Friday, January 21, 2011

THE DILEMMA...........A Weekend Movie Review.

How do you get back two hours of your Life?????
Ron Howard.....Vince Vaughn and Kevin James
Should all chip in and send me the $15.00 I threw away on movie tickets....
It was Date Night Friday so me and the Boss decided to take in dinner and a
Billed as a "Comedy" someone needs to Sue for Misrepresentation of Entertainment
I sat for two hours thinking about all the things I could have spent the $15. on.....
This movie was HORRIBLE.....
We love to laugh and certainly expected that when we heard both
Vince Vaughn and Kevin James were starring in it....
It wasn't funny.....At All.
Let me give you a glimpse of what Barbara Walters raved about saying it was
wonderful that Ron Howard was back making what he does best...
What movie did she go see???
These two guys have an idea to take an electric car made by Dodge....
and make it sound like the Muscle Cars of the 1960's....
Throw in Queen Latifa as a Chrysler exec......Who thinks she's a man....
Jennifer Connelly with eye brows that look like Caterpillars....
And Wynona Ryder as the cheating wife...
We waited and waited for something funny to happen and the moment never came....
Wynonna cheats on Kevin James' character and Vince sees her with the
other man at the Chicago Botanical Gardens where he goes to
arrange the perfect spot to propose to his girlfriend
played by Jennifer Connelly....
He falls into a poison plant and his face swells up with hives...
Ron Howard's creepy looking brother...... who always has a bit part in all his
brother's movies....... plays the guy in charge at the Gardens....
You wonder if he ever gets any other movie work or has he made a career in the shadow of his
One scene has the Vince character giving a Toast at the Anniversary Party for his
Girlfriends parents....
You wait for him to say something funny and it never happens....
He just goes on and on about being Honest in a marriage...
I don't know what we expected...... after all how can you make a joke about a
Cheating Spouse....
Anyhoo......Save your cash and spend that buck on a Red Box.....
If you get bored atleast you can get up to get a snack or use the bathroom........
And there is Always the Fast Forward Button.....
On a "RedBox" scale from 1 to 15.....
It makes Sex and the City 2 look like "Best Picture of the Year".....
The Dilemma is not even worth the RedBox $1.00 rental fee....


  1. Oh- I love an honest woman! Exactly why I don't go to movies...hardly ever anymore..I hate a flat comedy worse than anything. Hugs- Diana

  2. Well, I'll certainly won't try that movie after your experience. The first thing that certainly comes to mind in this situation is thinking about how your money could have been better spent...kind of ruins the evening a bit. I have actually walked out of a few movies, and had to just chalked it up to experience.

  3. This is why I don't spend my money going to the movies. Just too many bad flicks out there and you can never tell and the reviews lie!!! Glad you didn't!! Sorry it was so bad.

  4. This is why we don't go to the movies much. Just watch them at home these days.

  5. Thanks for the warning...I'll be sure not to see it! ;D

  6. Yeah, I kind of thought the same as I saw the previews. Thanks for the great review.

    I had to laugh really hard when you mentioned using the $15 at TJ Maxx/Home Goods. I have started thinking that way too, like, "that is $20 worth of dishes I could buy." Does that mean that we are addicts?!!!

  7. This one wasn't on my list to see. A couple of folks at work had seen it and said it was awful.

    My worry wouldn't have been over $15...I always get popcorn so it would have been more like $23 (I get the bucket for me and Hoss) - even worse!!!

  8. Thanks for the review, Sue. I was thinking about going to a movie today and this was one of the choices. What a waste of money!

  9. I wasn't planning on seeing it anyway, but now I know to AVOID it at all cost, even when it shows up on TV - LOL!

  10. I don't think you liked that too well - lol. It didn't look to good to be either in the previews.


  11. Go see The King's Speech - you'll feel better about the wasted cinematic dollars, because this is a movie that I think is worth double the price. Had it not been the last showing of the evening, I would have stayed in my seat to watch is all over again.

  12. And I was going to go see that one.......thanks for telling us and saving us the money. I'm not a huge Vince Vaughn fan anyway......but I do like Kevin James. Sounds like they showed all the good parts on the preview. That's the way I felt about Eat, Pray, Love.

  13. "Sue for Misrepresentation of Entertainment" makes me chuckle and reminds me of the original "Walking Tall" that advertisements seem to indicate was a love story....not!!
