Monday, April 12, 2010


It's a slow blog week and I won't have anything good to post until later in the week
when the Atlanta ladies get together for a little impromptu lunch
So I thought I would show you some of my favorite things....
Everything from my favorite things to eat....
to what I collect....
Who I watch...
Where I go.....
What I wear....
Products I Love
What I read......
What I drive........
And what I would like to drive.....'s a crazy mix....Just like me!Brusters Fat Free Sugar Free ice cream....
So good you can't tell it's good for you...
Every time I eat it I'm reminded of the Seinfeld episode
with the fat free yogurt.....
Ferris Wheels.....Any kind....Anywhere....
This is the Paris Wheel...
You get an amazing view of the city when it stops at the top....
Daughter almost suffered heart failure once around...
I turned right around and got back on for a second spin...

If you have never tried Whip-it it is a must for any dessert maker....
It is whip cream stabilizer...
That's whip real cream and add a sprinkle of this and the whipped cream
will not deflate...
Perfect for the top of cream pies....

My second favorite t.v. show of all time next to
St. Elsewhere....
Law and Order Criminal Intent....
I was heartbroken when they gave the axe to Vinnie D'Onofrio...
Jeff Goldblum's acting ability.....not even close.
Favorite Monument!!
I have a mini shrine at the house to the Lady in the Harbor...
A favorite thing to collect.....
Souvenir Collector plates from the 50's
I have almost two complete sets of the 50 states....
Now how many people can say that!!
Whenever I say that I collect state plates people always assume I collect
license plates.....Nope....real plates.....
The Greatest Movie of All time!
"Since You Went Away"
I have probably seen this movie since I was a kid.....oh....maybe 75-80 times....
I blubber as soon as the introduction music plays....
love love love this fresh ground pepper container from McCormick
The new container actually has a 3 size setting....
You know I love to cook and I am Italian so ofcourse I go through
Olive Oil like it's water....
I always buy Crisco Extra Virgin...
it is very very good and sells for a very good price....
Unexpected excellent quality.....
Another favorite.....another collection....
German Nutcrackers....
Certainly no Fashionista....
I love buying clothes from L.L. Bean...

My favorite cartoon character used to be Bugs Bunny....
A real troublemaker....
Until I discovered this guy....
King Julian!!
he's a professional whistler.....just like me!
and every lady needs her favorite beauty product.....
I swear by Kiehl's moisturizer

Enough Said......The Motherland.

Favorite Saturday Night Entertainment....
"Keeping Up Appearances "
on PBS....
I cannot get enough of Hyacinth and Company....

The Hot Dog

My daughter's Amazing photographic eye.....
Notice the nuns are walking towards a shop in Paris called

Favorite reading material has to be the magazine.....
Any kind but Food is my #1 choice....
it was a sad day when Gourmet closed up shop....

Favorite thing to look at.....
Old family black and whites.....
Siggy.....aka....Dad.....took this on the Boardwalk at Atlantic City.....

Anything monogrammed....
I have to get myself a pair of these handmade sandals....

More on the shoe front.....
I have been wearing Converse Hi-Tops for years and will
probably wear them until I die....
There is nothing and I mean nothing as comfortable for your feet...

Favorite place to visit....
Long Beach island.....N.J...... Ofcourse!

I love cute cars......with cute dogs sitting inside...

Classic Cars.....No this is not mine I'm sorry to say....

And Fast cars.....
How beautiful is this new Porsche Sedan....
I wish!
And last but not least........
That Wacky Miss "B"
That's My Girl!!!

footnote: Blogger is acting up big time tonight so I was unable to delete all the blank space below.....hopefully it will be able to get fixed tomorrow.....
Thanks for stopping by......


  1. Great, great post!!!! Most everything I had already figured out about you - always fun and entertaining - you didn't disappoint. Great picture of cutie pie at the end - she's definitely your granddaughter. Thanks for the Crisco olive-oil heads-up - will try it for sure. Have a great week. Sally

  2. Love the pic of Miss "B" so so cute. Your choice of cars are right up my alley. I found out some new things about you that I didn't know. Guess that is how we find out about our friends.

  3. I love that your post started with Bruster's and the pajama sign. Several years ago over a Thanksgiving weekend they had a pajama hour and were giving away a quart of ice cream. My girlfriend Judy and I put on our cutest pjs and went right over to claim our quart! It was so much fun and we still laugh at ourselves proudly in line with our pajamas!!

    So many great favorite things though I have to confess that I haven't seen Since You Went Away. Putting it on my list.

  4. This is my favorite post (except, of course when it's about the "crazy blogging ladies leave their computers long enough to do lunch" post)!
    St. Elsewhere was one of my all time favorite shows. Now I like Grey's Anatomy, but not as much as S.E...
    See ya tomorrow............

  5. Wow - look what time Rose was up at!

    Anyway - I love this post - I think it is a great idea. Really lets the reader know you and it gave me two ideas of things to buy at the grocery store.

    Of of course - the best is last - she is a doll baby!

    See you tomorrow!

  6. Great post! And I love the photo of Miss "B"!

  7. We have a lot it common! The Whip It saved my life in the 90's when I was doing catering..even on a hot day it held up..
    St. they ever re run those?
    No on the high tops..I went
    to a Catholic girls academy and we had to wear those for gym!
    I had an Austin Healy 3000 British Racing Car college grad present..loved it! That looks like one but I can't tell?

    Now Miss B, I have a nice LI boy for her!
    Are you wearing your PJ's for a free cone? :)
    Can't wait to hear about the next adventure!

  8. Loved seeing a few of your favorite things! That picture your daughter took was absolutely perfect!!

  9. What a great post AM! I enjoyed every single picture and note. You are always so smart and funny. Also Roberto loves to buy from LLBean. Sophie is amazing with her sunglasses.

  10. Thanks for stopping by and for your wonderful comment I really enjoyed it! Is that really your VW Bug? I have a silver one OK, just another thing in common.

    The diving horse made me stop and yell for the Honey, come and look at this great pic, do you remember this? Atlantic City is a place we went as a kid. Love the beach.

    Stop by anytime it's always nice to visit with you.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  11. You absolutely crack me up! I'm just trying to imagine you and your husband on the German tour.

    Don't know how I missed everyone at Scott's but it's probably because I was scouting out the loot! I get lost in another world when I'm there.

  12. Sue,what a fun post! I share in many of your favorites. Especially "whip it"! I am wild over this wonderful stabilizer! And I also love all things monogrammed.
    It is fun to know you a little better. And Miss "B" is adorable, I bet she is your most favorite of all!

    Thanks for visiting. The little red and white box is really a covered butter dome. I broke the bottom (sniff, sniff) and use a small plate that the dome fits over. I got it in a wonderful local store- The Olde Millhouse Shoppe, I did a post on it last week, and their web-site is linked. It is a fabulous store!

  13. WOW! Loved all your favorites. What state plates are you missing? I always thought that would be a fun thing to collect. Mimi

  14. thanks for sharing - I love ice cream and hot dogs too -
    but what really caught my eye was your daughters photo -
    it was great !!!
    please pass that on
    have a great week

  15. That was fabulous!!! Really! Loved every minute of learning about you. May have to write my own list one day.

  16. Sue, Thank you for being here for me and my family. We really appreciate all the prayers and kind words. I have just been so busy since February, traveling to VA, having visitors here, and just getting things ready for June. Everything had been perfect until Friday morning when I went for my appointment, and they just didn't hear a heartbeat. I was so looking forward to getting together with you all. Thank you for thinking of me.

  17. Great post! I, too, love Law & Order and will miss my favorite detective. I heard his health is troubling and that is why he left. Jeff Goldblum is ok, but will forever miss Bobbie!
    Hot dogs! I'm right there with you, girl.
    Ferris wheels, not so much. I can tolerate them and that is it!
    Lunch was great! Can't wait for us to do it again.

  18. As usual Sue you didn't disappoint-oh that Vincent D'Onofrio is a cutie! I wasn't sure about the crisco olive oil, but you are Italian, so I might try it, and Miss B is gonna grow up just like her Grandma-adorable, entertaining and colorful!

  19. Loved the post.....I'll have to check out your favorite Saturday night TV show. I'm big on ferris wheels too! Really liked the photo of the nuns walking towards "Heaven".

  20. This was delightful! Hyacinth is a part of our Saturday evening too, along with As Time Goes By. I use the McCormick salt and pepper grinders. Funny that they work better than the fancy grinders. I've had so many of those break on me. (Like the wine openers. :) )

    Raising my hand as a big Kiehl's fan, too.

    Funny--I'm watching Law & Order rerun with Vinnie right now. It's always on somewhere.

    Two questions: Have you adapted to southern hot dogs with chili and slaw? And most important of all. . . did you get a free cone on wear your pajamas day?

    Fun, fun post!

  21. Hi Sue! Oh, this was great! You're a gal after my own heart! Now being a brand new grandma of a little grand daughter - all little sweet girls are on my heart and that one of yours takes the cake.
    Oh, thank you for popping in to see me and glad you liked my little valance over the kitchen sink. I made it! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  22. Well you had a steam of consciousness too! love your trip down memory lane ...pjs & waffles Great!...Miss B is adorable!the nuns on their way to Heaven!cool!..
    The diving horse is Awesome! I never got to see it but my hubby saw it!

    and Barnegat Lighthouse! in my neck of the wooods...well 1 1/ ancestors came to Tuckerton in 1714..and another rellie...was 1st settler of Little Egg Harbor...1695! I love to visit the old cemeteries! My grandmom used to go to Surf city for a week in summer.

    Check out my other webstie about my visit to Atlanta & Marietta-last yr...
    my parents leave tomorrow to visit my sis in Marietta...& my other niece is performing rhythmic gymnastics in Atlanta this weekend. She does really well..about 10- adopted from Belarus, Russia...a real sweetie!!

    Great post...the baby is the best!!

  23. Had a great time today! Thanks for getting all of us kooks together... I'm considering wether I should forgive you for having me paged....LOL

  24. I loved this post....Are those your plates? I love how they are displayed. How did you do that? I NEED to know!

