Wednesday, April 7, 2010

SOMETHING TO BLOG ABOUT..................

Do you ever have one of those days when there is absolutely nothing to blog about?
I know you have all been there.....
When your ready to give up and throw in the blog towel and say....
"I just have nothing to say anymore"......
with me that isn't very likely but.....
I was having one of those days yesterday and out of the blue the door bell rang....
Okay know where this is going.....
If you remember when the Jamaican man came knocking on Halloween and I thought he was
a Trick or Treater when all the poor man was trying to do was delivery flowers....
So I get a few rings then loud knocking....
and I start yelling to "Stand back from the door"... because delivery people tend to stand really close to the door so when I go to step outside......boom.....they are right there in your face....
Not smart when the person opening the door has a 135 pound backup security system
waiting to break free....
And there was this man standing with a little red insulated bag in his hand.....
He was driving this car.....
And he was delivering this......
It seems the night before the Boss got a call from someone telling us that free food would be
delivered to us the following day.....compliments of "Service Foods".....
The Boss thinking this was some sort of prank or scheme......
Being from Jersey we really don't trust or believe anything anybody does....
He told the guy that it would be fine to deliver the food as we have a
Great Pyrenees and he would be happy to eat it...
And sure enough....
Here is the bag of Free Frozen Food....
Why??....we have no idea.....

That would be Lemon Pepper Chicken breasts....
a bag of beans....and one hamburger patty....
Insert said there would be two patties...
there was only one.

See.......just can see where they cut the other one off....

I am not a fan of frozen food......especially frozen veggies...
I prefer fresh or in a pinch canned....
frozen meats......not for me....everything gets watery when thawed...
tastes not so good....
This was freeze dried or shrink wrapped or whatever they call it and you can see on the left side of the package all the ice particles inside the bag.....
But in either case I suppose it was nice that Service Foods takes the time to
promote their products....
They advertise that they are promoting healthy eating which is always a good thing....
This would be good for elderly people who don't cook for themselves or working
people with little time at the end of the day to prepare a meal....
You can actually go to their website as stated on the brochure and receive this sample pack of food....
In the Atlanta area you can call
But in this household we eat good and Sue loves to cook and although we are
still watching what we eat....... sometimes.....We splurge and we eat
This was our dinner last you can see why we didn't try the frozen food....
New York Strip Steaks....Home fries with onions....
plum tomatoes and baby peas.... was as good as it looks....
And normally you would all say.....
"This can only happen to Sue"....
But I'm happy to report that when the delivery guy left here he went across the street and delivered the food to our neighbor Stephanie.....
And speaking of good food.....
For 24 years I have been whining about the South not having any good pizza.....
What was an Italian from Jersey to do.....
Well the other day we tried a new pizzeria that just opened
Ray's New York Pizza......
And I'm here to report that it is fabulous!!
The garlic rolls which sell as an appetizer came out on a huge platter....
You could make a meal on those alone.....
The pizza.....we had half mushroom half Italian sausage was wonderful.....
I recommend it to all the ladies in the Atlanta area.....
It's located on Chastain Road right behind Town Center Mall next to
Kennesaw University....
Hey....let's meet there next time we do lunch....
Bon Apetit!!


  1. You lead the strangest life Sue! Lol! Men knocking on your door to deliver free frozen food...ummm, strange. It does provide something to blog about and entertain us with:>) I wonder what the guy would have thought of that food if he saw the yummy meals you make. My guess is that he would throw that stuff in the bushes somewhere and be knocking on your door for a dinner invitation:>)

  2. The pizza looks so much better than the free food, but I can see where busy people would like that service. I am getting ready to pick up Anna. She is going to stay with me through the weekend. I had such good plans for that leftover Easter candy and those new big girl panties... then you had to go and burst my bubble. Well, I'm still going to give bribery a shot!

  3. The pizza looks sooo good. The frozen food, well, ya have to cook and season it. lol

  4. Love the pizza! Not so much the frozen food but as you say I'm sure there are people who this would be rally good for.

  5. Glad you found some good pizza. I went to school in Ohio and the pizza was like saltines with sauce and mozzarella cheese. Maybe now, but then..nope!
    I'd eat that burger..looks decent! Or else you can spread it on those home made dog biscuits! :)

  6. the garlic rolls look heavenly but not as much as your potatoes!!!!
    You made me hungry sitting here!!
    If I am ever up your way - will have to try the pizza!!

  7. Did Boo enjoy his frozen dinner? Who buys that stuff? We have people come around selling seafood out of the back of a pickup. In the first place, seafood in Colorado - not the freshest thing, anyway. Now, the pizza they could give me a free sample of that. Have a great weekend. Sally

  8. Yum that pizza does look good! Thanks for letting us know where we can find the pizza shop. I'll have to check it out. And the free food website too! Great story!

  9. The pizza looks yummy! You always have strange men at your door! ;-)

  10. Okay, I'm weird. You remember I'm the only person on earth that doesn't like pizza, right? But some garlic hummus or grilled veggies, now you're talking!

    Nobody ever knocks on my door. Might have something to do with the caged wildebeest on the porch?


  11. How do these things happen to you Sue??? The food did not look too appetizing but that pizza-I can smell it from here-love Ray's pizza in NYC! By the way, I haven't blogged much lately coz I am trying to get the business going and all my thoughts and worries are going into that little project and you all dont want to read about that!!

  12. Have to admit we got the same packet and to be honest it was pretty good. All organic and frozen fresh. It was very expensive and not good for a family of four.

    Your meal looks great! You should go into the business. I'd buy from you! Your cookin rocks.

