Monday, January 24, 2011

BONNIE CARRIGAN.........Pet Portraits Painted to Perfection!!

I was in the waiting room of Boo's Vet....Dr. B.....back in July when out walked
a lady from the back with all her animals in tow....
She handed me her business card before leaving and said if I ever wanted a portrait painted of
Boo I should contact her...
My first thought was what a wonderful business women she was using this opportunity
to "advertise" her talent....I was impressed....
So impressed that unlike the usual Sue who would have misplaced her card....
I actually put it in a safe place.....
When Boo passed away 2 months later my first thought......after all the crying and
grieving.....Was to get out her card and send her an e-mail.....
My thought was to get the Boss a portrait done for Christmas....
After all.....I fed....walked...and tended to Boo on a Daily basis...But Boo was the Boss' Dog....
Shortly after.... I requested that instead of just e-mailing her a picture that
we meet and decide together which picture would work best as an oil painting....
An hour spent at her home and many ideas like tongue in or tongue out.....
We both agreed on the above photo...
One of our favorites taken not so long ago....
She was able to get the painting to me in time before we left for New Jersey
and when I met her that Sunday at the Gallery in Woodstock.....where she was part of an art exhibit...... to pick up the finished painting....
Well.....I just stood there and blubbered like a baby.....
And here is why.....
an 11x14 oil painting of the most Beautiful Dog ever.....
After discussing with daughter about transporting it to Jersey for Christmas we decided to leave it safe and sound at home in Georgia....the oils were still drying....So two days after picking it up and about three weeks before Christmas at two o'clock in the morning.....I gave the
painting to the Boss......much weeping and blubbering occurred.......
Boo's nose is black as coal in the painting in person....But the camera picked up the shading...
She captured the color and expression in his eyes to perfection....
He comes to life right off the canvas....
The Boss was pleased...

He know hangs on the staircase wall in our Family Room where I have to
admit we talk to him every day.....Oh did I really admit that!!
The black and white sketch to the left was done by a street artist in Paris many
years ago.....The pastel drawing to the left of that is "Sissy"
One of our many Golden Retrievers we have had over the years....
Yes.....we are dog crazy....
His eyes follow you wherever you are in the room....
She managed to get every whisker....

And I love the tongue....
This was Boo....

Here is some other work of Bonnie's......
Bonnie.....I hope you don't mind that I borrowed them from your website....

How cute is this little guy.....

she does cats too!!
She really captures the soul of these animals....
Just look at those eyes....

This is one of my favorites....

And last but not least Bonnie does People too......

So if your looking to have a portrait done of your beloved animal or
perhaps a grandchild....
You will not be disappointed with Bonnie's work.....
I recommend her highly....
I know it sounds stupid to people who aren't animal lovers but I am so
Thankful for meeting her that summer day and being able to
Have Boo with us Forever.... ..........

Thank you Bonnie.....

If you would like to read a short piece on my relationship with Boo
you can go's all true I'm afraid.


  1. What a beautiful painting Sue. She really captured Boo to perfection and it is such a personal piece of art. I know you will love it for years to come.

  2. I read your short piece on Boo and loved it. The painting is beautiful.

  3. What a great tribute to a beautiful dog and you know I am a dog momma. the portrait. My kids would have me committed if I got one done...ah...who cares. I'll have to look into it sometime. First I need a good pic of the two pups...that would help.

  4. One talented artist but then again her subjects are all adorable. Glad you will have a permanent painting of Boo and I enjoyed your link to the other post:-)

  5. Sue, thank-you for your kind words. It was a pleasure painting your beautiful Boo and getting to know you. My furry herd loved the dog biscuits you made for them and sends their thanks. I talk to the portraits of my dogs too so you're not alone. Hope Boo's portrait gives you and "the boss" years of joy.

  6. That is one talented lady - I have met Boo and she did an amazing job. I am thrilled the boss liked it.


  7. This painting brought tears to my eyes! She did a fantastic job and I am so glad you have Boo to talk to now. hugs to you!! Linda

  8. Bonnie did a wonderful job, Sue! Her painting really does capture the essence of Boo! A beloved pet is always in out hearts.

  9. Oh, Sue, I'm sorry you lost Boo. I can relate to talking to his portrait. This artist is very talented. I think the painting is amazing. Thank you for sharing her information.

  10. As you know, we are dog lovers too. We have had many goldens that we have loved so much. This painting is perfect..she really does capture the feeling in the eyes beautifully. What a joy to have that. Our neighbor has several of these dogs, they guard his sheep well. :D

  11. It's a beautiful painting, Sue, and what a very talented artist. Being a big dog lover, I know what this means to you.


  12. You practically have a Boo wall there. The portraits are beautiful! I need to have one of the late Howard Lee done. I do have a treetop angel of a dog that looks like him. Have you seen those?

    I've been meaning to tell you that The Closer comes on every weekday at 2, in case you want to catch all those vintage outfits you were curious about!

  13. Through that painting, I love Mr. Boo and I never met him. That's saying a lot since I've only ever loved one other dog in my whole life. Bonnie is extremely talented. What a fulfilling career she must have.

  14. How sweet! Bonnie did a fabulous job! What a wonderful gift for the boss. Mimi

  15. It's Boo!! That is INCREDIBLE. You know, my aunt had someone come up to her and say that if she ever wanted a pet portrait he'd love to do one. So random, but she decided to call him (pre email days :-). Her dog Kaycee died before the paint even dried. Isn't it amazing how fate brings these folks into our worlds?!

  16. Sue,
    Thank you so much for sharing this artist with us. The portrait of Boo is beautiful. I wanted to do something like this for Thomas after we lost Buster but with all that's been going on in our world it got pushed to the back of the list. We had thunder and lightning with the snow and ice last night. My house felt empty without him barking at it.
    Your Friend,

  17. It's funny, but when I saw Boo's picture, Sue, I found myself tearing up. I never met him in person, but I knew him through you and loved him through you. What a great thing to have. I know you must be thrilled. She's quite talented, and she does get those eyes down to perfection.


    Sheila :-)

  18. Okay, so now I am in tears too! I know how it feels to lose such a special loved one. The painting is lovely and such a wonderful gift!
    ♥, Susan

  19. Hi Sue...I think the eyes are what really get me...beautiful!!!
    Thank you for thinking of me, and sending that wonderful "cheer"'s just perfect!!
    you are such a thoughtful lady.

  20. She does remarkable work! I fully understand talking to Boo! I talk to Kip all the time...and I believe they hear us.
    The painting is a beautiful tribute to a wonderful dog.
    Love ya,
