Friday, April 2, 2010

The Tale of a Very Spoiled Great Pyrenees......

This is Boo.....
You all know Boo.....The World's Most Spoiled Dog.Boo is going to be 12 soon......He looks great for almost 12.....He actually is showing no signs
of aging accept for a bit of arthritis in his legs....But what can you expect he
Holds up 135 pounds of Fur...
You also know that Boo favors the Boss over me and this apparently comes from the fact
That the Boss says I don't talk to the Boo with sincerity in my voice....
Yes....that's right.... I'm not sincere enough when speaking to the Dog.
This is what Boo has been snacking on for the past 11 plus years......
He has always loved his "Milk Bones"
Take note that they are "small" size.....for small dogs....
Because Boo.....although the size of a small Dainty.....

Boo also doesn't trust me and thinks at anytime I could be poisoning him.....
He takes food from me like it's a cyanide pill...
No reason for this as I treat this animal like a King.....
He only drinks water if I fill his bowl with ice....
When he's under the weather I have been known to roast him a whole chicken....
And everyday when I feed him Kibbles and Bits....I have to grate fresh Cheddar Cheese on top
Or he won't touch it!!
He is treated Royally......
So when daughter made him homemade dog biscuits
and shipped them down from Jersey.....
I should have known we would have a problem....

You see Boo now refuses to eat store bought Milk Bones.....
No.....not good enough anymore for this
So he asked me nice......

And I requested the recipe from daughter.....
And I bought myself a dog bone shaped
Cookie Cutter.....

I got the "Skunk Eye" when I threatened to only make them if he
changed his ways and started coming when I call him....
And he would have to get more thick skinned about the whole sincerity thing....
He reminded me that you can't teach an old dog new tricks...
And that he would not be changing anytime soon....

Me being a big softy where dogs are concerned.....
I gave in....

"Oh I think I smell something coming out of the oven.....Oh Oh....did that lady
Really make me Special Cookies?"

Ofcourse I did.....

Boo.....are you a happy dog now?
Would you like some ice water with that biscuit?

The only bad part is that we are finding a trail of
Milk Bones scattered around the house....
He really will not eat them anymore...
Thank goodness that I like to bake..
In case you or someone you know has an equally spoiled canine....
Here is the recipe....
1 cup of rolled oats
1/3 cup of butter or margarine
1 cup of boiling water
3/4 cup of cornmeal
2 teaspoons of white sugar
2 teaspoons of chicken or beef bouillon granules
1/2 cup of milk
1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese
1 egg beaten
3 cups of whole wheat flour
1.) Preheat oven to 325 degrees. In a large bowl combine the rolled oats, the butter or margarine and the boiling water. Let stand for 10 minutes.....grease a cookie sheet or use parchment paper.
2.) Thoroughly stir in the cornmeal, sugar, bouillon, milk,cheddar cheese and the egg. Mix in 1 cup of flour at a time, until a stiff dough forms.
I mixed this in the Kitchen Aid with the dough hook attachment.
3.) Knead the dough on a lightly floured surface, mixing in additional flour as necessary until dough is smooth...Roll out dough to 1/2" thickness. Cut with cookie cutter and place 1 inch apart onto the prepared cookie sheets.
4.) Bake about 35 to 40 minutes in the preheated oven, until golden brown.
Store in an airtight container.
Recipe makes about 42 3" biscuits....


  1. Boo may not realize it, but he has the best MOM in the world, YOU :)

  2. Yay!!!! Gourmet biscuits for Boo!!!!!

  3. What a boo-tiful dog!!! I found your blog on the linky party at The Girl Creative and I really like it! I'm a new follower, I'd love for you to come see me and follow, if you'd like, at

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. I could have written this post Sue! I've got one seriously spoiled dog too! Our Jake gets a McDonald's hamburger a day, sometimes twice! We order it plain and he doesn't eat the bun, only the hamburger patty.

    Thank you for the recipe. I'm gonna make some for my Jakester soon!

  5. Hmmmm don't tell my dogs about it!! LOL
    I love it, i will write down the recipe!
    Happy new friend follow, i am following me, come follow me :)
    Are you French?

  6. That is too funny Sue! Grated cheese on top? Boy, he is a lucky dog! He is a beautiful dog and lucky to have such a wonderful human family! hehe. Happy Easter!

  7. I so enjoyed reading this post about your dog Boo! He is beautiful and so funny! My dog is showing some of the same quirky signs although she still eats store bought milk bones but prefers them when I spread peanut butter on them. Spoiled? Yes. Thanks for the dog bone recipe. I am going to give them a try.

  8. I'll tell you what - he is the sweetest dog in the world - he is so big, yet so gentle. I can see why you make bisquits for him - they have a lot of healthy ingredients too. Probably better than Milk Bones.

    And ice in his water - I think you're prtty sincere!

    Have a great Easter Sue, hubby, and Boo!


  9. Ah what a lucky dog! Imagine eating the same cookie for 11 years? Boring. Glad that you are baking him some new treats. There is a DOG bakery (kid you not) in the Sears/Michael's center by your house. You may want to check it out.

  10. We haven't heard from Boo for a long time - glad he is still up to a good meal. That is spoiled with a capital S - home made dog cookies. We had a dog for 15 years that hated me. There was never a day he didn't nip at me. He loved Bob & Mike though, and could care less about Jenni. But, me - he was the bane of my existence for all of those years. Haven't had a dog since. Have a great Easter weekend. No cooking here - we're meeting Mike in Denver today, as he is taking us out to dinner. Tomorrow, I don't know. Jenni, kids, etc. are doing their own thing tomorrow. Take care, Sally

  11. What a great story about Boo. I love it. Pyres are so sweet I've got a friend who prefers them.

  12. Wow, Boo has you trained well! My mom gives in to every whim from her dog, too. I am trying to stand strong with Bailey. She is spoiled, but she can eat the expensive treats I buy or do without until I break down and give in and maybe try baking those for her. Hmmmmm! Thanks for the cute post and recipe.

    Happy Easter,


  13. You are a good mommy, Sue. We LOVE are little (big) fur kids, they sure do have us wrapped around their paws. I have a couple dog treat recipes that our pups and also the family pups seem to love. I will try to remember to send them to you when we get back home. I'll have to try your recipe.

  14. boo is beautiful -!!!!
    How lucky he is to have homemade biscuits!!

    have a blessed easter!

  15. What a big ol' sweetie! Have a wonderful Easter Sue:>)

  16. Oh Boo sure is a Pyrenees through and through! Saw his beautiful photo over on Connie's sidebar and had to drop by. I am going to try the recipe minus the cornmeal as our pooch is allergic to corn. Thanks so much for the recipe. There is truly nothing like a Great Pyrenees.

  17. You are an old softie! LOL Too funny how you are now catering to such an ingrate. *Tee Hee* Seriously, I think you are being a nice dog mom. Happy Easter to you and your family. hugs, Sue

  18. Dear Old Softie, I had been thinking I'd like to make Miss Piggy a healthy treat. It's amazing, but our sh-- eating dog is picky about dog treats. She would LOVE for something to come out of the over just for her. I will make her wildest dreams come true today! If they're Boo-approved, Miss P should like them, too.

    Don't count on your efforts changing your status with Boo for long, however. She's probably thinking, "Does that hussy think she get between me and my man with a few treats. . . ?" LOL!

    She's so beautiful!

    Happy Easter!

  19. OOPS! My apologies to MR Boo!

  20. Sue -

    Boo is adorable! I loved this post. Thank you for sharing the recipe although I probably won't ruin a good thing - Buster the Beast (my 13 year old cairn terrier aka The Original Devil Dog because he was born on Halloween) and Scout (my 2 year old rat terrier) LOVE Milk Bone Dog Training Treats with bone marrow -- it's Crack for Dogs!

    Wishing you and your family a blessed Easter and all the wonders of spring!


  21. I wonder if Kate would eat some of these. She turns up her nose when the lady at the bank drive-thru offers a Milk Bone. Pa always fixes our dogs a people food treat. Yes, I know that's not good for them but he never listens. He'd tell you to add tiny pieces of beef to your cookies, kind of like chocolate chips or raisins for dogs. See how Bo likes you then!

  22. Boo is so beautiful!! I love that face. I may have to try that recipe on Otis and Riley.

  23. This recipe sounds pretty good. I like to bake too so I might have to try these for my little dogs. Looks like you girls had fun at the culinary school. And loved your post on chocolate bunnies. I haven't made them in years. Made me want to. Mimi

  24. Your home needs one of those plaques that reads "A Spoiled Rotten Dog Lives Here!" I never had one, but Lord knows that a truer statement never existed when Maxie was alive.

    My mom is doing real well - she's back to her old self. And my dad is much more relaxed not having to worry about her so much.

  25. Boo is one lucky dog! Those biscuits look rather tasty.

  26. Boo is such a lucky dog! He is really cute and reminds me of my big white fluffy 12 year old cat named Bo.

    Those biscuits look gourmet! Nice job!

  27. Loved this post Sue. I am Kat. I wonder if Boo would like me! You recently are following my Italian blog and now I am following yours. Not only do we both live in Marietta, but I am originally from New York and miss all those Italian pastries from Arthur Avenue. I have a baking and cookie blog too so please be sure to visit.

  28. Yes, spoiled with love....and cookies! Boo is beautiful and very lucky.
    ♥, Susan

  29. I love Boo...he makes me happy just looking at him!

    Thanks for posting the biscuit recipe...I'm going to make those for Miss Maisie.:)

  30. My bischon is definately spoiled.....I might have to make a batch of these dog bones for Lexi......thanks for the recipe. Puppies just have a way of stealing are hearts....don't they?!!?!

  31. Boo sounds exactly like my Pyrs. So dainty when accepting a treat. Like they are doing YOU a favor! LOL Mine also much preferred dinner with cheese on top, too. I did not ever think of putting ice in the water. Bet they would have liked that. They are gone now and I miss them. I hope to find a puppy soon...Pyrs are very special fur people.
