the thickness you would like...
I get my cheese sliced at #1
and my Ham.....well they can slice it at #1/2....Perfect!!!
And yes I really buy ham and cheese at Walmart....
It's just as good as any place else and a whole lot cheaper...
Should a Chicken and Biscuit place really be selling
In fact should any fast food place be selling Bologna...??
Another of my Outside of the Box Ideas!
Don't you hate trying to fill water in to your iron....
A squeeze bottle is the way to go.....Works like a charm....
Just make sure you use a new ketchup bottle or wash it good.....LOL
I try not to use butter but cooking with lo-cal
spreads just don't work.....There is just too much water in them..
Until I discovered Smart Balance....
Browns things just like butter...
I have failed to read the label to see if it really is "Smart" for you to use this....
But I'm assuming it's better for you then butter.....
And it really works!
I just like this picture I took while driving down Interstate 75.....
Actually the Boss was driving....
Never move into a neighborhood who has .....
A Ginormous Buddha statue in it's backyard....
can you see the man in the bottom left of the picture....just to show you how big
Buddha really is....
Picture was taken off Rt. 27 in South Brunswick New Jersey.....
Just for anybody out there thinking about moving to South Brunswick....
How cute are these two....
They had to have been in their 80's....
The writing on the back of the scooter announces that they are the Worlds Oldest
Living motorcycle riders....
I love the Handicap Tag....
And believe me they were going at a good pace....probably 55mpg....We had to
drive fast to catch up to them at a light....
Always flush in a public rest room using your elbow.
Kudos to Kohl's for having "child size potties".....
We discovered Grandpa was a "Food Hoarder"
If a loved one ever passes away and you feel the need to give their Hoard away to
the Local Food Bank.....
Make Sure.....

The foods were made this century......
That's not the price people....
That would be Teriyaki Sauce from August 1995.......
And we have no idea why he shopped at a Chinese Grocery Store....

Only in Jersey....
Does "The Situation" really need to be on a Billboard.....
Where's Snookie?
I had no idea you could successfully paint over brass.....

You Can!!!
First use a can of Primer....or two or three....

I am thrilled how great it's coming....
This will go in Miss B's room at our new house for when she visits....
I love this color and have found a wonderful comforter set from Garnet Hill for it....
I will show you pictures when the room is finished....
And to honor 9/11......
I took this photo one month before the Towers were attacked in St. Paul's Cemetery
which sits directly across the street from where the
World Trade Center sat...
While daughter and the Boss went to the top of the observation tower I wandered
around taking pictures...
I found this picture in a shoe box about a year later.....
It just gave me chills.....


  1. That is an incredible 9/11 photo and story.

  2. Interesting thinking outside the box stuff here! I missed something...why are you in cast...?

    The iron idea is great! Maybe will try your idea for butter. Been losing weight by counting calories..9 pounds so far.


  3. Love the iron bed for Miss B and the color. The VW sister had one that color but I wasn't even old enough to drive them old Bugs.

  4. I enjoy your posts about That last shot gives me chills also...

  5. Bologna Bojangles, really?

    Love, love, love, the squeeze bottle idea for filling the iron...genius!!

  6. A lot of this and that, and a bit of great nonsense. Enjoyed reading. Last photo is a sad chiller.

  7. Hi Sue

    I enjoyed your mixed up outside of the box post. LOL
    Keeps your mind alert reading.

    I need to catch up on your past posts also.

    I am not coming to the Country Living Fair in Atlanta this year, My sister and I are spending a few days in Savannah Georgia and flying so won't have a rental car.

    We are going to meet Savannah Granny if you read her blog

    I like the bed painted


  8. That's another thing why the cast?


    i will read past post and maybe find out, aren't you moving also and in a cast oh my gosh?

  9. Hi Sue - Love the photo of the old couple on the motorcycle and all the other odds and ends in your post. Hope you get rid of that cast very soon.

  10. Why you have been busy! The bed frame is looking lovely - your grand-daughter will just love it!!! Al x

  11. Hope you are doing better, a cast is no fun.
    The last pic, eerie. I know my friends who lost loved ones are not at piece. It was such a horrible way to die.

    How is Joyce?

  12. That would be PEACE in my previous comment! duh!

  13. Hi Sue -- I love posts like this! It's like a cozy visit.
    Hope the foot's getting better -- no fun to break one; I did that when I was 5 months preggers with Anne.

    That "Bologna" sign? Maybe that's the name of a new waitress who just was hired and has a following, like a popular hairdresser. There's no other logical explanation.

    BTW the new house is GORGEOUS. And I need that pot on the front burner of your stove. Send it along, please.

    And I flush public potties with my foot --- when I don't have a broken one.

    Mazel tov on the new home!
    It's fabulous! I cannot believe how fast you put it together...makes me feel like such an under achiever!

  14. PS I know that Buddha in South Brunswick; Anne's at grad school at Rutgers. It is startling, to say the least!
