Saturday, March 27, 2010

JUST PLAIN FUN......................

We used to have a great candy supply store here in Marietta and then one day it just
up and Closed.....
It was huge and had everything you could ever want to make candy and bake cakes....
My kind of Place....
So I was thrilled this past Tuesday when me and the ladies were on the other side
of Atlanta and we visited
Cake Art I stocked up on bags and labels.....lolly pop sticks and melting chocolate......
To the dismay of Miss B's Mom.......aka....Daughter
I spent today making Easter candy....
And I had forgotten just how much fun it is to take
And turn it into

The Boss was equally impressed with my painting skills.....
Oh really...... a Monkey could do this.....

But I thought my bunnies came extra cute.....
Love the teeth....

Can't forget the grown kids.....
One for daughter and one for favorite SIL.....

And I just couldn't resist making just a few pops to add to B's basket.....
If you have never tried your hand at candy making before
you should give it a shot.....
I even convinced Sandie
to give it a go...
it is nothing more then a microwave.....a steady hand.....and a little patience....
But the results......"Just Plain Cute"
Let the grandkids give it a try too.....


  1. You made all of that? Wow, wonderful job!


  2. I like these. Walker and I are going to dye Easter eggs next week. Can't wait.

  3. Your candy art is beautiful and what fun for the family!

  4. The candy turned out wonderful! Those bunny teeth are too cute. You would be proud - I have made the peppermint bark two Christmases in a row. See what you are doing to me? We have people coming for dinner tomorrow, so I cooked all morning today. Take care, Sally

  5. Well, I might not have the skills of a monkey then! I did the first layer tonight - and one thing I didn't ask you was how thick to make them. So mine may look seriously ill tomorrow. I'm scared!


  6. Ok, so I have questions...did you really paint the colors, or have to fill those colors in certain places in a mold. Where do you find the cute molds (like Michael's or somewhere, or are they vintage?). They are TOO CUTE!

  7. A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!! These look better than any I've seen in the store!

    How do you get the different colors? Do you have to put different colors of chocolate in different parts of the mold. If so, it seems like ALOT of work, but worth it I'm sure!

    I've got various molds, I seriously need to give this candy making thing a try!

  8. Sue, candy making is something I've never tried but you make it sound easy! You bunnies came out SO're right, the teeth give it real personality. :-= <-that's supposed to look like buck teeth. LOL
    Thanks for showing us that it can be done. Your little sweet Ms. B is going to love finding your homemade chocolate pops in her basket.

  9. those look so good! Can't you tell I'm a true chocoholic??!! What a wonderful treat for your family to have homemade candies for Easter. Hope you have a great holiday with your family.

  10. I haven't done it in years, but I saved all the molds! I am really impressed with the teeth. They look so nice and poils! :)

    I may give it a shot.
    That store looks amazing..
    Oh, I did get some cute cupcake wrappers yesterday in Michael's on sale..Little baskets...

  11. Oh but those bunnies need to visit Rose's daughters for some serious orthodontist braces for those buck teeth. I wonder if I can just coat my teeth with chocolate to look whiter? Seriously they look so cute and I know they will be a wonderful addition to your families Easter baskets next Sunday.

  12. Hi Sue! What a yummy, wonderful post! I am in the midst of planning our Easter Brunch for next Sunday ... candy like this is a necessity! Don't know if I ever shared this with you but I lived in Marietta for a year ... near the Horse Barn! I loved going into the quaint Square, window and antique shopping .... I loved living in Georgia.

  13. Oh your bunnies turned out so darn cute, love the teeth too. Miss B is sure going to have a colorful basket this year. I wanted to make some but the kids didn't really want any candy and of course they didn't want Mabry to have much either. I should have just broken the cardinal rule of listening to the parents and did what gamma wanted, next time.

  14. You've just inspired me - toooo adorable (I can microwave . . . )


  15. Girl, I am IMPRESSED!

    This is one monkey that couldn't do that if they tried a million times! LOL! I'm just gonna sit back and admire your work. Awesome!


    Sheila :-)

  16. So cute!!!! I would love to learn to make those bunnies!

  17. These are sooooo darn cute! Now, I'm sorry I didn't get that stuff too. year I'm gonna be a candy makin' fool!

  18. How beautiful! I love your bunnies. I admire anyone who is able to make any thing more than a piece of fudge or a peppermint pattie. Your skills are far superior to mine. I hope you had a great weekend. Blessings...Mary

  19. Your bunnies are delightful. I've painted many things
    and many materials in my life, but never chocolate! I've got a steady hand, patience.... but not a microwave! Hugs AM. Eli

  20. Sue, these are just adorable. I had no idea you could make them at home! That strawberry/chicken salad looks great too and I love your cute Easter basket from Sally!

  21. These are awesome! This looks like such a fun thing to do:>)

  22. Well done! I'm sure your devine Miss B will adore your treats.


  23. Those bunnies look like professional work to me....seriously excellent job!! Lucky recipients, are so good to your family.
    ♥, Susan

  24. I am AWED! WOW! Didn't know anyone could do this.

    Your bunnies are too cute for words!

  25. YOu inspire me to try that on my own----
    you did an awesome job!!!
