Saturday, January 22, 2011

SUNDAY IS NATIONAL PIE DAY!!!.......come to the Party!

January 23rd. is National Pie Day......
Who Knew???
I am joining our good friend Cheryl at JoJos-Joys and lots of other
Pie Bloggers to bring you the next craze in desserts....
After All it is the year of Comfort Food...Forget the Cupcake and even the French Macaroon....
I'm Talking good stuff between two pieces of crust....
Baked or chilled to perfection and eaten with a side of ice cream...
What could be better!
When I heard Cheryl was having a pie party I got out my new Bon Appetit Cookbook....
The family knows when it's gift giving time I always appreciate a
Good Cookbook....

Blueberries were on sale over at Publix so 2 pints later and a great recipe....
I was ready to bake a pie!
The recipe called for me to cook the blueberries first before putting
the filling inside the crust.....
This took about ten minutes....
Okay....What Betty Crocker out there......(Joyce) going to tell me
I did not do the lattice correctly...
I realize this and will probably never be able to make it the right way...
You know how you're suppose to weave it in and out....
I am pie crust challenged...
But I think the finished product looked pretty darn good.....

On to a big serving plate....
The small dessert plates were bought recently at IKEA.....
The big white plate with the blue stars is from
Fishes Eddy in NYC....
A great shop that sells heavy duty Diner China.....both vintage and new....

Served warm with a side of Blackberry Ice Cream.....
It was a hit with the Boss....

Here is the recipe....

Lattice-Topped Blueberry Pie....

7 cups of Fresh Blueberries
1 cup of sugar
1/4 cup of cornstarch
2 Tablespoons of fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon of finely grated lemon zest
1 package of Pillsbury refrigerated pie crust
(the recipe calls for homemade pie crust...I always use Pillsbury and find it to be perfect)

Combine blueberries, sugar, cornstarch, lemon juice, and lemon peel in a large heavy saucepan. Cook over medium heat until mixture thickens and bubbles, stirring occasionally, between ten and fifteen minutes....I had to add a bit of water when it started to get to thick.

You can make this mixture up to three days ahead of baking day.....

preheat oven to 400 degrees. Put one piece of the pie crust in the bottom of your pie pan...
Pour in the blueberries....Cut the other piece of pie crust into thin strips....
weave on top of the filling....Or cheat like I did....believe me it's easier to cheat....

Brush the Lattice with an egg wash or heavy cream and bake until the crust is
Golden brown.....the recipe calls for this to take an hour....
My oven baked it in half that time using the Convection feature....
But I preferred a lighter crust.....
By cooking the blueberries ahead of time you are really just baking the crust so when it's the color you want it the pie will be done....

Now follow the link and head over to JoJo's to see all the other wonderful pies....

Bon Appetit!!!


  1. That pie looks so good. I meant to stop and get a Pillsbury pie crust today and forgot. I'm going to just droll over everyone's pies!

  2. Looks good to me! I'm a Pillsbury pie crust baker, too. Sally

  3. Wow! I looks wonderful. Is it a bit on the tart side? I "cheat" too when it comes to lattice.

  4. Oh, my! This looks good, Sue! I love it!


    Sheila :-)

  5. That pie looks so heavenly Sue!
    I think your lattice looks great and I wouldn't have known the difference!
    Now where's the ice cream to go with that, I will be right over!

  6. I love blueberry pie and this looks divine! I'm so happy that you confessed you used the Pillsbury pie crust!! Many years ago I decided it was ridiculous to work so hard on something that was easier to purchase. When making specialty crusts, like the nut crust, I'll make mine from scratch but otherwise...make mine Pillsbury!

    Thank you for linking up to the party!

  7. Blueberry pie sounds fab Sue! Yours turned out very pretty, I'm sure it was a big hit:@)

  8. Oh Sandra you are naughty using that store pie crust:-) and cheating on the lattice work too but it does look delicious and amazing. Ikea plates look cute. We have to have a blog gals day at Ikea for those who have never had the experience of shopping for great buys and of course the experience of a 50 cent hot dog with maybe some screaming in the parking lot thrown in for entertainment. (note to myself: don't ask Sue to help me build a lattice fence)

  9. That looks so yummy and you didn't invite me???? LOL

  10. Hahahhhaa...I stole that Nat. Pie Day button 3 years ago and I just change the date of it every year. You are more than welcome to use ANYthing on my blog at ANYtime. :))) That pie day button is PUBLIC DOMAIN. :)))

    Your pie looks absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Who cares if the lattice is woven or not...NOT ME...just as long as there's crust I am happy.

    xo bj

  11. Woven or not that looks like a wonderful blueberrie pie to me.
    Happy Pie Day!

  12. If it tastes good, I'm not a stickler for how something looks, Sue! And your pie is making my mouth water. I would so rather have a piece of pie than a slice of cake. I always wanted a cherry pie for my B-day and my grandmother always obliged. :-) Nice to see ya back! ~Sue

  13. Sue, what a gorgeous pie! I've never done a lattice top. I think that takes real skill. Beautiful and oh so yummy. It's been years since I've had a blueberry pie. ~ Sarah

  14. Hey Sue, I enjoyed both your recent posts. I'll bet your pie tastes just as good without the lattice weaving, so tell Betty Crocker "who cares!"

    Liked the movie review too. Pa and I watched the old True Grit on tv recently and thought we might go see the remake at the movies. When we got there and realized that it wouldn't be over until after TEN, we were afraid they would find us asleep in the theatre. We went for a good restaurant instead. Eventually, the new one will be a rental too.

  15. Blueberry pie is my favorite pie! Yours looks delicious, Sue! Your lattice looks beautiful. The cookbook looks like another good one, too!

  16. Mmmmmm!!!I love a good pie. My pie I am baking tonight is a bacon and swiss cheese quiche...mmm, mmm good.

  17. That looks incredible! I never thought the weaving in and out of the lattice was worth the time. Yours looks gorgeous and I am also a Pillsbury crust user!

  18. LOL on the weaving! I finally got that down pat.
    The pie looks delicious!
    I am baking right now. Smells good!
    But I would love a piece of your pie.
    The plates are Ikea...I read what Joyce said.

  19. What time is tea and dessert? By the way you'd be VERY proud of me - I made a chocolate cake from scratch it is delish!

    Your pie looks delish too.

