Thursday, November 4, 2010


There is so much to see at the Grounds for Sculpture in
Hamilton New Jersey.....
That I just had to show you more.....
Because who would never believe such a cool attraction is in none other then
The Motherland.....
As we continued to wander around the grounds we came across some
very interesting people....
With and without hats on!
Let's see what the artist is painting!!
Some of you might remember this from Miss B's calendar shoot from 2009.....

She didn't seem to be taken with this guys top hat.....

Construction of the park began in 1989 and was complete in 1992......
It now has more then 240 works of art by world renowned
Artists and sculptors....

Along with traditional sculptures
There are fool the eye pieces
Like these flowers...
I actually went and smelled them to see if they were real or fake...
the eyes are going bad.....LOL
as I got close I could see the stems weren't real....
I felt like an idiot.....

Mother and Child.....
Taking a break near the snack stand.....

They probably didn't have snack stands in her day....

I love how the light bounced off this piece...

It looked like someone scribbled it with a pencil.....

There are works in glass.....

And Wire....

Me and B.....

This was interesting....

As was this........

Eyes.....and lips.

studying on the grass.....

Look......She has Angel Wings.

So we were soaking in the culture when we came across this lovely lady.....

Oh.....I thought how pretty.....until I noticed something
Not so cultural.....
A bit surprised by this I summoned over the daughter to have a look....
Oh My Word!!!!!!!
She's peeing.

Moving right along.....

Not Fake.....Real water.

Here I am taking a picture of my favorite subject....

What a great place to bring children......

It makes them very Happy!

well that's the million dollar tour.....
I hope you enjoyed it and if your ever in the Garden State.....
You should make a point of visiting this
amazing place.....
"Miss B"......Highly recommends it!


  1. You are right it is a truly amazing place. I would love to visit there someday! Thanks for all the great photos!

  2. Take me take me! I want to go there...what an interesting place, very beautiful and very funny about the lady peeing! I think I have done that a time or two while in the mountains! ;D

  3. A very fun tour. Those photos of Miss B are adorable! She is so cute :-)

  4. So Susan, how come I didn't even know this wonderful place existed?

    Love Miss Angel B.

    And that lady peeing!

    Thanks for sahring your adventure and your vacation with us,


  5. Wow - sooo cute, now I feel like I been there and done that :) A fun post!


  6. Well -- didn't notice till I saw the picture of you and Miss B together -- she looks like YOU! How sweet. :-)

    Yes, it IS a great place to bring kids -- and that visitors can get up close and personal with the sculptures is what makes it so fantastic.

    Ah, New Jersey ... it's so much more than the Turnpike!


  7. Miss B is such a wonderful little tour guide! You know, Sue, I think my favorite things in the garden are those wonderful modern pieces. While the statues from the French Impressionist paintings are amazing, I love the glass sculpture... it looks like a giant blue dandelion... I can just see a giant going, "poof", and those pieces taking off into the wind! And I love the metal pieces, too. But the whole thing is fun! What a wonderful place to stoke the fires of imagination!


    Sheila :-)

  8. It really is amazing! Only with Miss B does it become outstanding!!! She just gets cuter and cuter and that hair is unbelievable. She will certainly grow up having lots of patience from having her mother comb it - that's a good thing. Have a great weekend. Sally

  9. Pictures are great. I especially like the last two of Miss B. Delightful.

  10. Miss B steals the show! The lady peeing made me wet my own pants from laughing:-)

  11. Well, I have seen several little boy peeing sculptures...I guess a woman was next! Your little MissB is adorable! Hugs- Diana

  12. Those people need to loosen up! :)
    Miss B is Beeautiful!

  13. Sue, The sculptures there always blow me away. Last time I was there I saw some of Dale Chihuly's blown glass sculptures. I am so glad that you pointed out that very interesting point on the female squatting sculpture...I am sure I would have missed it otherwise. You are very observant. Thanks for the tour.

  14. What a great tour Sue!
    I would love to visit. And since New Jersey is one of the few states I haven't seen, I will add it to my list.
    Your grand-daughter is really growing up! What a cutie with so much personality too!

  15. You know, when I saw the peeing sculpture (!) I said, she looks like she's squatting to pee. Well I guess some artists just love the shock value. On the other hand, I totally thought the flowers were real too, and the place is so amazing it would definitley be on my must see list of a trip to NJ!

  16. Hi Sue~~~your posts about your visit to the sculpture park are amazing! I kept scrolling through to see the pictures over and over.
    Your granddaughter is so do you keep from kissing her face off?!

  17. Hi Sue! My son rides a BMW .. my daughter-in-law rides a Harley. You could tell by the sign on the window I was in Georgia. But only briefly. We headed on to Chattanooga for fun on the Tennessee River. The photo was taken in Ball Ground! The TN drive was made in their car, whew!

    Loved this post and all of the amazing photos.

  18. What a fun place to visit - I'd never heard of it. It looks like you had a good time - and the Steak Frites looks amazing!

  19. The one that looks like a huge chrysanthemum... I know there's a name for that sunburst-y looking thing but I can't think what... was that made of metal? Oh my gosh!

    The peeing lady... wonder how many people have noticed that.

  20. What a place! I have never seen a garden like this. It is really creative and I can see how your grand daughter would love it.

  21. I just love this place! I love the ladies! Adore the one knitting! How wonderful this goes with Tea. Come link it to Tea Time! I had so much fun seeing your tour!

  22. Sue,

    I've never been but will make plans to visit Rats and the Grounds for Sculpture soon. Hope you didn't get any on your shoes! Your daughter and the Divine Miss B certainly are beautiful. They most take after you.

    Your Friend,

  23. The sculptures were magnificant and lifelike. Would love to see them in person. Your grandaughter is an absolute doll!

  24. Hi Sue,

    I will be happy to let Donna know about your commenting problem!

    Miss B is a adorable!!

  25. Sue,
    Miss B is the most beautiful subject, I loved all the pictures, but ahhhhh a grandchild.
    Linda sent me your message, thank you so much. I am going to see if there is someplace to report this. I have been thinking about taking the blog down because of the total lack of comments. I have sitemeter and will see that I have had visitors, but have wondered why I never get comments. Thank you for taking the time to find a way to get a message to me. Have a great day.

  26. Oh how lovely - well except for the peeing lady! That is hilarious!!

    Could Miss B look anymore like her grandmother!!!!
