Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Who has as much fun as the Atlanta Bloggers??
I don't think anybody has this much fun....
A few of the ladies got together today for a little
Tea and Scones....Six of us met at Tea Leaves and Thyme in Woodstock Georgia.....
We were on board with seven but Joyce
had Mr. Vundervants come down with a bad case of the
heebie-jeebies due to the pollen and she had to cancel at the last minute....
We missed you Joyce!!
we were greeted by our name on the Welcome Board when we arrived....

Tea Leaves and Thyme is more then a tea room...
It's in the prettiest 100 year plus old house and has a great little gift shop
along with some of the best luncheon food I have ever eaten.

Ofcourse teapots for sale were everywhere.....
and everything related to tea...

Pretty note cards with teacups....

For the Gentleman.....fancy walking sticks.

I was surprised by the size of the house....there were rooms everywhere....
and pretty furniture decorated with....ofcourse....teapots!

There were hats and mink stoles...........

Tables for two.....and tables for many..

Our Table was waiting for us....
The lemon curd and clotted cream were fabulous....

Deb of Drivin 55
is having a birthday next week so in honor of that she was
given a little token of friendship....
an edible chocolate "Tiffany" box filled with mini chocolates inside...
Happy Birthday Deb!!

because everybody loves chocolate!

A very nice menu.....You could choose from a number of different lunch items
Like soup and salad....chicken salad.....quiche.....
High tea....

Here is Linda from A la Carte
hiding behind the menu....
we were all just being silly...
This was a real "girl's day out"....

A birthday party was about to begin in the next room....
These ladies came prepared
with their hats on....
I noticed they had miniature pink rose bushes in pretty pots at each place setting....
Great touch!
And here is Miss Claire.....
she was celebrating her 3rd. birthday with her mom and grandmom....
She was certainly enjoying the chocolate cake...
This was Claire's little friend who spent much time picking something off of the tea cake
she was eating....
and at one point her and Claire had a bit of a riff over the hats they were wearing...
but overall....for two three year olds they behaved very nicely...
Each room in the house has a photograph and is named after one of the women who have lived in the house
over the past 100 years....

Tea time!!
Notice the pinkie up!
that's Santamaker Rose...
Deb from Driven 55
Neighbor Necie.....who really needs to re-start her blog...

No Neice isn't a twin.....
The room was small and I couldn't back up far enough to get all the ladies in
one shot.....
next to Necie is
Linda from A La Cart
I am very picky about what I eat but I can honestly say this was the best
Quiche I have ever had....
hate to say this.....but....
It was better then mine....
it was made in layers....
Ham and cheese on the bottom of the crust with a light custard on top....
It came with a wonderful salad and three little scones.

Rose ordered some sort of pizza....

Moments after Rose announced....
"Mums The Word"....
We all howled so loud that I thought we would be asked to leave....
Rose is always good for atleast one zinger whenever we get together...
And no.....nobody had the nerve to actually eat the real flowers....

Everyone else had the high tea which included all of this.....

They also kept bringing different pots of tea to try.....
This was included in the High Tea
You could order as many different types as you wanted to try....
I think we had three different
The girls raved over the pimento cheese sandwiches....
The waitress told us that it's house made with a mixture of
cream cheese....white Vermont cheddar....yellow cheddar and
fresh pimentos....
Sorry.....I couldn't resist....
That had hats everywhere....I had to try one one...
I just love hats...
Always a group shot at the end....

And as usual we all had a wonderful time.....
With good food and good friends....
Deb had to leave to go home but the rest of us did a little antique shopping down
the road....I did take pictures of all the goodies we saw and bought
but I didn't want to O.D. you with too many pictures....
Now don't you all wish you lived here in Atlanta...
Because we just have too much fun...
See you next time!


  1. It looks like so much fun! Next time you simply MUST wear hats!

  2. Sue great post! I had so much fun I'm still smiling! I came home and just babbled about it all to Carter! I did find a few treasures at the Thrifts on the way home. Looking forward to the next get together and I agree, next time we get a photo all wearing hats!

  3. Of course I just "had" to move and miss all the fun. Looks like a wonderful place for "girls" to have an afternoon hanging out.

  4. I sure lingered a long time on this post .... I love seeing bloggers come together for fun, food and photos. Still jealous I live so far from ATL.

  5. Hey Sue,
    What a great post...and a fun day!

  6. Good Morning,

    You did a great job with this blog. I think you got everything! Wasn't that the best tea house ever? The gals in our group are just so very wonderful. I feel blessed to be a part of it. Thanks for all your 'arranging'.


  7. Great photos and it looks like a wonderful place to shop and eat and everyone looks like they had tons of laughs. Sorry I missed it but hopefully since everyone enjoyed the tea room maybe we can all go there in the future. I would have gone nuts looking at all the pretty teapots.

  8. I had so much fun yesterday! Laughing and eating, what's better than that!

  9. It looks like you had a wonderful time, Sue. I would LOVE to meet some of the wonderful bloggers in my area. I'll have to think about organizing something.

  10. Well look at your skinny self all RL'd up in your spring dress! What a great day and the food looks amazing. Someday someone will come up with a way to regionally coordinate us bloggers so we can all share the fun!


  11. It looked like so much fun, Sue! What a fabulous get together! Love that hat! Thanks for brining us along!


  12. Yes, I do wish I lived in Atlanta and could join everyone for tea! Your photos are wonderful -- you completely captured the fun you had. I now want to wear a hat! I also love the phrase "custom cooking" in your profile. I'm still at ready-made cooking -- but progressing and have had some successes. Thanks for leaving a note on my post. Your Miss B is a cutie like my Miss A! I did not know you could have a blog turned into a book and love the idea. I was afraid my blog would disappear in 20 years when Angelene is interested and this medium becomes a thing of the past. Thanks so much -- I'm looking up the website you told me about (although I have to write some more blogs until I'm there). I look forward to more of your posts!

  13. Oh Sue!

    What fun....I wish I could have been there too. Yummy looking salad. Delish!

    I've missed popping over. I've had you on my mind, so I made a point of coming to visit today.


  14. LOL, that was good! Now who remembers that MUM was a deodorant??:)
    It looks like a great place.
    I am so jealous..I am going to round up the LI bloggers this summer...maybe I will tell them to wear hats! or bathing caps..:)

  15. yes you are making me wish I lived in atlanta - you ladies seem to have so much fun together -
    have a happy weekend

  16. Hi Suzanne...figured out how to post my comment, only took me a few your page, your one amazing lady. Never change, your just like you were in high person I know. No pic of the "boss'" raincoat? Keep up the good work, you make my day!

    your friend, Susie H.

  17. I love seeing some of my blogette friends in the flesh! What a wonderful time you must have had! I truly love this post! Thank you so much for sharing! Hugs Anne

  18. What a wonderful place - my kind of place! Wish I could visit there, but I'm way down here in FL! What fun to meet blogger friends!


  19. OMG it looks like you had too much fun. No that's not possible, but certainly a lot of fun. What an amasing tea house. I wish I lived closer. Everything looked so good!

    - The Tablescaper

  20. Yes i DO wish I was there...I do, I do, I do...(to paraphrase the Cowardly Lion!)
    This is so much fun. ut i would be thrilled to share it with just you! Of course, I need to go meet the others...and Neicie DOES need to star that blog again!

    I need to meet those other all have TOO much fun!!

    Tea Rooms are wonderful...and all of you are beautiful and fun and charming! here's to the Bloggers of Atlanta!!


  21. What a fun time and the tea room is gorgeous! The teacup with strawberries all over it just jumped out at me, love it! I thought you looked gorgeous in the hat:>)
