Friday, April 9, 2010


I received an e-mail the other day from the folks over at "Working Wildlife" and this is what it said.......
Working Wildlife is happy to announce that we have a new one year old chimp named Eli
available for t.v. and film projects.....
He is currently living in Florida with his caregivers......
but we can transport him if needed......
Here's is a pic of our adorable Eli.....Thank You!

And here he is!!
Is there anybody that doesn't think these are the cutest animals ever.....
Well.....perhaps PETA...
But your asking yourself "Why in the world did Sue get an e-mail about a chimp
for hire?"........
Because you all know me by now and you know that if it's something wacky I'm
somehow involved........

You see since I've been a kid I have always wanted to see a chimp
Up Close and Personal.....
My mother had a fascination with chimps......and I guess I inherited that....
I love the ones that get dressed up for the movies....
You know when they put on roller skates and those cute
Tam O' Shanter hats with with big ball on top....
Like in the movie "Buddy"
I think that is what PETA objects to?

But not me......I think these adorable creatures are as smart as most people
and I don't think they are tortured into doing these things....
Have you ever seen the Chimp at the Chinese zoo that smokes?

I've been driving the Fam crazy for years wanting a trip out to L.A. to visit
Working Wildlife
and spend the day interacting with the "Hollywood Chimps".....
No interest in the big boys.....or zoo monkeys....
just those cute dressed up ones....
the babies.....
I think I'm making progress with the daughter but the Boss just thinks
I'm plain nutz....
and he keeps mentioning that my face will get ripped off...or atleast get bitten on the hand...

Ofcourse the other thing on my "bucket list" was to go up in a
Hot Air Balloon...
thought I could kill two birds with one stone and drive up to Napa Valley for that....
But.....He keeps showing me videos on You-Tube
where the balloons hit power lines and burst into flames....
At times he can be quite the Buzz Kill.....
So seeing that Eli is available for hire.....
come my October birthday
I expect him on a next flight from his caregivers in Florida to Jersey.....
Or one of these days....out of the blue.... I will be singing....
"California Here I Come".....
Is there something on your list that you have always wanted to do before you die?
Come on.....
tell us .....
and make it a good one!!


  1. Lots of things on my Bucket List,( Tom Selleck) but I don't go ape over chimps. This one does have nice teeth though..must have had a visit to Bright Smile!
    Hey..what can I make with Basket Cheese? I bought it and I don't know why..I looked on the web..says to pretty much use it like ricotta...Thought a fine Italian from Joisey might have a good recipe??

  2. He's so cute! I don't know if you saw any of Kirstie Alley's Big Life but she has Lemurs!

    We're shooting for the end of May beginning of June for our barn sale, but I'll keep you posted.


  3. Didn't you get my email about having to go to Florida? You know we were planning to take the baby next Spring.... maybe we'll have to do it in the fall instead! ;)

  4. I hate to say this Sue, but I agree with your hubby. I'm a big chicken around these critters! Cute, but I don't want to get near one after hearing about the woman who was so terribly mauled. My bucket list? Travel! England, Ireland, Scotland, the French countryside. I want to see it all!

  5. My Bucket list: Ireland an Alaskan cruise and I can't sing a lick....but I want to be a singer in a rock 'n roll group with some smart dance moves to boot. I'd really like some dance lessons but I am talking salsa and the jive not the waltz. Are ya laughing Sue?

  6. Well, around age 12 I was convinced I would marry Omar Shariff {didn't happen ... yet}, then I was determined I would somehow be in an issue of People Magazine {I think I got a Letter to the Editor published eons ago), and getting into my size 3 Bobbie Brooks probably won't be happening anytime soon. At this point I'm thinking becoming a grandmother might be pretty awesome.


  7. I'm sure there is a connection between Captain Kangaroo's Cindy the Chimp!

  8. i think the chimp is adorable -
    my bucket list -
    living in italy for a year -
    in a big ole villa,
    and eating gellato every day- twice a day!!!

  9. Sweet greetings from Frog Hollow Farm and thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm so happy to meet another person who lives for the next meal - we are great friends with several couples and whenever we're on vacation and at a restaurant we're talking about where we're eating next! Crazy! My bucket list: to live in Florence Italy for a year! Ciao, bella!

  10. They certainly are cute. Good luck meeting one up close and personal. Mimi

  11. He's so cute! I love chimps too, and love watching them.

    My bucket list, I want to visit Italy.


  12. Well I guess there is something endearing about his smile. Not sure if he would make a good pet.
    My bucket list. I am originally from NY, Italian, and living down here in the South. I would go to Arthur Avenue in the Bronx and make myself sick eating all the Italian pastries. The only way I get them down here is to make them myself and that's no fun.

  13. When I was a child I knew a girl who had a spider monkey. It was not nice and used to throw its poop at everyone who visited, so that pretty much ended any attraction that I might have had to monkeys of any kind.

    I always wanted to go into space and see the earth from the moon. Obviously that will never happen.

    I'd also like to take a Cunard cruise around the world. We get brochures for it all the time since we once cruised on the Queen Mary 2. Maybe someday we'll win lotto and that will happen! I can dream! :-)

  14. They have hot air balloons right here in Georgia - I see them all summer long.

    I want to ride a motorcycle with the Hell's Angels - just once to say I did - you know some of them are very nice and ride in the breast cancer walk here in Atlanta.

