Friday, April 16, 2010

GROWING UP IN BLACK & WHITE......And a Blogaversary Giveaway!!

I have been officially blogging now for two years.....You can read my very first post here
And to celebrate this milestone I thought I would bore you with none other then
pictures of ME!!
Oh yes.....and if you can suffer all the way to the end there will be a giveaway! You see I was probably even photographed inside the womb....
Every time I turned around the folks took a picture and when other people inherit
a Trust Fund when they reach 18....
All I got was a shoebox filled with old black and white pictures of myself....
And surprisingly my personal favorite post has been this one
25 people left comments and most of you continued to come back for more...
Even though you could clearly see from the post that I basically am a
With this blog reaching another year it will eventually be turned into another
hard bound book just like daughter got me last year...
And along with my witty repartee'
I wanted to include some old family pictures in the book...
So if your all ready.....
This is Black and White.
Grandma "Grammy" Restaino...January 4th. 1951
She looked this way.....old and entire life...
Very confusing.......
She looked the same in 1950 as she did in 1970..
She lived to be 89...
The folks....Millie and Siggy...
The post that was the favorite among my followers was hands down the one
featuring M & S on their Anniversary here.....
Miss "B" gets her love of hats from me!!

The fam at the Bronx Zoo....with brother Bruce..
July 7th. 1952
Learning early how to cheat at miniature golf....
Something I am an expert at to this day...

Another Zoo shot....what in the world did my mother have on her head??

sitting and watching Dad build a new garage.....
and getting some motherly advise...
So the brothers were big with model airplane building....
I consider this "sibling" abuse....

.....on the back porch of the beach house
Long Beach Island
How cute is this picture.....
Ricky Fleming was born 4 days after me on October 12, 1950...
His Mom died in childbirth and my mother helped to
raise him until his father re-married in 1953...
We were really raised like brother and sister...
On the porch of the LBI house....

No recollection of this dog???

Here.....Have a Snowball!!

I thought this was a Halloween picture....
No....this was taken on May 17th.1953
I guess I just liked to wear costumes...
Another trait that Miss B. has picked up.....
And I was one mean "CowGirl"....
notice the gun.

Can you tell that we loved the beach...

Being Modest...

I always had something in my mouth that I shouldn't have....
here I am eating string while Siggy is out like a light.

The infamous squint-smile...
Sophie has learned to do this as soon as a camera is pointed in her direction...

Every year my birthday party was Halloween themed....
This was October 1955...
See the smiling blond on the right....That would be Suzanne Page...
Her brother and my brother were in the same grade school class....she was born a few weeks before me and Bruce asked that if he had a new sister could she be called
Suzanne too....
So now you know that I am a Suzanne.....not a Susan....
the Boss calls me Suey....and my best friends call me Suz.....
but you all know me as middle name.
Loved the costumes.

My mother made all my costumes...
October 31....1954

See the mantel....Milk glass collecting started on that mantel

Halloween 1955...

First day of kindergarten....
Roosevelt School 1954....
Mona Garber.....Ricky....and me!
In my high school year book Ricky wrote....
"I don't know what to say because we will probably see each other the rest of our lives...
Love, Your Brother"....
Shortly after we moved to Florida in 1977 I got a call that he had been
killed in an auto accident in Texas when his Jeep flipped over...
A very Sad day indeed.......
Another favorite activity for the family was every year going down to
Atlanta City and getting wacky pictures taken on the
And then they bought me my very own German Shepard
Guard Dog....
He lasted only until he got bigger then me then Millie took him right back
where he came from....
She was very afraid of dogs...
Something that I out grew after realizing that all dogs don't bite.......

A drum roll please.....and a sigh of relief from the people....
My very first bicycle....
a "Pink Lady"......Christmas...1956. if you have been so kind to sit and suffer through my early years and you would
like to leave a comment...even if you tell me to never ever do this again..
I will be sending one lucky winner
A Pair of teapots..
In honor of the art of black and White Photography..
One white.....One black!!
And some extra Tea Goodies thrown in for good measure....
Tell your friends to stop by too....
I will have the Boss pick a winner next Friday.....
And thank you all for 2 wonderful years!!


  1. Happy Blogaversary!
    What wonderful photographic memories you have.
    Those are the treasures that count, right?
    (Although I wouldn't mind a trust fund!)

    Enjoyed visiting,

    I'm a follower-
    I'll be back.

  2. Very cute, I enjoyed it! Your parents took wonderful pics of you, they are the best treasures to have. Happy Anniversary and here's to many more, enter me please, i am a follower.

  3. Now we know that Miss B doesn't stand a chance of hiding in the back of a room - she gets her charm naturally. You two even look alike. Loved all of the pictures - they are wonderful. I have scads of those kind of pictures, too. My parents were camera-happy with their only child. Have a great weekend and happy blogging anniversary! Sally

  4. That was so much fun! I have photos like that also. I need to get them scanned...I enjoyed it Suz!!! (Since I consider you a friend). Your Granddaughter looks so much like you! Love your giving away teapots how cute!

    Happy 2 yr Blogaversary!

  5. Oh I love your growing up pics so much! Very similar to my growing up in NJ too! The beach ones are great & that car! You look like a very happy family! Your grandmom reminds me so much of my hubby's grandmom...that generation.

    And the one at the Steel Pier is priceless! and how funny to see all your careers! hilarious!

    I like teapots too...I will sign up to follow...(i think i mostly subscribe to sites) 2 yrs of that's good living!!

    Cheers! Jennifer aka Gigi

  6. Happy Blog-o-versary!

    I love looking at old pictures. Thank you for sharing yours.

    I will post a link to this post on my blog.


  7. What great fun to look at old photos of your childhood, Sue! I bet they were taken on an old Brownie camera, which took pretty good pics for back then. You certainly looked like a very happy child. So.... from one Suey to another..... Happy Blogging Anniversary! hugs, Sue

  8. Photography has come such a long way! I too, have a collection of B&W pictures from my childhood. Aren't we lucky to have this record of our lives?

    The teapots are so pretty!

  9. Happy blogaversary. Loved looking at your b&w pics. There is no question that Miss B looks like you. And hams it up for the camera like you.

    By the way, the next time I visit my brother in GA, we must go to that tea shop - charming.

  10. Happy Blogoversary! That is great you have so many pics of yourself! So cute.
    I was the last of 4 pics of me! They got tired!

  11. Sue,
    I enjoyed seeing all your old photos very much... really, I promise I did! Your childhood reminds me of mine. I bet the cowgirl outfits stemmed from Roy Rogers and Dale Evans... my fav show! People helped each other in those days and made the best of a bad situation. Your "brother" reminds me of the little girl from up the street my mom kept while her mom was dying with cancer. Her dad remarried, they moved away and I totally lost track of Terry. Congrats on blogging for TWO years! Now I'm going back to ready some of your earlier posts that I missed. You're always a bright spot in my day; you make me laugh! Love your blog... keep going!

  12. Happy Anniversary! I loved looking at all your pictures! Really! Were you born in NY? I was born and raised in Queens NY and lived there until my hubby and I purchased our first house in NJ in 1993. I still consider myself a New Yorker.

    What a sad story about the boy you grew up with!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  13. I love that Grandpa Siggy could even look pissed off in his sleep-- check out the look on his face in the picture where you have the string in your mouth ;) He must have been dreaming of Grandma!

  14. What a great collection of memories.

  15. Happy Blogaversary! I loved looking at your pictures - looks like you have always been a charmer! It was sad to hear about Ricky but how nice to have grown up with a friend and brother.

  16. Honestly, these pictures are sooo cute and tell such a sweet story of your childhood! The pictures of me as a child are B&W, too, but usually it's a whole roll of me on one day in the same clothes squinting at the camera. (sigh) Maybe they were just trying to get a good one.

    Oh, those cowgirl days! Once I saw a documentary about women who love the idea of being a cowgirl so much that they all bought travel trailers and meet in various places every year. Can't you just imagine a group of women sitting around the campfire practicing their rope twirling? !

  17. Happy 2 year anniversary - there is so much to say.

    The very first picture - i knew it was you! You haven't changed - still beautiful as ever with that smile.

    You looked like you had so many awesome wonderful memories from childhood - worth more than money?

    I loved each and every picutre,

    Would love the black and white teapots.


  18. I love your photos, Sue. Thanks so much for sharing them. I really like old photos, especially the black and whites.

    Happy 2 year anniversary. They sure do fly by, don't they? Keep the posts coming. I always look forward to stopping by to visit.

  19. LOVE the pictures and I would NEVER tell you to stop posting pictures (even of you) because I LOVE pictures. Happy Blog anniversary, too. I don't own any tea pots so I am going to throw my hat in the ring for this give away.

  20. Sue, this was really great. It meant a lot to me, because I know most of the kids in the pictures with you. Sue Page, Ricky, I even remember Mona Garber, But most of All I remember your mother, She was a great lady. I remember how nice she was to me when I use to come over your house. I pass that house all the time on my way to my sons house. Congratulations on your two years of blogging. It's great. Marcia

  21. Happy blogaversary, Miss Sue! I LOVE your cute baby pics! I wanted to run away to Texas and be a cowgirl, too! Those were wonderful days, huh? Happy weekend...hugs...Debbie

  22. Love all the pics Sue-I just celebrated my 2 year blogaversary too-but I am not as generous as you with a giveway-great to see you as a little girl, and Sophie has many of your wonderful traits! Look forward to more years reading your blog!

  23. Two years have flown by!

    Miss B looks so much like her Grandmom!

  24. Happy Blogaversary! I love the black and whites! I also love looking over the wonderful childhood memories I had also in b/w! I am going to love coming over her. Please join me soon!

  25. We have lived almost the same life except on different sides of the country. Almost the same age, almost the same name, your mother and my mother could have been sisters! I think I recognized one of my moms dresses on your mom! My bday is Oct 30th, always a halloween themed bday party. I don't know about you but I'm glad I grew up when I did. Simpler times for sure. Happy blogaversary to you. Mimi

  26. Happy blogaversary! I am new here and I loved seeing your darling pictures! You were such a cute little girl. Thank you for the opportunity to win your wonderful giveaway. Have a nice week! Twyla

  27. Happy Blogaversary Sue!

    That was fun seeing your old photos. You were so cute in that cowgirl outfit!


  28. love old photos -
    thanks for sharing!!
    and thanks for the giveaway

  29. Sue,

    Two years?! How have I missed out on that much? I am going to come back and read all the posts you linked to in this post. I adored all the childhood photographs (especially the ones on LBI!) I've made the same observation about my Gram - always looked old. Thank you for sharing.


  30. Suzanne, loved your whole Blog, your one of a kind, that is for sure...made my day! Now, where is a pic of the "Boss in his raincoat" would love to see that! Sue, check the stove!! Talk to you soon, susie, one of your oldest friends...from high school!

  31. You were born to be a wild woman!! Love the hats and the costumes...we could have grown up as next door neighbors the pictures are so similar to ours. Except that my pictures came from Long Island...the outfits though...gotta love those styles! This was a terrific post! Congrats on another bloggy milestone...looking forward to the next few years worth.

  32. I loved your photos from start to finish. They reflect the joy of your childhood and that smile is the same that even now characterizes you. It is a beautiful post and once again I thank you because you have given me the opportunity to meet you. With love. Eli
    p.s. Happy blogaversary AM!

  33. Happy second blog anniversary Sue! I enjoyed looking at your childhood photos because they reminded me of my childhood...only my beach was Coney Island. I'm paying for all the summers we spent on the beach now with all the brown spots popping out all over.

    I also have almost the exact same birthday party shot! If I find it I'll scan it and send it to you's uncanny!

    I also had a cow girl outfit and wanted to be Dale Evans until I was The I read "Nancy Nurse" and decided m career path at that moment.

    Your little Miss B looks so much like will have to show her all these photos when she's older.

    Your give away is really cute!

    ♥ Pat

  34. What a trip down memory lane. The pictures were adorable. Please enter me in your blogaversary give away. I love both teapots.

  35. Well, I don't even know what to say. Do you have a clue how lucky you are to have such a collection of pictures and better yet, the life that lived those pictures? Amazing! I loved seeing each and every one of them. Especially the ones that have me convinced Miss B is from another era. She totally favors you!

    Such a fun post to read. You have a treasury of memories that will keep future generations laughing their a**es off!


    PS I'm back. No hot dogs, no pizza. Sorry.

  36. Oh, one more thing. You never said what Miss B calls you. I can only imagine.... :-)

  37. Very cute! I just love looking at old black & white pictures. Thanks for sharing them!

  38. Thanks for a chance to win..
    saluti dall'italia public slidebar on
    Hugs, rosa
    io adoro le foto in bianco e nero e queste sono stupende perchè sono segno di grande amore ;-)

  39. Happy Blogaversary. I love the old black and white photos. Those are more precious than any monetary inheritance could possibly be. Thanks so much for sharing, and here's to many more years of blogging.

  40. Perhaps, I'm crasy, but I admire to look throught the photos. And if somebody propose me (during visit) to "have a look" at the familly album...! It's me, who will sitting and looking throuhgt photos during houres :). That's why I'd like to tell you "THANKS!!!!" They are so real, so intimate, so understandable without just words...
    I liked them so, that now I'm your follower :) and I'll post a link to your give away in left sidebar on my blog. Happy Blogaversary! :)))

  41. Happy Blogaversary! You are so lucky to have so many pictures!!!! I have 3 of me when I was small. Our family did not have a camera at all. You were adorable by the way. :)

  42. Thanks to Ely ( raccolto d'autunno) I visited your blog and I admire your beautiful photos...
    Happy Blogversary!

  43. Happy Blogaversary Sue!!! It has been fun getting to know you through your wonderfully, witty, wacky posts!

    Loved the B&W photos....

  44. Here I am,late as usual, but still bringing with me warm wishes!! Happy Blogaversary!! I am blessed by knowing you!
    These pictures are priceless!! I just had the best time seeing them and reading more about you...guess what? I love ya even more! (Did not thinkk THAT was possible!)
    The cowgirl pic alone would have done that! Oh how I wanted to be a cowgirl. : )
    Here is to many, many more wonderful year blogging!! You are a treasure!


  45. SUZ! No wonder your little granddaughter is soooo darn cute! What an adorable child you were. I loved the walk down memory lane. I won't even say what a couple told me on my blog recently about pix of me as a little girl... "I loved the vintage pictures"....OH NO! It made me laugh sooooo hard. I AM old.

    So happy for your blogaversary and would LOVE to win those cute little teapots. Do I have a PLAN.... :-)

    Huge huggies,

  46. I can't recall enjoying looking at a photo album more ..... wonderful!

  47. Those have got to be the cutest pics ever, Sue! Love them ALL. What fun shots!!!

    And I would love to sign up for a shot at the teapots. They are so cute.

    Checking in from Siberia where I've been banished. It sure feels that way. I sure hope the workmen finish, let alone finish soon. LOL!


    Sheila :-)

  48. Oh Sue, your baby pictures are so adorable! I think I see a strong resemblance between you and Miss B! Happy blogaversary my friend, and many more!

  49. Oh Sue!
    Such wonderful photos!
    So homey, and so like my own, only my brother and sister wore the cowboy/girl outfits, I just carried the guns! (Is that strange?)
    Happy Blogging Anniversary!
