Monday, November 15, 2010

THIS AND THAT.......and you will not believe the other.

It's another installment of......
This....That.....and more nonsense then you should all be subject to....
It's when I don't have much too say so I just come up with stuff that I have hanging
around my computer....
So without further is what I have been up picking in Jersey......
Best picture saved for last....
we got to meet
Miss Catherine Zeta Jones in person.....
someone asked if she was named for the actress....
Do you think?

But I think she is much cuter and Hey....she can be taught to sing and dance.

I went to the Visiting Nurses Association of Somerset County's
Rummage Sale....
somewhere over near Peapack-Gladstone N.J.
Jersey has the best names for their towns....

it poured the day before and the place was nothing but mud...
but the bargains.....Well...there is no sale better on the eastern seaboard....

A Spring and Fall yearly event......if you live in Jersey and you have never been....
You are missing out on the best crap sale ever....
last year I found 2 Majolica asparagus plates circa early 1900's for 50 cents each...
later found on e-Bay for $165.00......Each.

birthday dinner with the peeps.....
We only all look so large because of bulky coats....

I agree.....60 Sucks.....
But look no gray hair!!!

found the best church thrift store on the East Coast.....
in Sandwich Mass....
Crazy Nice Stuff for great prices...

went to the annual
ChowderFest on Long Beach Island....
That also would be in the Motherland...
not as good as the Martha's Vineyard Chowder....
but pretty good for Jersey.

ofcourse it seems every time we go to the island it rains....
And here is proof that Yes....we really do drive in a V.W. Bug all 1,000 miles...

There is always the drive by to the house we stayed at every summer
when I was a child....
I named my Esty Shop after Charlotte Kirk.....the family friend and
Back in Georgia.....and that can only mean one thing....
Shopping at the WalMart...
I ran in to get the Boss Coke Zero and wandering around I saw these
great embroidered throw pillows....
How cute are they....
That's right....$13.00.

I also never knew that they sell NordicWare....
lot's marked down to $15.00

Okay so I admit I had to stop to feel the fabric on this
Danskin.......daughter hold your ears.....jogging suit.
Now I know what your don't really buy clothes at the WalMart....
Well yes I do....Do you know they now sell a collection by Norma Kamali...
Anyway, this set was a total of $21.00
Perfect for long Holiday road trips...
And you ladies all remember Danskin from our youth....It was very popular back then and the quality is still very nice...
And now for some pretty things....
How many of you know Rose from The SantaMaker's Journey.....
she now sells her Santas at Scott's Antique Market
every month here in Atlanta...
I had never seen them in person and they are fabulous....

I stood in awe at these beautiful creations....
This one is for University of Georgia Bulldog fans...
do you see the tiny bulldog in his pouch...

Rose creates everything from the painted face to the clothing....
I was surprised to see how large they were in person...

How wonderful would this look at a beach house....see all the seashells on his robe...
Rose's imagination for what goes onto the Santa's amazes me...
I have been shopping with her in the past and she is always on the lookout for
accessories for her Santa's.....
If you would like to contact Rose to have your own custom Santa made
you can e-mail her at
or visit her blog at
More then just another Christmas decoration....
You would be buying a future family heirloom....

Flea Market finds!!
That one vase in the back has to weigh ten pounds....and if anyone knows anything
about the basket with the clear glass handle please let me know.
And then this is what Big Old 1760 Fireplaces come in handy for....

what the well dressed witch wears....
Stella McCartney for children.

Off she goes.........

Best Pizza in Atlanta...
Fellini's on Howell Mill Road.
but you have to ask them to make extra thin crust....

If it's thanksgiving time it must be time for Jello to release it's best
flavor of pudding ever.....
Cuisine Kathleen if you need any let me know.....I can mail some to Kathy's Cottage
in Michigan...
Have I mentioned how fabulous this is mixed with whipped cream as a
Cream Puff filling....Oh it's soooooooooo good.
and now for what you have all been waiting for.....
The You Won't Believe this.....
Notice the frayed appearance of the Boss' eyebrows...
And also notice that there is no hair between his eyes...
Maybe not odd for the normal guy but he's Italian..
There is Always hair where it shouldn't be....
Another shot and notice the red forehead.....
That's right....
It got very cold here in Georgia last week so I turned on the heat.....
It was not getting warmer in the house so I asked the Boss to go downstairs to see if the pilot light had gone out on the furnace....
So I was up in the kitchen when I heard the smoke alarm go off.... Being brain dead on most good days I didn't think a thing about wasn't stopping....
So I went down to see what was find the Boss sitting infront of the furnace
with one of those fire starter things in his hand and a dazed look on his face...
It seems he lit the pilot light and hit the furnace button......Check.....pilot light then went back out....He
picked up fire starter thing to relight.....and basically it went....
actually he later said that is went flames shot out the front and hit him right in the face....hitting his brows...his hair and luckily Not his eyes because he had on glasses...
I told him how lucky he was that his shirt didn't catch fire but I did question
Why he had no pants on.....
**See older posts on that phenom
He didn't even realize until a day later that his hand also got hit by the flames...
But now he tells me that next time he will be fully prepared when the
Pilot Light goes out.....
"Need a Light?"

You really didn't think I was going to leave you with that image.....
This one is alot nicer....
I am in love with those curls...
Have a great week......Sally I hope you enjoyed this post and I hope my silliness didn't give you all a headache....


  1. Love rummaging around in second hand stores, flea markets, and all that good stuff. Glad to see you're always having a good time. Sorry about your husband...ouch!!! A good sense of humor always comes in handy. Hope the burns heal fast.

  2. Oh my, where do I start...with his starter?!I love the dog...I have a Mr. Bo Jangles...I love Walmart too and have stopped paying so much money for everything! Your poor hub, his fingers look like they are sore too! That could have been scary! Once I did that lighting the grill. Cute little grand, I love her hair too! ;D

  3. Sue there is too much to say about this post! OMG so glad the Boss is OK!! I love all the photos and would love to see Roses' Santa's in person myself. You have been busy since you got home.

  4. Sue, what a great post. Love the 60 sucks! Puppy is just to die for, I would love to bury my face in her fur. Now the thing with the Boss, it is scary, although we can all relate, glad he did not get hurt any worse than he did. Last but not least love your sweetie in her witch outfit!!
    Have a wonderful day. Also I have no answers why my blog does what it does when you try to post, but you can email me anytime at

  5. Hey Sue, your posts are always so YOU! I could hear you telling me the stories and showing me the pictures in my head! So glad you are still at it. Thanks so much for the mention, I really appreciate the kind remarks on my "guys"!
    Hey, did you catch the woman on RHofATl calling it an "unbiblical" cord?! too funny!

  6. I'm so sorry you have such an uneventful life. You really need to get out more. You know...climb out of your shell. And I'm so sad your poor granddaughter's hair has only gotten fuller and curlier, poor thing. Good to see The Boss is maintaining the calm. Nothing says "Welcome Home" like a fiery blast in the face!

    I can hardly wait for the film crew to show up in the 'hood and start the cameras filming The Biggest Dancing Real Idol Survivors Race from The Jersey Shore, Plus Eight.


    PS, What've you got against Babs?

  7. Glad the boss didn't get hurt any worse. My favorite are the pictures of that beautiful granddaughter. I would die for that hair.

  8. Now that photo of your husband in the mask really made me laugh:-) Rose is amazing! Cutest witch ever!

  9. What a fun post...From an apple to a curly haired girl...Love how you moved us from one subject to another seamlessly! Hugs-Diana

  10. Oh yes!!! You know I enjoy your random posts. Poor Boss - thank goodness he had his glasses on -- it could have been so bad. The witch pictures are priceless - every little witch needs that hair. So glad to see that Rose is still creating Santas. I haven't seen anything on her blog forever. Tell her to post - I miss her beautiful talents! Keep at it, Sue - you know my life would be dull without you. Sally

    PS: I still need ideas to cook.

  11. When ever I read your posts I can actually hear you, what' up with that?

    Love that cute little witch and her curls...what a charmer.

    OMG The Boss's hands...ouch!

  12. WOW! Where do I begin, Joisey, Mass, or Walmart in GA! All very interesting! And Miss B is B witching for sure. I have a nice Irish boy for her! :)
    I am off to Walmart with my 5 dollar off grand reopening coupons. They should have blown the place up and started over as was the plan, but the economy dictated otherwise. I will look for the famous pudding that went astray last year! LOL.
    I was in CTS from 11 30 till 5 yesterday, and then the 75 min drive back out here. Today I had shopping fatigue. The place was packed as today was the last day for the 20% off coupon. OY!
    Met The Tablescaper there, and another friend read on the blog I was going so she showed up too! FUN!
    Fun post, Sue! I always get a laugh here!

  13. Let's see - so many things -

    hmmm... first of all I hope the boss is okay - a little funny the way you tell the story, but I bet he hurt a bit too.

    Your darling granddaughter looks like you! She is beautiful.

    I know you had a great time on your trip.

    And you got plates for $.50 and saw them go for $165? Whew.

    You found a lot of nice items there.


  14. So many great stories here Sue!
    I love your trips! The rummage sale looks so good. And little Miss B is so adorable! She has so much personality just shining through.
    And hubby is a lucky guy. That was a scary thing. Glad it wasn't worse. At first, I thought you were going to tell us he had plucked his eyebrows. hehe.
    And those Santa's by Rose are really just Fabulous!
    I found the pussy willow lights at Marshalls. About $9 I think. They sell for a lot more in boutiques.

  15. Oh my gosh, Sue, you are so funny. I hope the Boss is ok. Wow, what a story. Lots of good stuff in this post, love all the flea markets and shops, great photos. And best of all, that sweet granddaughter of yours.


  16. Now, that was just a totally fun post, Sue! Loved seeing everything from your birthday peeps to the bargain hunting to the precious granddaughter. I'm so sorry about your poor husband! But what a hoot that he is going to wear a mask next time. Make sure it's fire retardant because you don't want it to melt on his face. ;-) Maybe he should get one of those welder's masks. You think???


    Sheila :-)

  17. Wow, Sue! That was at least six posts rolled into one! Those Santas are gorgeous; I didn't realize she made them... duh, Santamaker! Miss B was a very, very cute witch. Tell the Boss that Pa finally confessed that he hates to light even the gas logs b/c he is afraid of exactly what happened to the Boss. We have a nice handyman and we usually have a few things to fix so we get him to light them when he's here. Enjoyed all of you funny news!

  18. Why is it that men's eyebrows get bushier and women's get thinner as they age? It is my opinion that men's eyebrows get so long, in fact, that they grow in both directions--and peek out of the ears or the nostrils.

    Women's eyebrows migrate to their chins for reasons unexplained in the evolutionary process.

    Cute witch. . . obviously a good witch!

  19. Sue,
    Reading your blog is always a treat. You are such a fun person! I am usually at The Chowderfest but missed it this year. I've never been to that flea market but will make a note of it and attend next year's. Your right, NJ does have some great names for towns -- HoHoKus! Hope the Boss has recovered. Thank God his injuries were mild. Funny photo of him in his 'furnace lighting gear'! Even if The Devine Miss B is in black, she is the sweetest witch I've ever seen. So glad the new puppy is working out. Checking out the Santa Blog now.

    Your Friend,

  20. Oh dear God in heaven!! I don't know where to start. Birthday, doggie, shopping,Santas, pudding, Miss B in her adorable witch outfit, the Boss' singed hair and bod.... wowie!! Life is NOT dull in your household. I really tried hard not to laugh, as it IS 4 am and I am wide awake cuz I drank a Dr. Pepper waaaay too late; but the sight of your man in that crazy mask set me off!! I am always entertained when I visit, toots! I really thought when you showed the eyebrows in the first pic that you were gonna say he was having a wax job. LOL Take good care of your man and enjoy a joyous Turkey Day with your familia! hugs, Sue

  21. Poor Boss!!!! I'm so glad that it wasn't worse. My son had a very similar incident when lighting our gas grill and since the explosion and trip to the emergency room, he's never grilled again!!!

  22. Well that was some ride! Up to New Jersey and all around the sales and restaurants and then down to Georgia to shop and eat and narrowly avert blowing up the house - I need a cup of tea after that!
    Oh...and...that witch...the cutest!

  23. Holy cow! It's a wonder (and a blessing) that the Boss wasn't more badly hurt! You know, just the other day I came across one of those boxes of pumpkin pudding you sent me! I missed one last year so I'll have to try those cream puffs with it. Miss B sure has the best curls I ever saw, and those striped tights look so adorable on her:>)

  24. Well. YOU have been a busy bee!! POOR BOSS!!! God love 'im. But I think the Iron Man mask is a great look.
    Miss B is truly the cutest witch I have ever seen. Hands down. Stella Mc? Wow. Witches be stylin' these days!
    You sure found the best sales! Those asparagus dishes are a treasure girlie!!!
    Ms Zeta Jones is a hot puppy. Kipper said to say that. I think she is a doll. Does she have a cool accent too? : )
    I gott look for that pudding...yummmmm....
    Love to you and yours on this Thanksgiving Day!

  25. Sue, Every now and then I will read your posts with baited breath...this was one of them. You have been very busy! Missed the VNA sale because of the rain, but so glad that you went. Happy belated Thanksgiving!
    ♥, Susan
