Monday, November 1, 2010

RAT'S.........Part One.

As you approach the road to the restaurant this is one of the first things you
see telling you that things are going to get Wacky....And then you look to see what These People are pointing at ..........
At first you think they are
But they aren't......

And then you see this.....
And your first reaction is.....
Oh My that's BIG........

And then you get out of the car.......
And you see what Big is.....

It's not just BIG.......It's HUGE.....
And you know you are getting closer to
Rat's Restaurant
in Hamilton New Jersey......
We were just up in Jersey for me and daughter's birthday celebration
and an impromptu re-visit to Martha's Vineyard
compliments of the Winnetue Resort as a peace offering for the
tick infested time we had over the summer....
So we had a few days in Jersey before leaving for the island and the Boss treated us
to a Birthday Lunch at
For those of you that watch Top Chef it's the home of this years winner Kevin Sbraga
This is what greets you from the parking lot.....

Founded in 1992 by John Seward Johnson II
He is the Grandson of Robert Wood Johnson
the Co-Founder of Johnson and Johnson....
An American Artist who is known for painted bronze statues....
The Garden and restaurant sits in an industrial part of the Garden State and if you ever get the chance
to visit it will not disappoint.....
You enter through what looks like a Gypsy Caravan....

Very Wacky indeed....

Inside it looks like your somewhere in France.....

How pretty are these dishes.....

I was thinking how I could get one in my purse......
But the Fam nudged me right along to our table out on the patio....

Where we ate Croque Monsieur...

And Steak Frites.....

enjoying beautiful weather......

and friendly fowl......

And someone with hair just like mine!!

But the ambiance was Frenchtastic!!
A replica of Monet's Garden in Giverney.....
I have been to the real thing and I have to say they did a fabulous job of
re-creating it....
After lunch we toured the gardens......

From Crazy......

To Classy.....

To a Cutie......

Showing her Grandma down the garden path.....

To a make believe picnic in the woods....

Complete with Fake Flowers and artificial Wine.....

a naked lady.....

To a little girl who told the man that she really liked
His Hat.....

We wandered and wandered and around every corner was another
piece of Wimsey that even this Grandmother was
surprised to see.....
Please stop back and see part two of
The Grounds for Sculpture.....
where you ask yourself....
"Is it real or is it Memorex?"


  1. What a marvelous place!!! Thank you for sharing it.

  2. Thanks for posting about Grounds for Sculpture... I keep meaning to go there and now will make sure I do soon. What a fun time you had.

  3. That looks much fun and the food looks fantastic.

    I have a really bizarre question to ask a Jersey Girl. Many, many years ago when I was in college...we are talking the early 70s...egads...I went to a huge diner somewhere right off either the Jersey Turnpike or the Garden State (somewhere near Cherry Hill, I think). They had this impossibly delicious strawberry shortcake about 6" high. I have been wracking my brain trying to remember the name of it...possibly Isabelles. Can you help? Talk about a challenge, huh?


  4. Now I had to laugh at Janet's comment, right above mine. Finding the "right" diner in a state riddled with diners ... good luck!

    The Sculpture Garden is not far from where my older daughter went to college, and there are some very funny pictures of Alida and her friends acting out amongst the sculptures.

    Your grandbabe is so adorable!

    We're going to have to ferret out Rat's next time we're down that way. Sounds good, and LOOKS gorgeous!
    From another NJ girl --- Cass

  5. What a fabulous place! I love the restaurant and the gardens. Can't wait to see more!

  6. When I saw your title I thought you were going to tell us about a place you stayed that had rats instead of tics! :)
    Fun pictures for sure!
    The plates are so pretty as is you gdau!

  7. I love it! Great tour...and isn't that just like life? The lady sits there all naked while both gentlemen are fully dressed. It's a mad, mad, mad, mad man's world!>) I'll be baaaack for Part2! Hugs- Diana

  8. That is the coolest place! I would love to see it all. My daughter visited the kissing couple and she and her hubbie did the same pose exactly! ;D

  9. Looks like a fun place to eat lunch. GD is getting so big and is so cute!

  10. Your granddaughter is gorgeous.

    How come that lady was naked between two men? Not fair.

    The plates especially the blue one was gorgeous.

    The food and garden looked terrific but the name Rat's is funny.

    Glad you had sich a great time.


  11. What a fun place, and I see you had a great time and celebration. Eagerly awaiting part 2.

  12. That's a strange and interesting place! Funny how Miss B liked the statue's hat.

  13. Now, that is just fascinating, Sue! I'm amazed! I've seen some of Johnson's sculpture, but this is just such fun!


    Sheila :-)

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. P.S. Your granddaughter's comment was so cute to the man... that she liked his hat! LOL! What on earth did she think of the naked lady, or did she notice? What a cutie pie she is!

  16. Sue, I love that you inject these posts with so much humor. We had dinner at Rat's after my daughters graduation from TCNJ and of course wandered the grounds. My daughter having graduated with a degree to teach art, absolutely loves Grounds for Sculpture. I think it is just an amazing place.
    ♥, Susan

  17. Fun post Sue! I saw some of the same pieces from this exhibit in both San Diego and in Key West a few years ago. They had the sailor kissing the nurse in SD and a few of the art interpretations in KW. They were so large!

    I LOVE those dishes!

    Ms S is getting so big!

  18. Wow! Really a cool place! Happy Anniversary to you two too. I had the same long dark hair that you did in 1970. Although I got married in Jan. 1972 so we're a little behind you. Mimi

  19. FASCINATING! Had you been there before? (I should go back and read again before I ask.)

    Dishes are VERY pretty, but I don't know how they'd look with food on them. That food looks pretty darned fabulous though.

    Leading Grandma down the garden path. . . LOL! Not the last time THAT'S gonna happen!

  20. I think when one is dieting, that sculpture garden is the place to be! You'd feel so tiny!


  21. You find the most fantastic places Sue! I loved the plates too, (did you get a look at the back and the name of the pattern?) and the food looked sooo good.

  22. I loved this post it looks like a place I would truly enjoy. I had to laugh at the naked lady though. I noticed she sat naked amongst dressed men. So happy the one was wearing a hat!

  23. You all have just had so much fun together and Miss B has got to be the most adorable child. That hair alone is to die for!
    Your trip was just time you need to take me. : )
