Thursday, November 11, 2010

MARTHA'S VINEYARD........Revisited.

You aren't about to read a re-cap of our trip to MV this past summer...
No .......we actually went back to the scene of the crime or shall I say
The Scene of the Ticks.... This time it was just us four guys.....The Boss...the Daughter....Miss B and Me...
SIL had to stay home and hold down the fort....
actually he had to work...
Not getting off to a great start.....see the ferry boat sorta listing port to starboard...
it was a bumpy.......water splashing up onto the deck ride over to the Island...
Daughter turned green about 3 minutes after the boat left the dock...

She soon recovered when she saw the beautiful accommodations that the
Winnetu Resort provided for us after the "said tick incident" from our last stay....
And let me fairly add that we did stay in a private home in May that the Winnetu represents.
The hotel was Tick Free!

We stayed in a beautiful 2 bedroom suite with a kitchenette on the 3rd. floor.....
And this was our view.....
Pretty Nice Yes??
That blue in the background is indeed the Atlantic......
After getting settled and unpacked we set out for Edgartown for dinner on the Pier....
After eating we walked out to find these men on the dock.....

Being Nosey.......we went over to see what they were doing.....
Well, it seems it was a "Fishing Derby"......
Daughter was highly impressed with Mom when I said....
"Oh sure...a fishing derby" I actually had any idea what a fishing derby was....
I haven't a clue....
Sure enough these are fish......

Before heading back to the hotel we made the short ride over to
Oak Bluffs to the best donut shop short of Krispy Kreme...
"Back Door Donuts"....
where some genius figured they were inside all night baking for the morning anyway...
They might as well open up the backdoor and sell donuts...
Opening up at 9:00p.m. I believe they keep the door open until 1:00a.m. my pictures are a bit out of order.....
This was taken right before we left the hotel....

As was this....

The next morning......

A tiny little place to eat called Among the Flowers.......

But with big flavors......
Miss B loves their waffles and their sandwiches are delicious....

we did Lot's of shopping....Every shop had 50% off sales....
we went crazy.....
The best part of the trip was getting some alone time with "B"
We walked to the beach where she serenaded me with
Three Blind full volume

We discovered large patches of Bittersweet.....Grandma was very happy.....
The guys weren't so thrilled when they realized I had picked some and insisted I carry it all the way back to Atlanta....
Hey, Bittersweet sells at a premium down here......if you can even find it.

we saw our favorite deep sea diver......He was in the same spot this summer....
Have no idea what they are doing....
But a huge generator truck was involved.

I taught Miss B the art of taking one's own picture....
Yikes......Closeups are not my friend!!!

We made seahorses in the sand.....

Acted silly with a statue....

And she made her grandmother smile.....

The following day while running back into town for lunch I spied this along
the side of the road....
Thank Goodness there is no Chick-fil-A on the island or these birds would be history

The weather was beautiful so we spent some time out by the
Edgartown Lighthouse....
That yellow dot would be the Boss.....
Hey...... he looks thin from far away!

That would be Chappaquiddick Island just beyond that boat.....where you see
those cute little beach tents....
I never knew that it is just a hop skip and a jump across the water from the island....

spending some quality time with "the grandpa" before leaving for home....

The day was beautiful for a Ferry ride.....
Daughter was happy....

And Calm Seas can only mean one thing to Italians......
We eat!!
the Boss wasn't on the Ferry 2 minutes when he was down at the snack bar
buying Chowder....
I cringed at the thought that he bought chowder on a Ferry boat....
But come's New England....and it was fabulous....

Before we even took off I spotted this Seagull propped high above the boat....Like he was the

He then took off as we left the dock......

And followed the Ferry almost the entire way back to Woods Hole....

The one thing I didn't see on the island or on the ferry was my
Blog Friend Joan from Jersey....
Joan has two wonderful blogs.
All about Martha's Vineyard
Her beautiful photography.....
If you have never visited Joan you should stop by.....her photographs are
Candy to the Eye....
Well it seems
Joan was also on Martha's the same time we were there and neither one of us
knew the other would be there...How fun would that have been for two bloggers to cross paths on vacation....
Maybe next time Joan!

Back on dry land and ready for our drive back to Jersey......we spotted this
We are not water I was not offended when the Boss made the comment
"That is the closest you will ever get to me taking you on a cruise"......
Okay By Me.


  1. I feel the same way about cruises and I'll bet the people that just got off that one today do too! Thanks for sharing your trip to MV..I have not been there and never will I am sure. Looks like a beautiful place. I loved the pic's with the little one and the statue..cute! :D

  2. What a fun trip! I felt like I was right there with you-and no ticks in sight! I am so glad that you got some one on one with your granddaughter..I'll bet that was the best part of the whole trip.

    I LOVE the water-absolutely LOVE IT- I want to be near it (or by it as they say here) but I DON'T want to be out on cruise. Those hold no appeal for me at all.

    If you are blog popping today-pop over and check out today's story about my little granddaughter. I think she is about the same age as yours. Hugs & Happy Friday- Diana

  3. Looks like fun Sue and you were so close to me, I could have skipped over for a visit....

  4. Much better trip this time. I must say the Vineyard is gorgeous and very pretty in the fall! I have been on one cruise and that let me check it off my bucket list so I'm good! This did make me yearn for a trip back to my old stomping grounds.

  5. Oh what great pictures! LOVE the ones of "B" with the statue.
    Don't you just love the sounds and smells of the water?
    Had fun seeing the sites with you.

  6. Great pictures, I felt I was on this trip with you. Love the pics of Sophie, so cute.

  7. So glad you had a great trip this time! This post, as the previous two, is simply amazing. Photos are a true joy for the eyes! Thanks so much for sharing them.
    Hope you are fine.
    Talk soon.

  8. Sue, I am so glad it went better for you this time!

    I adore Edgartown, and I would loved to go back. My cousin sold his house there, but he has been working on another project.

    The Edgartown Lighthouse is actually the Ipswich Lighthouse, and the people in Ipswich were none too pleased when they moved it to Edgartown. I heard all about it at the Whipple House. That is one of my colonial ancestors, and we stopped in to see his home when we were out and about in New England. So I must, for the sake of the folks in Ipswich who are still smarting over it, clarify that the Lighthouse is "really" the Ipswich Light. ;-) Now, didn't that bit of trivia just make your day? LOL!

    Glad you had fun, and Miss B, of course, is as cute as ever.

    I want to go back!!!


    Sheila :-)

  9. I'm glad this trip was more pleasing! Looks like fun. I'm definitely an Atlantic Ocean fan (as opposed to the Pacific). Something about the Atlantic - guess it's in my genes. What are you cooking this week? I need ideas! Sally

  10. Hi Sue - thanks for the shout-out for my blogs... I am indeed MV obsessed.
    So glad you guys had a better time this trip and hope you'll go back to the Vineyard for more exploring.
    Your pictures are great.
    And yes, funny we were there at the same time... maybe we passed on the street or in a store. I'm sure if you had spotted us with our dog, who is a big flirt, that you would have stopped to say hi.
    Maybe another time.. hey, maybe even in

  11. Glad you got some bittersweet Sue. There is so much of here and since it is a parasite and eventually kills its "host", it has been outlawed. Nurseries can no longer sell the plants in Massachusetts and one antique dealer told me they can no longer display it outside in their shop yards. Personally I think that may be stretching it, just a bit. I am pretty sure there are no "Bittersweet Police" as of yet!! I usually gather so much that I have it growing everywhere, but it rarely berries, at least not until it is about 50 feet up in the trees.

  12. You take such fun trips, and Miss B is a doll. Enjoyed all the photos.

  13. Looks like you had a wonderful time. The picture of Miss B and the statue are priceless. Such a gorgeous part of our country. I've never been to New England but definitely want to go. Thank you for your kind words of sympathy. We definitely have a little hole in our lives right now. Mimi

  14. I haven't visited Martha's Vineyard in years. Your wonderful photos took me right back there, Sue. I'm happy that this trip was much more enjoyable than your last.

    I don't think I could eat chowder on a boat ride. I think my stomach would object. I'd have to wait for dry land.

  15. Okay - let's see here. It looked like you had a fabulous time there.

    What a beautiful place you stayed at - gorgeous. The view, the scenery, the area.

    I liked the little shops.

    And you looked so happy with your granddaughter - beaming.

    She is a DOLL. I love the way she posed next to the statue and did the same thing as the statue. She is a ham.

    The donuts sounded good and I don't know what a fishing derby is either.

    And glad it was a smooth ferry ride home.

    Looked fabulous darling!


  16. My Nova Scotia sea-faring ancestors must have given me my cast-iron stomach - I'd have been right there behind your husband, in line for the chowder!
    Martha's Vineyard is a mythical place - so many lovely stories and movies are set there. I've never been, but would love to visit. Thanks for taking us with you on your trip!

  17. What a long post and loved it all, just like being there.

    I want to go to the flea market sales OMG.

    those white hobnail pieces are great. My mother had some like that and they are heavy.

    I want a donut now.

    You had a great trip and honey you don't look 60

