Monday, October 3, 2011


Who hasn't been to Disney World......
The whole world has but I wanted to make sure there were some things You all
Might have missed or are unaware of.....
Because if there's any kind of bargain or scheme
You can bet I am the first in line....
When daughter asked us to go with her and "B" to Disney for "B"s Birthday
I was a little apprehensive....
After all at 60 years old with very bad feet and an adversity to the heat
It was not my idea of a vacation....
But it was for the girls so we smiled and said..."Of course we will go"....
For years when we lived in South Florida we would go every year but we always
Stayed off the grounds of the Park as those years were ultra-budget vacations...
But we have upgraded from the Days Inn and daughter suggested we stay at
one of the Disney properties...
As a child daughter
always wanted to stay at the Contemporary Hotel with the Monorail that
goes through the lobby....But it looks so "business"
I on the other hand love all things "Beachy".....So I suggested the
Grand Floridian....
It looked very vacationee.......Daughter thought the rooms looked a bit Hokkie.....
The place is beautiful.....well worth the money....
We paid one flat rate for the four of us for 5 days and 4 nights.....
At a cost of around $4800.00 we got......
All Park Admissions....
this included going as many times in one day to as many places as you wanted.....
In 100 degree heat we stuck to the Magic Kingdom.....

It also included all our meals and snacks throughout the day....
It was terrific not having to take out your wallet every time you wanted to eat....
And at the Grand Floridian the food was wonderful....
And that coming from a true foodie....

They didn't tell us when we checked in that their "Cafeteria" which is attached to the main building is open 24 hours.....from Pizza to Sandwiches and Burgers.....
all sorts of snackie things too....we found ourselves eating
The hotel room was lovely and we scored a room overlooking the park across the lake....
The pool is also open 24 hours and we enjoyed it at 2:00 a.m. after a hectic night
over at the park....
When you stay at one of the Disney Resorts they have special hours just for Resort Guests
to use the Park....Daughter took "B" there one night and she had the Park all
to Themselves.....
We stayed back at the room and snored....
Here's the Gang getting ready to show Sophie the time of little life.....
I was hoping that stroller was for me!!
Now here is a little hint for all you ladies out there with Bad Feet.....Bad Backs....
Bad anything that prohibits you from standing in one place for longer
then a few seconds....
I know your out there.....
When you enter the Park go to the Guests Services counter at
City Hall which is right through the gates on your Left....
Tell them you have "Mobility" issues and they will give you a Pass to
"Get To The Head of the Class"......I Mean LINE.....

Now I do Own a "Handicapable" I like to call it.....Which I had with me...
But they were so nice that they did not ask to see it....
A simple request and I was issued this special pass for both myself and the Gang....
After All I couldn't very well go into the Pirates of the Caribbean without
The Girls.....
All you do is show the pass to the first person you see outside of the attraction....
They are usually the Greeter Person....
They then escort you around the back of the ride and you are now at the front of the
This came in very handy for me as I found out when I got back home that I was
Actually walking around on a broken foot.....Ouch!!!

Another wonderful thing they offer that it seemed no one knew about is the
Remember that really comes in handy....
At certain attractions....
Such as meeting Mickey Mouse....The Jungle Cruise.....etc.
There is a little Kiosk located close by with tickets for a special time frame....
You swipe in your park ticket and out pops a ticket with a time on it...
You stop back during the designated time and you go to the front of the line....
We were always able to get right in.......So that's why I say nobody knows of this great feature...

One of the fun places to eat is the Crystal Palace.....
You do need reservations for their buffet..... something you never needed in the past....
But it's a character restaurant and the kids loved it....
It's all you can eat and Drink!!
As you can see by "Two Fisted Sophie".....
And you can charge your trip on Master Card But this Face is
All the characters came table to table not to miss any of the children...
And once again the food was very good.....
If you ever went to Disney with your own children and their grandparents
It's a Must to duplicate a picture of the new "Grandpa and Granddaughter"......
I still have the picture of Daughter and my Dad in this same shot getting onto the
infamous Race Cars.....
I actually stood and cried watching them re-create this picture.....
My father would have adored Miss B.....
Another character Breakfast....this time at the Grand Floridian....
This was an All You Can Eat Breakfast Buffet.....
Wonderful assortment of food....
A little crowded in the dining room and we were seated by the entrance door....
Not a good idea....If you go....make sure they seat you away from
where people walk in and out....
As you can see the "Boss" got a bit of a thrill from Blondie....
Our room at the Grand Floridian faced across the lake over to the Park....
We stood out on the balcony at night and watched the fireworks....
Being spared the horrible crowds on Main Street....
There is also a great restaurant right at the pier next to the hotel.....
The Narcoossee's
reservations are!
Ask for a table by the window and watch from there....
The view from our room.....
This was a Lagoon View room with 2 queen beds and a balcony....
steps away from the boat launch...

the monorail service is right at the hotel and so is the ferry.....
We found that due to the Hotels location it was best to take the Monorail
over to the Park and then take the boat back to the hotel....
It saves you from making many many monorail stops as it leaves the Park to get you back to the Grand Floridian....
Our room was closest to the boat dock....
We had lunch one day at the Grand Floridian and this was their dessert
This counted for two of our desserts in our meal plan....
But on the lunch menu was New York Strip Steak which was to die for....

They Love making Mickey in Chocolate....
The Lobby of the main Hotel....
Music nightly and some lovely retail shops....
Did I mention how good dessert was.....
If your celebrating a Birthday like we were just see the front desk and this
is what you can expect!!
That's Mickey in White Chocolate with delicious cookies....
They also brought Sophie balloons and.....
They included some chocolates for the big people.....And...
A Birthday card from Mickey....
The Hotel incorporated the Disney characters into everything from
floor tiles to wallpaper in the rooms.....
If you have never stayed stayed at one of the Park Resorts think about it next time....
My good friend said she thought it was too fancy for her family.....
Not at all....
And all and all the price was not bad considering all the perks....the service...the
I recommend it highly...

So that's a few tips from me and the Fam......We had such a fabulous trip
That we are planning to go back in April....
It might cost a few bucks more to pay in advance but it was a very
Big Treat......
And this was "B" all the way home......
It was truly one of the best vacations I have ever been on.....
Except of course for the broken foot and the unbearable heat!!


  1. What a fabulous and magic trip!!!
    No other words to say!
    Andrea would love to visit it...

  2. I would say you had an awesome time! I would love to stay right at the park! Maybe when my Grand is old enough to go and enjoy it! hugs, Linda

  3. Looks like Miss B loved every minute of this wonderful vacation. I think you probably did, too, Sue! Those desserts looked to die for...

  4. What a special time with Miss B - this is a chance of a life time for her. I am so sure she will remember this always with you and hubby. Way to go doing an all in one and you have no worries about carrying a wallet.

    What a magical trip and do you need to adopt another granddaughter - a little older and rounder?


  5. What a fun trip. We only did Disney once when my daughter was 3 years old and my poor deprived son never got to go! We'll be making up for that someday when we are grandparents for sure!

  6. Hi Sue,
    What a great post and I loved all the pics!
    How cute your Miss B is and she just shines with personality too!
    We went to Disney 4 times and I certainly hope to get there with my little grand-daughters someday!
    Thanks for the tips too,

  7. How fun! We've stayed at the Floridian and it is very luxurious, but well worth the expense.
    Miss B is getting so very big! They just grow up so very fast, dont' they?
    We will be taking Jack to Disney in December, before all of the mobs but just in time to see the parks decorated for Christmas.

  8. Oh, Sue... it's a shame you weren't here this week. It is GLORIOUS. I actually walked with a friend at high noon to a restaurant downtown (in St. Augustine), and everyone is enjoying the weather in Central Florida, too. Fall is here, and I hope it stays. But all in all, it sounds like you had a great time. We have been to the Grand Floridian at Christmas, and it's fun. They have a HUGE gingerbread house that's very cute. They really do have good service. Glad you had fun!



  9. What a wonderful trip! Miss B is the perfect age for such a grand time. I haven't been to Disneyworld in years but know I would enjoy it even now.

  10. We loved taking our children to Disney World! I look forward to the future when my grandsons are old enough -- to go. Great tips, Sue -- I will definitely get that "Fast Pass"!

  11. I am SO envious!!! I LOVE DW! Even though I am one of those ladies with bad knees, feet, legs, etc...hmmm...that mobility thing is a great idea for next visit!
    You created so many sweet memories for that precious child...she will never forget!
